Poll: what do you pay for an apartment or shop?

Discussion in 'Estates' started by Smoerble, May 31, 2011.

  1. Therred

    Therred Member

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    I couldnt care less about an apartment. I think apartments are silly.

    I AM interested in shops to sell things I loot but the prices on your poll totally price me out of the market. Which is why I would be standing beside these shops saying 'SELLING: <insert item here>'. I would consider a shop in the range of 100-200 PED. It would be possible to recoup that expense in a reasonable amount of time. I cant see myself recouping 1-3k though... thats rediculously high.
  2. swaith

    swaith Member

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    maybe we could get a market place where you activate a small stand that allows you to sell like 5 different items for 24 hours max and it holds your avatar next to it so most people could use it to sell things while they are offline?

    that way you can have fludily changing shops that are small and varied player by player, would cost small ammounts and for instance could be available on certain days of the week only?
  3. Szalu

    Szalu Member

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    I voted for cheap shops. Personally I am able to pay ~1k for a shop (so probably will never own one). As many mentioned before, low prices could attract low-mid level players to choose that way of selling their loots (hunting, mining, crafting, whatever). High level players with uber items and large stackables probably don't need that anyway.


    That was my first post on Arkadia forum, so Hi to All and see You in game :) After 1.5 years on Calypso I decided to give Arkadia a try and so far, I like it.
  4. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    I like this idea in general. It's done like this in several MMOs. Problem would be that ppl will use secondary and even more ghost avatars to flood the market. But it#s not planned to be done this way by MA anyway.

    About prices in general:
    I personally would prefer lower prices too... but they will be minimum this price range, if we have bad luck, it will be even higher.
  5. swaith

    swaith Member

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    maybe people could band together, BUY some small land of the planet holders and then tax transactions fromthe market, then split the tax between them to recoup the investment :D
  6. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Not possible. Only one person can hold the deed... so everyone needs to trust that one person.

    Only very few persons in this game are trusted so much that ppl give them 200k of PEDs to buy a land.
  7. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm not sure if I would like a shop, I generally don't have the patience to wait for my stuff to get sold and the stuff I loot is not worth that much either, so a few % MU will not make up for the huge price of a shop. On the other hand it would be nice to give it a go and see what happens. It will at least be a new challenge.

    The hard part will be to get people to your shop and one thing that might help is not having any auction in the town the shops are. Arkadia did do a better job already, by not adding an auction terminal at every TP, outpost or hole in the ground, which is a lot better.

    Another thing that might work is to have a setting in your shop that checks the MU of an item in your shop and adjusts it to the auction MU. You get to choose which one (day, week, month, year, decade) and set a % of that MU (with a minimum). This way you will be able to set a competitive price compared to the auction without the need to review it every day.

    Then of course the add system needs to be fixed, so people can advertise their shops and maybe even more ways to advertise on this forum. This will even add more ways for people to make a little money by making advertisements for people without the ability do do graphic stuff. Maybe even add ad-screens on the outside of a shopping area (like the malls on Calypso) and let the shop owners put a logo on there, so people know whats for sale in there.

    And last, maybe more ways to customize stuff. Now we can just color or texture stuff. Maybe we need to be able to do more designing on items. Use the same system as the make-up masks to do it. This way we can have better looking clothes to wear.

    I still have an apartment on Calypso and I did you that just to store stuff and display some old weapons and some of the collectables we have in game that have no use at all (fishing pole, energizer Bunny, etc.), so it might be nice to have one again. I payed about 600 PED for my Calypso apartment a few years back and I might wanna play about the same for one now on Calypso
  8. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Shops work well even without advertising. I ran my shop and made nearly no ads at all. Point is: it was fun for me to collect stuff to display there, find good deals and re-arrange the whole setup and furniture which could take half a day.

    If you don#t put work into your shop you have to have low prices... or it will not work, even with advertising.

    This is the most common failure shop owners do. they think it runs from itself... but it doesn't.
  9. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Exactly and trying to compete with auction is a battle you will never win. The markup % that everyone bandies around is set purely from auction sales, which traditionally is many degrees lower than what things actually cost to make. Also, the auction records do not discriminate between an item that is at 3% tt value and an item that is 100% tt value, something that also skews the data heavily against shop owners that maintain a certain "level" of service in their products. In the end it comes down to service as well as price as you can literally spend months searching for things in auction which with a little more ped you could easily buy from a well stocked shop and help the general economy roll around that much better.
  10. James Clayton

    James Clayton Member

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    The lower the better ;)

    Mabe renting would be the solution, no buying, just renting of shops or apartements. That would completely illiminate speculation and reseling, there would be no point in haveing 20 shops or apartements unless you are gona use them because you could not resell them at a profit and they would just be a constant drain of ped for the rent.

    Then if you don't want the place anymore, just take your stuff out and just don't pay anymore and the place would automaticaly be back up for rent. It could even be coded that if a person forgets to take their stuff out that it automaticaly gets transfered back to their storage when the term expires.
  11. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Seems that people will pay significant lower prices than on the other planets... (including me ;))
  12. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    I would only pay like 100-200ped for an apartment even on Arkadia. For Calypso the price would be lower than that. Shops are a bit of a different story. I am willing to pay about 5k for one. Item count would most likely not be thaaat important to me. So could be "booth" style shop too if it must at that price. I already considered buying one of them on Calypso and certainly will give it a thought again if Arkadia offers places to sell items in that pricerange.
  13. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Hey, my option isn't on here, I want to buy a outpost and make it "Chaser's Rest stop" lol. But only if I get credit for all the machines being used for my 5% ( yes I know, fat chance).
  14. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    For the musuem i already need 100+ item points for all the guns which are 90 already.

    So My range is an app (preferably a shop too) or two apps next to each other for 1k max. If ppl would be so kind in letting me get first choice for the musuem that would be great =) *not very likely but heck i can try *

    Btw I like my apps in Celeste because the other musuem is there too