i'm very happy to announce, that i finally got rid of the thoughts to fly around everywhere else in this universe, and will return to planet arkadia, as it became my new home after leaving the first planet some years ago, and it's de facto the most awesome place to be in this universe! have fun & cu around peeps! :biggrin2:
btw in case anyone is as bored as me sometimes, i've setup a basic website at zenpower.at and a TS3 server, and EVERYONE is welcome.
:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: Thread removed Hi there, Your thread 'Thanks for the nice time... ' has been removed from the forum, in accordance with rule 3.8: 3.8 - Quitting/Leaving Any threads or posts about leaving Planet Calypso, Entropia Universe or PlanetCalypsoForum, such as “I’m Quitting” or “Taking a Break” whether for positive or negative reasons, will be deleted without notice... All the best with your future plans, Kind regards, Serica