Big Huon Spawn

Discussion in 'Sanctuary Cove' started by slither, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Hawking is a busy guy so I thought I'd post this and get some feedback for him to look at.

    The big huon spawn is currently set with 1 dna at max numbers with maturity dom to prowler, and the other dna is dormant (low numbers, low maturity)

    What would you like this spawn to be? 2 dna max numbers of providers?, bang them both up to stalkers? etc.
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  2. Lazz

    Lazz Active Member

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    Mostly Dom to Alpha but also some Old Alpha-Stalkers i think i like :)
  3. slither

    slither Active Member

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    I think the initial thought would simply to put the spawn at max density/maturity so the uber hunters could have some fun, thus drawing more players to the land.

    I think putting the spawn at max density of providers would probably get it the most revenue, the problem is that some of that revenue would come from those players currently hunting the young spawn. So over the 2 areas it may not be as good.

    The best solution would probably to put both spawns at max/max for a month then let the dna drop down to mainly alpha for a month then mainly prov for a month and see which does best. This would take a bit of time ingame (especialy if u did it the cheap way by unlocking dna then waiting for spawn to naturally reduce then locking it again).

    The problem with having a dual dna is those who can't handle stalkers won't like it, and those who want to hunt stalkers don't want to mess around with smaller mobs. I think whichever way it's set you need to put the dna's the same maturity. Having youngs running around with prowlers, as it is now, is bloody annoying.
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  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Maybe, as an experiment to find out if this would be attractive, a sort of seasonal variation could be established. Like, every even month it's max maturity, every odd month it's set to medium. It would serve both crowds this way and if people know in advance what to expect, they can plan accordingly just as they do for migration or any other known regular features.
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  5. slither

    slither Active Member

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    The problem with changing maturities from month to month is the expense. From what I read, to adjust maturity of 1 dna costs around 600ped.
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  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  7. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Good thread and I will keep an eye. Locking down the little Huon area wasn't as much of an issue, but I'm very hesitant to make changes to the big area without a clear instruction from Hawk (who is out of easy comms atm as he is working away) as it rapidly becomes expensive if I'm making multiple changes to see what works best for people.

    When I manage to get on the phone with him I'll bring this all to his attention so he can read it for himself.
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