Competition Golden Week 2016

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Golden Week 2016
    Event Starts: 29th of April 00:00 UTC 2016
    Event Ends: 8th of May 23:59 UTC 2016
    (what is UTC? click here)

    Attention Golden Week Enthusiasts

    The annual Golden Week event is upon Planet Arkadia for the first time. This year the event comes with outstanding prizes. And as the Gold Rush event of last year the repeatable IFN Challenge - Magurg Breeder missions is available.


    Hidden within the loots is a set of Event Tokens. These tokens have points allocated to each of them. These points are as follows. (one set of tokens for each instance level)

    • Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 5 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 10 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 20 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 50 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 100 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 500 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 1000 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points

    You will need to obtain the "Arkadia Gold Rush Category 1* (2, 3, 4)" mission from the Gold Rush Questgiver first before you will be able to enter the Golden Week instances. You can enter these instances however many times you like during the Golden Week and there is no key required to enter, the mission itself acts as the key. Please note, that these tokens cannot be traded. Once these tokens have been looted, the points will be automatically counted towards the mission when you loot any of the "Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point" from within the instances.

    Total score will be calculated based on hourly point averages to derive each participant's 20 hour normalized points.

    Example of how it is calculated
    Avatar 1
    Total points: 2000
    Hours: 20
    Average points per hour: 100
    20 hour normalized score: 2000

    Avatar 2
    Total points: 3800
    Hours: 39
    Average points per hour: 97.44
    20 hour normalized score: 1948.72

    As the event uses normalized score that means that Avatar 1 would win as their normalized score is higher than Avatar 2.

    This event is intended for solo hunters. Any attempt at abusing team mechanics or any other Entropia Universe systems or features in order to gain an unfair advantage over other participants will be grounds for disqualification from the event, forfeiture of any prizes, and possible sanctions imposed on one’s Entropia Universe account.

    GoldRush Tokens.png


    If you abandon the mission at any time during the event, all points will be lost and they will NOT be replaced. You will have to start from scratch. So make sure you decide which category you want to compete in beforehand.
    You will have to complete a minimum of 20 hours in the Golden Week Instances to qualify for winning a prize.

    Qualifying Instances
    • Gold Rush Category 1*
    • Gold Rush Category 2
    • Gold Rush Category 3
    • Gold Rush Category 4

    Category 1*
    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment #13
    2nd: Tame Oratan Miner Pet
    3rd: Pandi Pup Pet

    For every 100 points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg.

    Category 2
    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment #2
    2nd: Tame Oratan Miner Pet (lvl7)
    3rd: Pandi Pup Pet (lvl14)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 3
    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment #12
    2nd: Tame Oratan Miner Pet (lvl20)
    3rd: Pandi Pup Pet (lvl14)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 4
    1st: Valiant Firebase Shop (free choice of which number)
    2nd: Valiant Firebase Apartment #1
    3rd: Tame Oratan Miner Pet (lvl23)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Prize Item Statistics

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 1 hour

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 5 hours

    Valiant Firebase Shop
    Item points indoors: 120
    Item points in display area: 12
    Item points in additional area: 8

    Valiant Firebase Apartment
    Item points indoors: 115
    Item points in display area: 5
    Item points in additional area: 10

    Tame Oratan Miner Pet
    Passive Effect: Decrease Critical Damage
    Level Req: 20
    Strength: 3%
    Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming
    Level Req: 23
    Strength: 20%
    Exportable: Yes (lvl7)

    Pandi Pup Pet
    Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming
    Level Req: 14
    Strength: 10%
    Exportable: No
    Aakas Teleporter [11212, 9742]

    Golden Week 2016 location.png

    * Category 1 is only available to avatars with less than 125hp

    Example: Someone with 124.9hp can join Category 1, but if you have 125hp you will have to compete in Category 2, 3 or 4.
    (unfortunately there is a typo in game regarding this)​

    ** if you should loot a token that will increase your points with equal or more points than the threshold for the Neurobiotic Booster is set, you will receive one (1) Neurobiotic Booster immediately and the counter for the next Neurobiotic Booster is reset. (this is a separate counter than the Golden Week Points counter so your points will not be affected)

    Example: You have 87 points in Category 1* then you loot one Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points, this will give you one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg instantly. So now you will have 5087 points and if you loot another 13 points you will get another Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg and so on.​

    With that said, best of luck to one and all. When the event starts it will be announced across all media platforms. So get your equipment ready, load those weapons and get ready for the Golden Week 2016.

    We are aware that the quests and some of the wording refers to the event as “Gold Rush 2016” this is an error and something that will not happen again as this is a different event than the Original Gold Rush events.
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  2. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    This is a very good move, thank you.
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  3. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    same mobs as in gold rush 2015?
  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Great !! Thanks guys, looking forward to a busy week :)

    Yes can the A-Team please confirm the mob and mob stats so that those who have not done these events before have some idea of the level of weapon/armour they will need.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  5. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Prizes are very poor, I doubt they'll make people rush to join the event :( But I guess most people will be doing it for fun and the skill boost pills.

