Planet Arkadia Patch 2015.7.1 (15th Dec 2015)

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Mathias | Arkadia, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I was not allowed to enter in a Warehouse solo but only by previously creating team.
    I entered instance being one person team just like we used to do in Aakas before A-team invented solo mode without treasure boxes.
    That made me think, maybe we can bring ppl inside (team) even if they didn't do lvl 6 underground mobs ?

    I checked oratans - noone have tamable sign.
    So who have seen Smuglers taming oratan miners please talk now or at least give info about what you smoke.
  2. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Do we seriously have to waste a shit load of peds on untradable clothes before getting into these warehouse?

    I'm still in my OJs after 10 years and they still fit me fine.
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  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ok so a bit of feedback and info.

    To be able to enter the instances you need to have:
    - bought the clothes
    - completed at least one of the four named stage 6 missions. Each one gets you access to a different instance. I don't think there is a requirement to buy the clothes before you complete stage 6
    - go back to the smuggler npc after completion of a stage 6 to get an instance unlocked.
    - need to be in a team (can be team of one)

    I did Instance one and Instance three last night. I shouldn't have been able to get in instance three as I have only done the wombana stage 6 but it looks like that has been fixed now.

    Inside the instance PVP is enabled but if it is only you then I don't see that it really matters. If you team up, make sure your trust your team.
    It is not a shared instance. I know of someone else who was doing the instance at the same time as me and we did not meet up.

    The instance is basically kill a bunch of soldiers. They all have guns and they will gang up on you so make sure you have fap and appropriate armour. If you die u get tp'd to a medical centre inside the instance. There are several rooms to get through. I didn't see any chests. So it looks like all the loot is on the soldiers. I recommend a loot pill as some of the soldiers are up high and I am not sure how easy it would be to manually loot them.

    The instances do have time limits. Instance one is 50 minutes. Instance three is 2 hours.

    Instance one mobs start at lvl 10. The boss is lvl 33. You might have 6 to 10 shooting at you at a time. I found the loot in this one a little boring. Standard oils and hides and components etc. Took me maybe 20 minutes to get through but I know I could do it faster next time since I now know what to expect.

    Instance 3 was quite challenging for me, wearing pegasus/p9 with dps around 90 and and imp restore chip plus gyro 26. The issue is the number of mobs attacking you. Up to 10 at a time with distance weapons so its not easy to minimise the number of hits you are taking. Mobs were lvls 27 - 43 with the boss at lvl 77. I died several times. It's not that the mobs are tough but that you are getting swarmed. Would be a breeze for a team if you have a team you can trust. I had a couple of globals and looted two items - Arsonistic VI (L) and PBR-62 (L) so that was nice. Was disappointed not to score anything from the boss. The instance took me a little over an hour to complete. But I did have some delays while chatting to people.

    There is a bit of challenge to getting into the final room if you are solo but I will leave it to you to find your own solution.
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    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015
  4. Tommy

    Tommy Member

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    Thank you for the info Kikki , sounds interesting , i wonder how will manage with melee :battleroar:
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I updated my post above to correct the time limit on Instance one.
    A couple of other things:
    The Smuggler Training mission text doesnt make it clear but it's actually a kill point mission. I got to just under 1k pts after one run through Instance One.
    People not used to pvp need to watch out that they don't waste ammo and weapon decay by firing when they aren't targeting a mob. Took me a while to notice that :p
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  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for the comprehensive info!

    Is it known already what it takes to win the armour in the end?
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    If you check the discovered items a Moonshine armour part dropped in instance 3. I am guessing you can also loot smuggler armour parts.

    Now as a matter of interest, the Armour Plate Upgrade mission has two parts. Part one is to upgrade P1 to Moonshine plate. Part 2 is to upgrade Moonshine to Smuggler plate. Moonshine plate is L, Smuggler plate is UL. I wonder if we can draw any conclusions from that...
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  8. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    Warehouse 4

    Had terrible problems trying to get into the last room when I went in solo...... had about 17 attempts, got totally frustrated and then tried pressing t to get me out of the instance..... this didn't work, so ended up having to run all the way back to the start.

    Seems to me that there is not enough time to operate the terminals to open the door when solo, or perhaps my internet is too slow!!!

    It did work ok when in a team.
  9. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Looks like that was new "S & B Mounted Light R3 (L)" (or something similar from the same series).
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Danny, we can talk about this in game. I am pretty sure I can help you with this issue.
  11. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Can someone please post details about the plate upgrades? Is this another mission that we have to buy into by spending 1000 PED on clothes? Where is the NPC?
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The NPC is hiding. At this stage I am not sharing the location though I expect that someone will.

    There are two missions and both involve obtaining specific materials presenting them to the NPC to be swapped for a plate.

    Mission 1 - provide materials to get a Moonshine Plate MK1 (L). This has good protection stats (sorry I forget the specific stats) as well a 3% chance to block all damage. It is a limited plate.

    Mission 2. - provide materials including Moonshine Plate MK1 to get a Smuggler plate. Slightly less good stats including 1% block chance but UNL.

    No need to spend koins or buy soul bound gear. But there is obviously an opportunity to buy and sell the materials in trades with other players.

    I am yet to source any of the required materials for mission 1.
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  13. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Thanks KJ. I ran about for a while last night around Celeste Military looking for an NPC, but I got bored so I might just wait till someone tells me where to go :D It'd be interesting to see the stats of the plates and the ingredients required.
  14. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Kate is at the back of the new arrivals hangar, [30323, 18115, 184]
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  15. juliane

    juliane Member

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    anyone yet seen a tameable oratan miner? i'm at around 14k killpoints and none spawned till now.. propably have to kill more if its only about killing x to spawn one
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Are you sure that this is what the release notes actually suggest? Folks have been jumping to the conclusion and raving about it ever since, but somehow I have my doubts. Smugglers are a crafty bunch...
  17. juliane

    juliane Member

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    No, not at all.. only guessing
  18. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Tyvm for info! :)

    For these, who can't or lazy to go there:
    [Moonshine Armour Plate Mk1 (L)] = 1 [Moonshine Armour Plate 1 (L)] + 10 [Graphene Polymer] + 400 [Arkoin]
    [Smuggler Armour Plate 1]
    = 1 [Moonshine Armour Plate 1 (L)] + 10 [Graphene Polymer] + 1 [Graphene Composite]

    N.B. Missions repeatable, but bugged — if you aborted or abandoned it, you need to relog to be able take it again.

    [updated] Stats on plates:
    [Moonshine Armour Plate Mk1 (L)]
    Impact - 16 / Cut - 17 / Stab - 16 / Block Damage - 3% / Durability - 18000
    [Smuggler Armour Plate 1]
    Impact - 13 / Cut - 14 / Stab - 13 / Block Damage - 1% / Durability - 2500
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  19. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  20. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    I hope they Are not exportable I object to their sexually arousing fat belly