Any Reasons My Account Could Be Locked?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by swaith, Jun 1, 2011.

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  1. migotka

    migotka Member

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    Relax you are in good hands :p
  2. swaith

    swaith Member

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    well i hope it gets sorted sooner rather then later its coming up to 4 days since i started the download to acctually getting in game properly. as of yet i got to walk for 5 mins before i found 1 lvl 7 mob that i ran from with my sweat collector and sword, bought some ped, bought a gun and ammo to go back and tell the blue thing what i thought of its agression and WHAM im outa the game again lol

    idk i just dont know if i can bothered with a game where a support ticket can stay open this long without any indication of somone knowing about it :D

    nah im just messing but it is frustrating you cant call them, cant grab em on live support and the only notice i got of my lock is a tiny message on login saying the account is locked please direct all enquires to support. who dont respond after days and days ;d

    so iv been given the digital equivelant of a two finger salute by a company (not the planet mind) i just paid money too. if it wasnt for the support iv recieved here i would be filing a complaint with my bank for fraud =/
  3. Casay

    Casay Member

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    Unbelievable Dave! :)
    Rock onward!
  4. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Happy thoughts, it's your birthday!

    I'm sure that everything will be resolved a swiftly as possible. :D
  5. Chiba

    Chiba Member

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    You keep giving me chills across my back.... This is not the Entropia I have been playing for so many years...

    Don't get me wrong! I love the way you communicate and help people.. It is good chills I am getting... It's like a dream here at the forum...

    Might sound overdone, but hey... Thanks for being helpful, Arkadia team!

    You got my heart.. and peds(and I'm glad). :)
  6. swaith

    swaith Member

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    hmm still no news on my petitions >< no emails nothing, and im still banned lol even a goolge search only brings up 2 other people with a locked account and they both got things sorted faster then me :D
  7. Bugg

    Bugg Member

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    Today is a national holiday in Sweden. Might be part of the reason why it's taking a bit longer.
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Good to hear Dave has again stepped up to take care of his people here on Arkadia.

    I am worried however that the new people Daves team and the recent event promotion for Arkadia worked to get are not only being forced to be started on another planet and must spend 40 ped to get here, But also to the fact that Dave will be losing credit for having recruited them as the planet you spawn on gets that added to their population AND to that percentage of all expendatures gotten down the road for being planet of origin. This will slow the growth for Arkadia if other planets are getting credit for recruiting on Daves dime for MA NOT having Arkadia in the roster yet. Ill bet a good portion ge credited to Calypso (how convieniant since we all left to come here).
  9. swaith

    swaith Member

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    a national holiday? how bloody inconvenient lmao im gona go game shopping on steam, if i find a replacement game inbetween this ficticious support im gona take the chance, i draw the line under 4 days.
  10. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    I can relate to your situation in more ways than once. Few month ago my account got locked down and deleted, also after deposting a couple of hundred euros into the game and not havin spent it yet. My lock is justified tho cos I am a previously perm-banned gamer who sneaked into the game again with a ava given to me by a very good friend. Many deposits and serious gaming had me skill my ava up in record time and was just about to unlock serendipity and mineral sense. Most of all my old friends knew who I realy was and ofc had no problem with it untill I posted something on EF about 9./11 that got Force Fact Majeure angry at me. Meaning he had ammo to be spitefull and contacted MA about my true ID. What followed was an immediate lock with an investigation. And without much efford MA could easilly figure out that a US registered account deposting monthly from Holland by a 16 year old, just dont make any sense at all.

    Tho there are some swedish MA peops who knew, they wouldve done nothing exept if someone complained, they, as a company, are oblidged to take steps ofc. My loss in vallue may actually be higher than you because of the nature of my Virtual gear being high-end stuff.
    In my case I did not have two accounts just returned under the radar so to speak. And Shinobi was much loved by the majority of the older ubah community members. So soon as i got locked down and deleted as Mistress Arwen, I found out that the second time isnt so bad at all and could cope better with my gaming addiction. Also I should point out that as a frequently active and deposting gamer the loss belongs to Mindark not me, cos now I have more cash IRL for myself :) And I have fun waching my little Shuriken on Stargazing and chatting.

    It hurts tho that I cant take part in Arkadia cos I anticipated the launch as much as everyone else, more so now cos of the fantastic PP who cant be compared to MA,( Must be a swedish cultural thing I suspect), being a lot more client friendly and supportive. But I am happy tho for the community having a better PP now that EU never had before. With my experience I am very reluctand to ever return and make large investments into a game that can lock you out where you lose everything instantly without any security and guarantees of my hard earned moneys. I should point out I never exploited, hacked, scammed or insulted anyone in-game and was always well behaved.

    Also the lock and deletion came just in time because irl i scored a fully paid schollarship and am back in college to follow a study as electrical engineer with complete apprenticeship, sallary and job security for life.

    Swaith you have hope where I have absolutelly none at all and I am sure your account gets sorted out soon.
  11. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    It seems Swaith is sorted out now and ingame. Just to point out, his case was not about getting any kind of perma ban for breaking EULA etc, it appears he was simply a new player who wanted to get into the game and got stuck due to the problems on Genesis at the moment (no way to get to Arkadia from there) and was advised to close that account and start fresh. He was advised and supported by the PP, so he was not attempting to do anything 'funny'. Confusion seemed to follow with support, but in the end it got sorted out.

    Creating multiple accounts/avatars is against the EULA (unless done for a good reason with MA permission) because this is RCE, attempts to get around this could lead to the loss of all of your ingame assets and your account, I'd assume that something went seriously wrong if MA locks and deletes an account as punishment, and they would not take kindly to finding a new account was made if others complain and it's proven. History shows that sometimes that happens fast, other times it takes a longer time and more complaints, maybe up to the PP support how seriously they take it?

    Newcomers here please take note, this is not like many other MMO's where you are allowed or even encouraged to have multiple avatars/accounts, doing so could prove costly, and you agree to this every time you log in and accept the EULA :)

    OP issue resolved, thread closed.
  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Thread Moved to new Technical Issues forum

    *Thread Moved*
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