I'm trying hard, but I just can't bring my eyes to zoom in.. Please upload it full size or at least bigger than this
I've got a few 5m depth ones on Calypso, but never less than that and never while on Arkadia... so You hold the record for this on Arkadia atm! Gratz! -- Hyssch --
I got a 4-5 meter deep lyst global once on Calypso ^^ probably the most shallow global in quite some time lol
I cant see the depth in that thumnail you posted. but I have gotten lyst at 3m already here on Arkadia. unless there is a decimal point it looks like you have 2 digits for depth.
I've attached the image direct to the OP so its now a clickable thumbnail to the full image. Awesome find by the way.
i swear i can remember getting something at 3m but that was probably a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Well, it's not shallower than what you've got, but it's still only 10m.. XI Ospra with Rookie Finder... View attachment 2973