    I understand how an oratan pet or a leveled up pet of any kind can be viewed as an ok prize, but a pandi pet for 3rd place in cat 1 is an insult to any player of any level. A 1 pec pet that any player can get within 5 mins of joining the game, and which tamers throw into the stables in their hundreds after a skilling run; please tell me you forgot to mark that it was lvl 14 or something.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Screw it, sounds like an awesome event. LETS GO!
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  7. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    these really are the poorest rewards I have seen. I cant support this time. The peds cycled and lost vs the prize pool is horrible. These mobs had 0 potiential to drop UL items last year and gave most an overall huge loss. Now the prize pool is 2/3 of it pets that people can go get themselves and 1 shop and some apartments.

    I thought this was the epic event for arcadia each year. What the hell happened?
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  8. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    Does this mean there will be a "real" gold rush at a later point this year? Quite disappointed if not. However. Best of luck to everyone and have fun :)
  9. Elayne

    Elayne Member

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    horrible rewards for event... only good thing is the skill pills.
    seems more like rewards for taming event.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  10. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    It's not the Gold Rush and clearly intended to be a smaller scale event than that. The prizes are unlikely to attract the same people that go crazy in Gold Rush/Mayhem etc, but I think that's good. Not every event should be the same.

    This one looks more appealing to an eco hunter who might not bother with the big money events.

    The main disappointment for me is that I'll be unable to enter Category 1, purely because I'd much prefer to have a larger number of 1 hour skill pills than a smaller number of 5 hour skill pills.

    I'm happy to see pre-levelled pets as rewards. I mentioned that as an idea some time ago.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    to clarify, yes it will be Magurg Breeders in the instances.

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    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  12. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Considering that this is not a replacement for Gold Rush, but an addition to it, I actually consider prizes to be really nice, especially considering that almost no Firebase apartments/shops were released far now and that the oratan miner pets are really hard to find and tame.

    So, not like that matters much, but from me you have all appreciations, Ark Team!

    On a different note: can someone please state stats for the mob in category 1?

    Are the info here correct?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  13. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    Ok I am a midlevel hunter. So cat.4 is not for me, those will be won be star, stryker, messi and the like if they compete. All midlevel hunters will go for cat 3 or cat 2.

    But the differences between cat 2 and cat 3 are too small..
    I think everybody who wants an apartment, will do cat.2

    Category 2
    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment #2
    2nd: Tame Oratan Miner Pet (lvl7)
    3rd: Pandi Pup Pet (lvl14)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 3
    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment #12
    2nd: Tame Oratan Miner Pet (lvl20)
    3rd: Pandi Pup Pet (lvl14)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. ZPF

    ZPF New Member

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    Lovely event. I'm happy about the prizes. Encourages people to compete for fun and at a chance at winning something that gives them an actual presence on this great planet! I think a lot of people will compete and not worry too much about prizes. Nothing wrong with a stress-free event. And so newbie friendly! That's the best part. Everyone is a winner!

    I'm assuming the mission for killing these mobs (the one with evade skill as a reward) is still active?
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Given the prize structure, the main reason to participate is the skill pills and the breeder mission rewards. These are good incentives in their own right and, in my opinion were the highlight of the Gold Rush event. Let's face it - most of us aren't in the running for the 1-3 place prizes. That was a lesson I took home from the previous event. So this time I'll be focusing on more eco methods to get the skill pills and churn thru the mobs. It doesn't even matter if I don't get the minimum 20 hours done. So no pressure to play extra hours, or spend above my budget.

    Looking at those prizes (I'll be doing cat 4), I don't really have a use for the prizes as I have plenty of shops and I am really not into EU pets at all. So in the unlikely event that I win, I am only interested in the resale value. The shop I would put at 15-20k based on Arkadian shop sale history, apartment 1k?. And the oratan pet is very rare and has the ability unlocked so that has be worth quite a bit yes? Possibly more than the apartment. Anyone have an estimate for pet value?
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  16. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Ok, looks good. What lvl of mob will be in the category 2?

    Edit: Found:

    Creature Statistic
    Magurg Breeder 1
    Stamina: 11
    Damage: 16

    Magurg Breeder 2
    Stamina: 100
    Damage: 48

    Magurg Breeder 3
    Stamina: 200
    Damage: 66

    Magurg Breeder 4
    Stamina: 400
    Damage: 126
  17. KingMike

    KingMike Member

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    The stats there are correct if they didn't change . The same info was posted on last gold rush event page.
  18. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    KJ, if you win the firebase apartment, I herby offer you twice what you estimated it at (and offer stands for any potential owner).
  19. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I can't fathom how appartments and even a shop could be considered lousy prizes, also the Miner pet is of significant value especially when trained. And the required instance time is less than 1/3 than that of the Gold Rush. There you judge the whole thing by the consolation prize? I'm not using the ratings here for they imply a neg rep, but... oh okay.

    I still have the missions open on all the Magurg Breeders for Evade bonus. Sort of kept them as a souvenir, lol. Do they still count?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Elayne

    Elayne Member

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    also, why does the higher category skillboosters have to be 5h, instead of few more 1h ones.
    if you dont wanna waste them, you are forced to hunt without breaks for 5h straight....