Sentosa's Reach (ALA4) - Event question

Discussion in 'Sentosa's Reach' started by Starkiller, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Creating this thread to know everyone's suggestion for a proper event for the LA that you'd find fun to have around :)

    I have some in mind, however I'd like to hear opinions first.

    Basicaly what would make you want to hunt on ALA4?
  2. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Bumping it up for awareness :p

    See if anyone responds ^_^
  3. Spongehunter

    Spongehunter Member

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    For an event - I like most globals or highest loot amount. The one lucky kill hurts my feelings
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  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Most globals or highest total loots
    This will always favour the serious hunter who will have a large ped turnover in the event. It is easy to say they should have greatest chance, as put in most effort.
    But a successful event has to be one that brings a large number of players to the LA.
    Most Globals or Highest total loot will tend to discourage any player with reduced time or budget from even trying to take part, as they would feel they have no chance at all.

    Highest single loot
    This option may give the player with lower DPS or reduced time a chance of a prize but the player putting in long sessions and high DPS will feel aggrieved if someone comes along and pops a single large global in a short hunt.

    Possible solution(s)
    1. A combination 1 prize for highest single and another for highest total. Always a chance these could go to same player, but you could make a rule that if that is the case, they can choose 1 prize and the other goes to person in 2nd place ..and so on
    2. All entrants that global at least once also entered into a random draw. (Possibly excluding main prizewinners to avoid the 2 prizes 1 person scenario)
    3. Event within an event..
    if the event is short ( a few hours, then maybe a quiz of other competition during or at end of the event
    if the event is to run for say 1 week / month, then maybe a daily prize for highest single loot or 1st global of a specific size (157ped for instance) on that day, possibly with a rollover if prize not awarded on that day. Rollovers would I think stimulate interest especially as they grow.

    anyways ..that's just a few thoughts
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  5. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    I can see where your going at, however I think Granny has a fair point too... All in all this is highly debatable but the way I see it is, you can easily become the top hunter for that month and totally demotivate everyone else from competing, thus slowing you down too, rendering any revenues from the event nulled since the competition won't really run for the "whole month" in practical terms.

    I think that the two prize thing might work out, however I would have to balance it out somehow :)

    Thank you both for the suggestions! Keep them coming please :D
  6. moise

    moise Member

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    there is exemple on planetcalypsoforum of thread with many many many subscribed ppl.
    free to join, just add your name in thread, and go hunt whenever you want.

    get a 400+ global and land owner add +400, this one is for ambu
    250+ glob and get +250 for trox

    notice that average glob on those mobs are way lower :p

    but still it's pretty attractive

    on other side i like the HSL system as well for timed event.
    some day i decide to hunt "this" mobs and "ho there is a HSL event free to join",
    perfect, "2 target with one shot"

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    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
  7. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    The first one should be quite doable, even though I was trying to be unique with my events ;) Didn't wanna just basicaly steal other people's ideas... Then again, if I go about doing just that I wont have anything to work with hehehe

    The HSL might be the way to go for a weekend event perhaps? what do you think?
  8. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    So here's what I've been thinking about, and it's been taking a bit of time to come up with the events cause I don't want to screw them up :p :

    1st event:
    -IFN grinder reward-
    Providing a reward for achieving either stage 5 or 6 on the IFN mission chain. The reward itself is still being thought out since I don't want to be giving out say 2k peds without being able to turn them over through revenue at least, aswell as if it's sustainable to keep it repeatable at stage 6.
    My thought on it is: Stage 6 reward, with a smaller repeatable one for those who enjoyed the mob and wanna keep grinding.

    2nd event:
    -XXX PED for YYY Global-
    A good way to reward the occasional HoF or global on the LA that promotes it publicly. Pretty simple really, the only variable that I have to synergy with other events is the reward itself and the global size.

    3rd event:
    -Highest Single Loot monthly event-
    Something for those who like to compete which will need a good enough reward to make it good for people to want to join up and have a good time on the LA.
    Not implemented yet for the same reasons as the other two, the rewards are being thought out, and the mob maturity is being fine tuned for an apropriate crowd.

    So these are the events I've been thinking about, let me know what you guys think ^_^ I haven't had much time off the hook from RL to get these going properly but as soon as I have a breather I will be working on them.

    Again, give me your input, thank you :D
  9. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    If I would be in your shoes, I would first give myself (as in me, not you :p) a free haircut. :p

    Other than that, I would mix the 1st and 2nd event; have a reward for stage 5, but reaching that milestone will also open up the reward for globals/hofs over a certain threshold.

    To calculate the values, is not so hard:
    - check the average cost-per-kill-point (this can be obtained by hunting as low as 100 mobs, but if you want it more precisely, I'm sure there are many people that logged their hunts and that would share), then count 3% of that (still lower than your tax, but about there), round the number and here's a fair prize for becoming a VIP (it eats almost all your profits from them, but you are sure you are still on plus)
    - then check EL for all globals/HOFs on the area, set the threshold at about top 5% of them, round it to a nice number, then anyone who is VIP, keeps hunting, and gets a global/HOF about said threshold gets a reward (from what I seen on Caly LAs that is usually same as the threshold level - as in "400 PED for every global over 400 PEDs"); if you want to be original (there's a risk though, but if you believe in statistics and not in one hit, you should profit) is to set the threshold somewhere really high (lower than top 1%), something like only 1,000 PEDs or whatever, and have the offer to "match your hof" - as in someone who HOFs 1,214 PED, gets an extra 1,214 PED; someone who ATH 32,000 PED, gets an extra 32,000 PED.
    - reason why I say to do it this way is to avoid cross rewards, as in someone going on their way to vip status, have a certain amount of hits over threshold and collect rewards from both directions; on opposition, in my plan, they can get rewards for #2, only once #1 is completed.

    Other than that either:
    - highest single loot in a month (as you suggested)
    - highest total loot (well, globals) in a month
    - both, with divided price
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    hm I might think it over regarding your suggestion, but atm i don't have pacience for the game :S Need to rest some days before being able to reboot :p
  11. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    I will be posting some new ideas for events later on this weekend, at the moment I don't have much time :S

    Taking the chance to bump this up
  12. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Anyone has any more suggestions for events for the LA?

    I know I mentioned some weeks back that I would make an update but real life sure is a pain, and I am currently still a bit busy, however, more ideas means more decisions :)

    Let me know if you guys have any for Sentosa's Reach!
  13. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    i think all 3 ideas from post #8 are very nice and a decent reason to keep grinding
  14. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    There's also the possibility of a 24 hour event on the LA with prizes for highest single loot / lowest single and first loot... What do you think of that? Prize amounts still to be discussed, wouldn't need a ticket per say, but perhaps registration would be neat :) for singles and teams alike.