RSS Feed Downtime for maintenance

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Tomorrow 2015-08-25 at 08:00 UTC, the Entropia Universe servers will be taken offline for a brief maintenance. We estimate a downtime of 30 minutes. This downtime is a maintenance window only. For details about UTC ...

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  2. travolta

    travolta Member

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    seriosly Arkadia Team when will be the sound fixed, looks quite unprofessional to have this issue for months
  3. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    Would've been good to know what "maintenance" means; as I see it... no patches which is a little disapointing.
  4. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    I've been on ark, yesterday, is really so sad all that silence, even I noticed the absurd increase of annoying and irritating pets.
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    A maintenance outage won't normally include functional changes to the game. So as has been stated previously, we'll need to wait till the next update before there is a chance of a sound fix. But by all means continue to bitch about it cos that's gonna have no impact.
  6. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Sound will be fixed ASACMEE ...
    As Soon As Calypso Migration Event Ends

    why should MA care about some issue that isnt affect their Monopolypso
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Haha, not to mention MA is trying to save on ramster ration :biggrin2:
  8. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    There was a mentioning of a VU in september. Believe it was mentioned it would be something that they would try to fix at that point. And hopefully in a proper way. As I havent seen Lars online for sometime, my guess is he is working really hard to get it all fixed guys. So have some faith, they are working on it :). (no solution for your pet problem though Murk :D)
  9. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    It is all sad but Arkadia has to deal with when MA would like to fix this issue and most likely they have been put on the next VU-update hold. Mind you the A-Team are most likely fighting this rule since well they most likely HATE what is going on as well these last few months.

    My guess is that the next VU should be sometime is September.
  10. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    I wasn't aware of the bitching police around here, so I have to rethink my post: I enjoy the silence very much and I suddenly realized it's not a bug or an issue but a feature.

    Seriously... I do realize that the A-Team's hands are tied when it comes to certain aspects, but it doesn't really makes me less disappointed. Sorry.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Don't worry about bitching police. Foruns are for that purpose, expose your ideas, likes and dislikes. OFC who really matters won't give a damn for your bitching (read MA), as long they have the extra income from last sales they wont bother, but as soon cash start drain out they will come fix a sprite here, a color there and offer you amazing precious uselless money drain pets. And everyone will be happy :)
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    By all means, continue complaining about something that
    • can only be fixed by MA in a VU;
    • is planned to be fixed by MA in a VU;
    • has already had the issue addressed in posts by the Ark Devs.
    Because that's what the forum is for - pointless venting, right?
    Awesome plan guys.

    I'm all for providing constructive feedback to the devs via the forum but that's not really what's happening here.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    I don't really like getting into this kind of stuff, but I'll make an exception this one time because I like your posts in general and I tend to read what you write:
    So... this Forum, Planet Arkadia and it's Development/Management Teams have nothing to do with MA? I would think that posts about bugs will provide some "ammo" for the Ark Teams when dealing with MA to try and expedite certain things. I am positive that NO ONE (including A-Team) likes the current situation where we have unresolved sound issues for more than two months now; that being said, you have to understand that not everyone is trading and don't care about sounds as well as not everyone is as patient as you. People are different.

    Are you serious with this? Have you been playing EU for two weeks? For any reasonably experienced player, this means absolutely NOTHING.

    And here is the post addressing the issue:
    I will try to find out why this is a complex issue that we cannot understand, especially since it was created after a patch.

    You seem to have different standards about "pointless venting":
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  14. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I imagine that the A-team's nerves must be on the edge over this already. Any abuse towards them is certainly misdirected. Even knowing this doesn't prevent one from the overpowering urge to join the howling pack sometimes. Maybe in the hope a PP would have some leverage to pass the anger on to MA, who is the actual perpetrater appearing so impervious and unresponsive. Or when they do respond, often in a way most don't like. We're paying money for this game. A LOT of money. More money than I ever spent on any other game. Everybody who lives off it should have a vital interest in keeping it that way. Or maybe it is easier money to let it rain cats and dogs through the webshop?
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanks for your feedback jjmatrix. No problem with you taking me to task.

    Starting with the last bit first, I confess that I am as imperfect as the next guy. I came back to Ark for an event, was unhappy at the situation (I got out bed ffs!) posted a note on the forum and moved on. Probably a more comparable situation is the shop retail shelf bug in a previous VU. That seriously impacted my business over an extended period - just as lack of sound impacts your enjoyment over an extended period. I raised the issue several times and also contacted the devs directly. I was seriously pissed off. It was a bug that needed to be investigated and fixed by MA and to my mind it took far too long to sort out. I would agree its a reasonable question as to whether I was pointlessly venting and I am happy to be judged by my peers on that. I certainly don't rate my trading activity higher than other players enjoyment of the game.

    Moving back up to the top of your post, I think its a good idea to post player feedback. There are threads on the sound issue. Ark devs have been engaging with the community to get info to assist with the diagnosis. But how does it help to post in this thread for announcement of a server maintenance outage? Some also felt obliged to raise the sound issue in the thread about the changes to the forum credits system. As if the community liaison folk who do the forum changes are somehow the people who instead need to be spending their time doing technical troubleshooting of the game. Really?

    Contrary to appearances I do share your skepticism regarding MAs delivery of the fix in the next VU. However I do know it wont be before then.

    I don't think I have read Matthias asserting the issue is to complex for us to understand. I do agree however that it is not a simple issue to sort out. From what I have seen
    • the problem is intermittent
    • the problem is not consistent from server to server
    • the problem varies for different avatars
    So from my own experience working in IT, I suspect it is not going to be easy to track down the specific cause. I'm not trying to defend MA here. Their trouble shooting / defect rectification track record is ... not awesome. From my experiences interacting with the Dev team in the past, I believe they will be taking the current situation very seriously and doing what they can to pressure MA to prioritize effort towards fixing the problem. But that won't be visible to us - its just not in the Ark PP's interest to publicly expose their dealings with MA, nor to publicly criticize them.

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  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    MA goes on vacation for the entire summer so we never have any bug fixes this time of year. Unprofessional, yes, but the A-team can't do much to change MA's attitude toward summer vacations.