Smuggler Mission Chain Stage 3

Discussion in 'Missions' started by Crystal, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Sirre Green

    Sirre Green New Member

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    Well, I would not go so far to call it a scam.

    But I’m certainly a bit pissed off at the moment.

    I don’t mind spending lots of hours trying to achieve the no1 position on togolossi. But it’s a RCE here.

    I have also spent a lot of cash on getting keys, buying overpriced arkoins and losing big on staying on the same mob for too long.

    Sines its real money we lose, of course people will react and get pissed off.

    All I’m asking is a smoother execution. Write in the release note/ mission, no point in rushing this more content to come.

    No more drama from me, enough said.

  2. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Sigh. People get carried away by greed and then blame the issuer. How could this "more content to come" be written any clearer, I don't know.
  3. Falagor

    Falagor Member

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    So far i am actually very excited and i really like the clothes i got for 1k ped of Arkonis :). I mean - think how much it would cost to get red/black FULL set of clothes if you would try to make similar looks! Also i like the idea to complete few very long grinding chains to get (hopefully) nice rewards. I am already pushing up slowly my Togolossi chain :).

    Although there is small bug related with clothes so i guess i might as well repor it here:
    In inventory Beret and Shades have red "X" no matter what graphics settings i try (from Low to Very High) and Pants and Briefs seems to have glitched models on Low settings (They are transparent in most places). When equiped on my avatar clothes looks ok - so its just model glitch on items in inventory. I asked soc m8 (female avatar) and she has same problem so it is not just me.

    • Informative Informative x 2
  4. Sirre Green

    Sirre Green New Member

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    Oh, my bad must have missed it completely when I activated the quest in game.

    Perhaps you can tell me where I could read that in game?
  5. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    It is in the patch notes.. the place you would have read to know this mission chain even existed. Let's keep our expectations in check. Everyone in an mmorpg who wants to be informed and not waste (insert currency here) always reads patch notes.

    This game has always delivered things incrementally. This game has always been costly to rush to be first in anything.. unless it is unique and valuable.. there isn't any value in rushing in EU.. this chain is not any different.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    @helena & @Sirre Green

    The one thing that springs to mind is ... REAL CASH ECONOMY.
    If you have funding that you don't mind losing (for whatever reason) then by all means go shopaholic to become number one. But if you do care about your funding and don't want to feel screwed then you really should think twice and not go rushing for those 15 minutes of fame.

    I agree with @atomicstorm above. Release notes are worth reading and if they are unclear ask, ask, ask.

    Just my opinion(s).
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I enjoy my smuggler clothes and don't have problems with opening warehouses missions.
    Also cant wait to see mission terminal enabled to see those missions too.
    With your statement you are making everyone retard because or we don't read or we are unable to understand what is written.
    For example - years a go , first mission on Ark - IFN Oro chain we all were so retard to not "ask, ask, ask" if stage could be completed once reached 4800 points before we decided to do it right?
    Or recently gold rush we were so mentally disabled that we didn't "ask, ask, ask" if anything changed, we supposed that event will run under known conditions, with known loot etc., we didn't "ask, ask, ask," developers excel spreadsheets form testing, oh we even forgot to "ask, ask, ask," if they tested it at all.
    You cant ask something you don't have idea that exist or that could happen, if you do then you don't need to ask as you know the answer.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  8. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    You are overreacting.
  9. Bear

    Bear Member

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    Let me jump on this train ... (well, i allready did and got my Smuggler Outfit)

    There are big pro and cons to avatar bound items. If you think ahead when there will be mostly avatar bound items - they are great rewards on which you can actually count. No more gamble for that "great unlimted item HOF". You grind and you get.

    On the other hand, what happens if you want to gear down to play less - or just enjoy other sides of of EU - you will be suck with ABI (Avatar Bound Items) for ever. No more "selling out".
    The hole math "You earn by looting good unl items because it does not cost MA" will be gone. No more loss compensation by selling with MU.

    So either, the ABIs will be the rare exception - or everything will change to a real "pay to loot".

    That said, i don´t really understand why the Cloths are ABI. If you can activate the mission only once, why not sell the cloths with a good MU below the entrance costs? Like 500PED for those who want them. More people would enter the constest because its a cheaper start and those cloths would make a good advert if spread more in EU.
    One ABI from the Warehouses should do the job to "show off" - those cloths only mean you paid 1k Arkoin - not that you done any missions beside that.
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  10. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Gratz! And I hear you. It is just sad at this state of the game so many are going out of there way to justify the use of User Bound items. Think if the Egg was User Bound? For the most part the user bound armor here is cool but the top question asked is: why did you get the armor? Yes many will show the stats of it but at the end, in this game, it is just some User Bound 'crap' that well really don't show much in this game since you can do the same in other games for a lot less.

    In this game, like the Egg, the main question is how you get it and what is the worth of it? MA is taking that away by bring out more and more User Bound items.

    But yes nothing can be done about it and I have said way to much. It is just the way EU is going and well lets hope making more and more items user bound will bring in more players.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
  11. Falagor

    Falagor Member

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    Can we have the info what "ample time" means? 1, 3, 6, more months?

    Knowing this will actually let me plan ahead hunting.

  12. GordonGaming

    GordonGaming New Member

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    I couldn't resist but to write to this thread.

    Ok firstly, did you read the quote that you quoted? It said Next VU. Everyone knows it takes about 3+ months to be implemented, around Christmas I think. Now moving on to something else.

