Healer for decay.

Discussion in 'Services' started by Lizzy, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Hello dear Arkadians!

    I am offering healing for decay with my Refurbished S.I.H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI. It is currently at tier 3.
    All three opened tiers contain eco enhancers, and they are free of charge upon breaking.

    I also offer healing with my Vivo S10, but this tool is still at base tier and currently less eco than the Refurbished S.I.H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI.

    Last but not least I got an S.I.H.E.A.R.T. at tier 4, currently holds no enhancers and is not as eco as the other two, but still available for sentimental healing jobs.

    Some notes on my healing;
    - I don't own a TP chip, but I do have a working Vtol.
    - If you are on my FL, when my status is on DND I am unavailable for healing jobs.
    - With permission I will make screenshots of your globals/HoF's to promote my services on this page.
    - I carry H-DNA devices in case of need, free of charge.
    - I know all TP's on Arkadia (unless they have recently added ones)

    You are free to find me in the player register and add me to your friend list for future reference.

    - I hold the right to blacklist a player from my healing services for not paying for services rendered or unpleasant behavior. (Names will be held private and will not be shared)
    - Due to other video game related duties I may set an end time for healing services, I will always tell in advance.

    I swunt Carabok when there's no work for me, I'm looking for buyers of sweat and other looted items. Hit me up in game!
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Healed knight Argurios westeros on Mutated Madana's, one very nice global hit of 140 ped! Grats m8!

    2016-04-08 -- Mutated Madana Dominant 140 PED .jpg