Results from Ship Skill (NEW)

Discussion in 'Skills' started by Bradley Killer Kell, May 26, 2015.

  1. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    FINALLY! Blueprint Comprehension. 300K Welding Wire, 6 RK-5's, and 18 Hours of actual Repair Time.

    Vehicle Repairing - Newbie - 1 +1854 (1855)
    Vehicle Technology - Newbie - 1 +963 (964)

    Intelligence - 18 +18 (36)

    Electronics - Inept - 13 +598 (613)
    Engineering - Green - 223 +713 (936)
    Mechanics - Mediocre - 74 +517 (591)

    Blue Print Comprehension - 0 +12 (12)

    105.10 PED Invested for 5,007 Skills (18 of that Attributes) for a Cost of 00.0210 per Skill.

    Took a little over 3 Days IRL.

    Sadly I already had Engineering up a decent bit (223), so it may take starting on a 7th RK-5 and a tad more Wire to hit from all 1's.

    The main thing is how quickly you can get there, and how low the PED per Skill was.

    So please, don't let the sound of "It takes 100-200 PED to do this" turn you away, because it is MUCH cheaper to get BPC this way than to try to Craft your way to it.
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 6
  2. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Keep going :) I long since lost count, (actually I never bothered to count) how many RK-5's and miles of welding wire I've burned over the last 3 years. :)
  3. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    its insane how easy it is to unlock BPC with this method compared to the old skool component method.

    Grats though ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    Next stop Serendipity!!
  5. Zrodian

    Zrodian Member

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    How would someone go about getting on one of this ships to perform this action?
  6. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    MS Kronan is one of several ships offering this service. we operate approx 20 hours daily from Arkadia Spacestation, other services may operate from other planets or specific days/times, best to check with the individual service providers in the relevant section of forum
    Info on our service can be seen at
    • Informative Informative x 3
  7. Saltkin

    Saltkin Member

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    Hi, i am wondering why do healers get paid the decay in pec and repairers have to pay all decay themself?
    i have done calculating the profit from chipping out the skills and selling but there are so many doing this the market price is too low for profit?
  8. Kung Fu Munchkin

    Kung Fu Munchkin Member

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    I'm in no way an expert but here are my two pec..

    When you are a low lvl healer/faper you do a service and at the same time lvl your profession.
    This is a good fit for the hunter that can hire 1 - 2 small lvl healers for the decay and you both gain from it.

    The mothership crew offer you the service to repair on their ship to gain skill and therefore you have to pay your own decay to gain your skills.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  9. Saltkin

    Saltkin Member

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    Yes this is true but healing is also for skills. Thereforce it is a service.
    The repairing is also a service in my eyes because if pirate attack a mothership it have to be healed. As a mothership customer i am paying an extra fee to cover the costs an MS makes when in a pirate attack.. This makes me wonder why it is like this that repairers do not get payed for their service to keep the mothership alive when doing their service.

    Personally i feel that big ship owners are eating from both sides of the pie at the moment.

    Or am seeing this wrong?
  10. Kung Fu Munchkin

    Kung Fu Munchkin Member

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    How often does a mothership actually get attacked by a pirate? and how big is the chance that the pirate will actually make a big enough dent that it is a problem?

    The mothership just go out of the safe zone and warp and if they have taken a bit of damage before or after the warp and entering the safezone again I guess they rather sort the repairs themselves.

    The service they provide for you is continued damage on the mothership so you can repair and gain skills.
    If you do not want to repair on the mothership for your skills you can stand in Arkadia quarry and hope that someone need a repair for hours at end.

    That is in my opinion why you need to pay your own decay for the service they provide you.

    This is from my limited experience with motherships.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Saltkin

    Saltkin Member

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    Ahh okay your new answer makes a bit more sense. So the damage inflicted is intentional by the owner of the ship so that his repair can skill up. Now my only wonder remains why one would want to spend hundreds or even thousands of peds skilling up their vehicle repair.
    I mention early that chipping the skills out is not profitable anymore. so what is the real deal here? why are so many people doing this?
    Is there a big cake in space i have not catch the scent of ? :) i like cake too
  12. Kung Fu Munchkin

    Kung Fu Munchkin Member

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    It is explained in the first post, to unlock the profession skill Blueprint Comprehension.
    This is the cheaper and faster way to unlock it rather than craft a lot of low lvl components.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    This would not be enough. Neither are they waiting on the odd pirate who would waste his peds on motherships, which in the meantime are so heavily upgraded that it is nigh hopeless anyway. Usually the ship is taken to a training ground or anywhere there's space mobs. Then they get rounded up in numbers to damage the ship. There are some videos on YouTube showing how it is done.

    Quite late to the party, I finally got myself in line for filling that skill gap, too. Sunk way too much money into components already, for measly results.
    Hi-ho, Silver, into space... :battleroar:
  14. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Think you have it pretty well covered...
    Q: Why do healers get paid the decay in pec and repairers have to pay all decay themselves?
    A: Healers are providing a service by keeping the hunter alive, they and are therefore re-imbursed for their expenses
    Repair skill ships (motherships and privateers) are providing a service, deliberately take damage in order for the repair crew to have
    something to fix. and thereby gain skills. The ship owner has to pay the oil cost (fortunately small) for the run, as well as provide a pilot.
    Some ships therefore charge for access to the repair skill sessions, others rely on the profit from tool and wire sales to cover their costs

    Q: why one would want to spend hundreds or even thousands of peds skilling up their vehicle repair ?
    A: Vehicle repair skill is only one part of the skills gained (Vehicle Structural Engineer profession), you will also be gaining skills in EVERY
    engineering profession, as well as to a lesser extent all other crafting professions
    The speed of skill gain is massive compared to standing at a craft machine, the cost per skill is lower (though ofc no hope of a global), and
    ofc you determine your expenditure rather than being dependent on variable craft returns and volatile mu.
    Repairing while chatting with other crew is also a far nicer and more social way to get those skills

    When the Vehicle Structural Engineer profession reaches level 10 you unlock BPC. (Typical cost in tools and wire to get from level zero to
    level 10 VSE would be around 8 sets at approx 18.5 ped per set, so 185ped total, not thousands of ped)
    Serious crafters may continue to repair skill off and on for years, some eventually pushing all the way to unlocking scientist at level 60.
  15. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    Of three motherships running regular repair skilling sessions at the moment (Kronan, Normandie, Varyag), none charges access fee - this practice may have been common in the past but certainly isn't now. Other ships may enter the "market", some pretty soon (to my knowledge), but I just can't see how someone would be able to charge for access when others don't.

    As for the profit from sale of supplies, I'm not sure how much profit they make, if any. On-board price of a set (RK-5 (L)+5.00...5.10 PED of wire) ranges from 17.5 to 18.5 PED at the moment. I didn't research this in detail as we had our own supplies but someone looking to purchase supplies on-board should probably ask for prices beforehand. (But the point is on-board supplies might even be cheaper than planetside)

    8*18.5=148, mind you. :)
  16. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    8*18.5=148, mind you. :)
    yeh well 9am and been playing all night, so no longer thinking straight, and ran out of fingers for counting on