    Secondly, I have joined the smugglers!!! YAY me.

    I have something to say about this. People are bitching about -lets use the new term- ABI's and I see no problem with it. I know I am going to hear more complaints about "boohoo, I cannot sell my items" or better yet : "There is no markup and I lost my money" - What people don't understand is that it is an achievement made for everyone. As I have seen over the years, people have been spoon fed everything and they want to complain about not being able to make profit. Let me get into this a little deeper.

    Want to talk about the "Egg". My question is, do you REALLY know the story behind the egg? I do, Do you know that any item in the universe can be the next best thing for the next best VU on the Next best Planet in the next best game?

    The game and its loot is a game of chance and opportunity. It is like opening a lucky packet. You never know what to expect and the beauty of it is that when you get something of value, the first thing people think of these days is what is the MU. Is there ever a time that people like myself, who go out and spend about 2000 PED on a hunting run and just do it for fun. You know, for the giggles. Look at Real life. You spend $100 to go to a rock festival and spend another $100 on booze for entertainment. that is a total of $200. Do you get the money back or did you have a good time?

    ABI's for me is an achievement and I really play this game for fun. If I wanted to make profits and become rich in gaming, I would go and open my own studio and create a game that people will never play and loose everything in the end of the day. I play EU for fun and for the community.

    If my smuggler coat was marketable to the rest of EU, then what is its value? If you loot a Mod Fap in a mission, is it truly the same as getting it in a rare creature drop? There is achievement attached to things that money cannot buy - Well in this instance it can, but if I saw a noob walking with a smuggler coat and know that he just picked that off the auction, the presence of being a smuggler just went out the window.

    Yes, it is a pricey cost to pay, but damn it was worth it for me. Look at the price of paint in black, white and red. You need a shit tone of paints to get the true color and not to mention what level in coloring you need to get those results. So for me, this was a steal just for the clothes.

    But before you go off and talk about, BOO HOO, ABI'S , can't make profit, can't make money, can't blah blah blah - think about it, How many of you have finished the Dasplators on Foma or CND if you are from my time? That costs a shit load of cash and what are the results, a skill implant of a few PED. Here I see my item and I have access to a lot more things to come. It is like I just purchased an expansion pack for the game. I love it. I spend money on games because I love it, I love the adventure and I love the excitement it brings.

    This community is so vibrant, so real, I can almost feel them sitting next to me. I would pay all my deposits over again just to relive the moments of happiness, sadness and anger again, because in EU, memories are forged on the hard stone of society hunts, pirate invasions and the occasional PVP4 loots.

    So call me an idiot but if you only play this game to profit and withdraw, please leave now because you are not worth the community. You are just here to sponge off everyone and fill your pockets. Build the community with trust and fun things like the days before VU10. The days where players used to try to get to the highest buildings by jumping on furniture before flying vehicles were introduced and the days where players used to storm the oil rig for the giggles.

    Come off the subject of ABI's and bullshit smack talk of scams and crap and move to the real questions of What are the smugglers?, who are they?, what are they doing?, why are they recruiting?, what will happen next? - these are good questions that need thought because if I count my lucky stars, I hope some of my ideas are implemented.

    My ranting is now complete, time to make supper.
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  13. Falagor

    Falagor Member

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    Well i did not know - thats why i asked. So not everyone knows this ;). Thx for answer.

    And i agree with the rest of your post (i already mentioned earlier that i love the clothes).

  14. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    To gold rush comment, I posted my numbers on the key runs.. I even ran the new format before the gold rush came to be.. few listened, everyone bitched.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
  15. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I have seen your data, i had better results for long before event until second day of event. On second event day i still hofed with blade in loot and normal amount of Arkoins. After that - no Arkoins, no items. Ofc what is "better" could be very subjective thing from my side.
    I just wanted to point that "few listened, everyone bitched" and for few even being informed in ark chat on start of event everything worked "as intended" - and those were first ones to ignore your numbers, they started to ask data latter after masive complains.
  16. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Who ever said anything about withdrawing? Of course you are right here but that's not why I am whining. I'm whining about the fun of making a profit is slowly being removed from the game. And this comes from a person who has in the past (and future - when we get sound back) many times deposited to sweat. And yes please don't tell anyone that I'm working on a skill that is User Bound OMG.
  17. Bear

    Bear Member

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    The Stage 3 Mission description says:
    ... "Once you completed any of these missions".....

    I understand this as: You only have to finish one Stage 6

    However, there is also: ..."by completing the following missions:".... & ..."(you don´t have to do them in order)"

    Now, do I need to finish ALL Stage 6 Missions or do I "only" need to finish one Stage 6 Mission?
  18. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Each of the 4 mobs relates to a different instance. So to access all 4 instances you need to complete stage 6 on all 4 of the mobs.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. Bear

    Bear Member

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    Ah ok!
    Thanks a lot for this clarification. I think i remember that i read something about "different Instances" somewhere already. I thought it might be related to the the level of a Stage = 1. Level = 1. Instance

    Well, it will take MUCH longer to unlock all - I can only hope that everybody has the same chance and that there will not be some "First come, first served" kind of thing.

    Thanks for the quick answer David!
  20. JackCaptainBlack

    JackCaptainBlack Member

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    Stage 6?!?! This is going to cost a fortune and take forever! Wouldn't stage 5 be sufficient? Plus its going to probably cost another fortune with the whole Warehouse thing.. I hope this Smuggler armor is similar to shadow or better o_O