[Please close] Buying S.I. HK110

Discussion in 'Buying' started by DaughterOfAnarchy, Jan 21, 2016.

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  1. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Already bought, so please close this thread.

    Buying a [S.I. HK110]; paying up to 30 PED.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  2. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Ouch, that hurts. People have lost much more expensive items this way, it's all too easy and MA has always shrugged it off, although it would be no big effort to add a few lines of code that would help prevent it. But... In all sympathy, and I hate being the one breaking it to you, but even your OCD has to submit to reality. You can either restore the imbalance caused by the accident, or keep your PED balance, but not both. If you can only see your own little balance as important, you're creating an imbalance elsewhere or to someone else. Nobody is going to sell me a new car for scrap value if I accidentally destroy mine. Everything in nature is like that, order and chaos battle all the time. See the big picture and you'll find where the mistake lies... You'll sure find a seller with a reasonable offer. You've done it before and can do it again. Good luck!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Actually counting tt value, peds and cash, I think I offered quite a fair price (30 PED, compared with 20 PED which was what I paid for my old one or my scorpion) so it was not like asking for a new car for scrap value, so I really don't see where is that imbalance...

    I didn't accounted anyone as guilty for that (not even MA), I said that it was all my fault for hitting the wrong button TWICE, I said I'm an idiot and I did offered what I considered a fair price... if I'll get a seller who will be content with that price, that's great... if not, there's noone but me to be blamed and that's it... and yeah, if I won't find anyone, I would probably quit the game or at least restart from scratch, just because my OCD wouldn't let me go with a flawed log, but, again, that's my problem alone... and yeah, maybe I offered too much context, should have maybe just said "WTB SI HK110; paying 3.85 + 5.95 + 22.7 = 32.5 PED", but I was just pissed and depressed at that moment and yeah, maybe I was looking for a bit of sympathy/empathy too.
  4. Qster

    Qster Member

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    Doesn't a warning box pop up when you tt items with more than 0.0 for tier? I know I get them all the time when I tt L weapons that are dead. As for the gun I would just save and get a starter pack and use the z12.
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  5. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    A confirmation box showed up (although I don't think it was the red one you see when trying to sell an item which you won't get paid for), just that, as I said, I was dumb enough to click the button twice (once for selling and once for confirming); problem is that repair also has a confirmation box (where you set the repair level), so in the state I was at that moment I miss one for the other... and I remember I was even thinking "how the beep it can cost only 85 pecs to repair... usually is around 3 peds".

    But yeah, as I said, I don't blame anyone and not even MA... I clicked on a button having written "sell" on it, I was showed up a confirmation box and I hit on "yes, I'm sure"... so really not anyone else to blame other than the idiot typing now - lol.
  6. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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