Lack of 'Quality' Missions

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by harmony, May 31, 2011.

  1. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    i'm kinda disappointed with the missions so far. There are the newcomer missions which are fine and all, but then it stops when you reach the firebase. I hope that additions come soon, newcomers will get bored otherwise.

    Also I'm more disappointed about the kill x amount of Oro missions. Not so much as the kind of mission, but by the mission texts. We have this awesome background story and the mission is only 'kill oro to prove youself'. Why not do some storyline in the missions as well, give me a reason to actually kill those charming lovable little creatures?

    Maybe the Oratan eat the oro, and we have to trim the herds to be sure there can't be a large invasion of Oraton, or that we need to kill them to discover somethine about the species or anything?
  2. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    It's been less than a week since launch. We know more missions are coming. Not everything can happen in the first week. Good things take time to produce.

    EDIT: I do like your idea about the Oro :)
  3. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    Hmm my idea would instead be to eliminate Oro near the firebases to avoid them getting in and chewing on cables and stuff, as there are many spawns of Oro near and in a couple of cases even inside the firebases and firebase academies :)
  4. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    Yes! Go! kill me 75 more oro so we can dissect half of them and feed the military with the other half. lol
  5. Bemo

    Bemo Deactivated User

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    Like this idea :)

  6. Darkaner

    Darkaner Member

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    I agree, there need to be more effort put into these missions. And why not put in something different in the mob grind missions, say level 1-2 kill oros, level 3 find the oro secret playground, level 4 kill oros etc...
  7. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    Like the Shinkiba Inventory mission on Calypso? Kill 100 shinkiba, where there has to be at least one of each maturity? :)
  8. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I think we will see some great missions coming through the pipeline. Just takes a little time. Look at all the great stuff we do have that other planets don't have.
  9. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    BTW do keep remember that Arkadai laucnhed and the missions are focused to newbies atm. By the time they hit 4800 oro or even further then we already have space =). A newbie with say 2 sword takes down maybe 200 in 2 hours ... happy hunting i would say.

    Ofc for the more average players there are no missions. but what the hell we played PE/Eu without mission for 8 years !
  10. Captain Jack

    Captain Jack Member

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    I wouldn't mind seeing some fun missions out, but I definitely like mindless grind missions. Gives me both a goal and a kill count, and as a bonus I get a prize at the end. I'm hesitant to do the ones that give attributes though, since my attributes are crappy right now I don't want to waste "one skillup" on going from 30-31 strength, for example.
  11. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    Maybe scan one and read the description? :confused:

    I didn't memorize it, but I read something about the Oro, although small in size, can be extremely dangerous in large numbers, especially to new colonists...
  12. kosmos

    kosmos Member

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    Has anyone asked any new comers if they enjoy the missions?
  13. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Excellent idea as well!

    Also a good idea!

    Personally i Like it, but i think some grinders might think otherwise, but a really nice change and it would keep me more motivated.

    Yes, but the question reminds, what is the storyline/quest motivation for them to kill those Oro? Just within 24 hours there are three ideas of possible stories that you can add as a text. Just a little bit of work, but for a lot of people a huge improvement.
  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    yes like a working economy and many new things to see. Much better framerates and soother play. AND my FAVORITE....I actually hunted and did not get fap fucked like every hunt on Calypso.

    I am happy with the start we got here so far so I can positively wait for the grindfest missions we all lived without for so long. Im pretty sure nubs can find plenty to do without succombing to mindless killing of cute little indigenous creatures just to say I killed X amount of cute little creatures.
  15. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    I have to echo what Cyborg Bill states ... I can't believe how smooth the play is on Arkadia in comparison to elsewhere. My frame rates are incredible, and my FRAPS runs anywhere from 60 to well over 100 fps when in use ... that just doesn't happen anywhere else. I think the devs paid WAY close attention to this detail that indeed makes our game play SO much better.

    I have yet to really engage in any missions, so I don't have an issue with there perhaps not being a gazillion of them already. I'm actually looking forward to getting involved with the missions system for the first time on Arkadia, and look forward to what they have in store for us as the planet evolves. :)
  16. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    Beginning with some substance... emphasis on some. lol

    Military Veterinary Doctor "OoOoO" : We got an infestation of Oros near our firebases. The soldiers need more meat in there diet and these animals look like reptilian chickens. I need fifteen Oro prepped for dissection.

    *Blah blah quest line.. blah maybe kill a few more. I got to run more tests. blah blah*

    Military Chief "OxOxO": I need 250 slabs of Oro meat. While quest is active, oro drop slabs of Oro meat. blah blah storyline (make one up)

    Lieutenant "XxXxX": I need you rookies to practice some group training. Join a team and clear out some of the infestations of oro near our firebases. Bring back 3000 oro scales to prove you have completed the mission. While quest is active and while in a group, oro drop oro scales.

    Captain "XxXxX2": We found out that some of the bigger more aggressive animals are eating the oro and are getting to close to some of our academies. Private "XxOxX" and Recruit "oXxXo" were injured the other day. *Blah blah more storyline* Wipe out their food supply and... uhh the chief wants another 2000 slabs of Oro meat while your at it. Kill 7500 Oro... While quest is active, Slabs of oro meat randomly drop.
  17. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I also expected more missions when they say: "Planet will be fully working when we launch" and then 1 mission as Daikiba Iron challenge and it is bugged. Not really what I expected. I will wait few more VU's for Arkadia team to implement more missions, but just the chance to loot laptop wont keep anyone here. And it will be patetic if for the treasure hunting planet we have to wait years before treasure hunting is up and running. Entropia players can wait. Its not like they are not used to wait, but may be one more month most. If no missions and no treasure hunting is here by the end of the month I guess SDS will be happy to wellcome back most players.
  18. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Yes, you got it almost word for word :).


    Good point, most of the current missions really are aimed at newcomers, with most of them being in the academy areas. Those are the folks who need to be catered to first of all, older players went for years with no missions at all, so getting some quality ones in that are a bit tougher only after the newcomer missions are in and working well seems logical and fine to me.

    You have to try the 'Find the Lost Interns' mission, they hide in some pretty strange places so a great way to do a mission and explore at the same time :) I will be interested to hear what you think of Sundari, her avatar is completely not what I was expecting her to look like lol.
  19. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Can someone explain to me why missions are so important for newbies to stay? I stayed and there were no missions back in 2007 what changed to make missions so important?

    EDIT: and I don't mean the basic missions which we have to teach them how things work in a easy way, how auction or tt and such works is ofc good.
  20. Cani Ostro

    Cani Ostro Member

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    How long did PE need to develop missions? 6 or 7 years?

    give it some time