Hello, can anyone tell me how expensive Planet Arkadia was, how much Money has the CEO invest? How expensive it was to create this planet? I asking, because i want to invest in Arkadia Underground Deeds, but i see the Company is a Pte Ltd in Singapur. Is it possible to see how much Money Planet Arkadia Pte Ltd makes or is it possible to get Informations in intervals?
I can't see Dave divulging that info. That confidential to him and his investors. Private companies aren't required to divulge their finances to anyone except the tax office.
I now, but it must by possible to get a Information befor you invest in somehing...we are investors too. Buying a Arkadia Underground Deed is investing in Planet Arkadia, means invest in the Pte Ltd...
You can see whats the paid up capital of the company and director info if you go to www.bizfile.gov.sg. I think there is a small fee of about 10 USD for that info. I think you can even get the audited yearly results as well, again for a small transaction fee.
You don't invest in the company, you invest in AUD. And the information you are asking for isn't relevant for the AUDs. If you worry about the company going bankrupt, i would worry about mindark instead.
A Pte Ltd is a Private Limited Company (Pte. Ltd.) That means you can open it in Singapur with SGD 300 (ca. EUR 170) + a liitebit more. Not much and you dont need a notary, Planet Arkadia is the Ceo David Dobson. Go the Company Planet Arkadia pte ltd bankrupt you get nothing back. Invest in AUDĀ“s means you invest in David Dobson. A Pte Ltd is like in Germany in smalles way a " Ich AG " in bigger size a GmbH that means happens something he dont need sell his Privat Goods. That means his invest from the Pte Ltd is that was he must sacrifice and that is not much. I can bee under 100 Dollar. So the Information we all need or i need is necessary, becouse it is relevant for the AUDs. I have see David Dobson write in this Forum, maybee he can say a littelbit about Planet Arcadia Pte Ltd. Why i asking? Becouse something happen he is in Save space but somebody has invest not. AUDs has nothing with Entropia alone, it has to do with the Partner David Dobson..
As others have said, it is not relevant as you are not investing in the company. You are not entitled to this information. You are investing in a land area revenue share, an instrument from mindark. The health of this instrument is positively correlated with the health of the game itself. I'll put it this way. Of all the planets that are governed and developed in this game, arkadia is #1. No dispute. If arkadia goes belly up, this game is already dead.
To purchase a planet you have to pay about one million dollars, that reserves a place for your planet in the universe and extra costs involving the development are all private to the planet owner. Nobody really knows except the gods of the universe. i believe NI has been sold to Neverdie and he is too busy developing his own planet. I suppose if you gather nice group of developers and sell your soul to Neverdie you can remake NI?
I have think about it, for my is it not woth to invest in Planet Arkadia pte Ltd and in the Underground Deeds...maybee for other it makes sence for my not.
It's clear you don't understand exactly what the deeds are and how they are funded, despite attempts by others to clarify for you. So I agree its probably best you steer clear of them. Good luck in the game.
Oh I love it when a school project question comes up so here we go again ! ! ! can you please ask your teacher that people have lives outside the classroom and are kinda getting bored of them asking the same question every 6 months be it on arkadia forum or planet calypso forum or otherwise ! ! ! Ther'es lots of comments on here and so lets go through a little bit of the history. Mindark are the originators of planet calypso and Entropia Universe as it was origenally was Mindark then sold the first land area - Tresure Island - this was and still is on calypso planet next came Neverdie CND or now as it is known FOMA Asteroid Future years came along and Mindark opend the platform to Planet Partners ( Arkadia Studios been one of them ) Now the Owner Of Next Island employed the serivces of Neverdie Studios to develop Next Island ( the owner sacked them and the planet has since returned to EU / Calypso holdings ) Neverdie Studios ! Neverdie has land areas earning income on the areas ! these are taxed lands. AUD's are easily accessible shared land area stocks that get paid a percentage of that land area spend as a normal land area can cost hundreds of thousands of currency.