San's hunting log

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by San, May 1, 2015.

  1. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the pointers. I eventually let my melee stuff catch dust a few levels after maxing the Labrys because it got too expensive at the time to buy weapons in that range. Creeping up slowly towards Philosopher's though. Was skilling all weapon classes in the beginning, but eventually opted for BLP only after seeing I wasn't getting anywhere soon. Best compromise between eco and fun factor for me, noisy and fast at least. So by now I'm lvl 33 sniper, 32 pistoleer/dmg.

    Currently I'm after a specific pistol which is a bit rare... you'll see it in the logs when/if I manage to get what I want. Purpose of targeting Hadraada of course is the evade bonus. I'm Evader lvl 15 now, find I should have some more for bigger game. Melee would help with that too, of course. Had actually planned to do the epic chains on Cyrene by now, but turned out just too expensive yet as the things there are real armour shredders. So Ark will have me for a little longer after the break.

    Pet question: It doesn't decay, but if I understand correctly the ped value reflects its energy "content", i.e. the amount of nutrio bars it has not yet consumed. Since I used it on my Halix melee runs with the acceleration buff from Resolute Stable, it was part of the total cost and of course got included. The time saved running between targets is noticeable and quite worth the 2 ped imo esp. when you do thousands in one go.
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    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  2. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Opted against opening another barrel in a different forum, but wanted to record at least one of these runs. And indicate I'll be done with this batch and returning soon. Results have been pretty consistent ever since being here and better than elsewhere, despite hunting on taxed land for this particular mission. Only event participation incurred heavy and undue losses, which happened for everybody and repeatedly to the extent that questions were raised even by the planet partner. Will keep an eye on how this develops.

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-06-09 05:47:11
    Location: Rocktropia 136867, 94855 and 136320, 95052
    Target: Zombie Biker Prospect (3860 to 4218 of 5000)
    Result (no shrapnel converted and no looted ammo used, thus table shows exactly what drops):

    Bukin's Blade
    -33.00 PED​
    Herman ARK-R
    -0.60 PED​
    Herman ASI-R
    -1.25 PED​
    Mk1 Explorer (L)
    -0.01 PED​
    Ozpyn BP S1X1
    -0.10 PED​
    S.I. H.E.A.R.T.
    -0.02 PED​
    S.I. Psy-Blade
    -13.30 PED​
    Universal Ammo
    -26.06 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -74.34 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +2.27 PED​
    Animal Muscle Oil
    +8.40 PED​
    Animal Oil Residue
    +1.53 PED​
    B.A.M.F ZK1 (L)
    +6.44 PED​
    B.A.M.F ZK3 (L)
    +5.38 PED​
    BLP Pack
    +1.98 PED​
    Blazar Fragment
    +0.00 PED​
    Fine Wool
    +0.40 PED​
    Kevin Rudolf - In The City Flip Flop
    +0.60 PED​
    Kevin Rudolf - To The Sky Flip Flop
    +2.34 PED​
    Maple Short Board
    +0.15 PED​
    Nova Fragment
    +0.00 PED​
    ROCKtropia Record
    +2.73 PED​
    Rotten Banana
    +7.87 PED​
    +19.97 PED​
    Socket I Component
    +3.00 PED​
    Tier I Component
    +1.20 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    +1.60 PED​
    Zombie Blood
    +3.00 PED​
    Zombie Leg
    +1.00 PED​
    Zombie Plasma
    +2.00 PED​
    Total returns.
    +71.86 PED​
    -2.48 PED​
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Done with my stuff for this round on Rock, got my Evader up to level 16 with the mission reward as expected, and the panther trained to export level. Nusul is cute, but I'm a cat person ;) Just waiting to trade my loot, then stop by Caly and pick up my shiny new gun, try trade a little more, and shall come back to Ark hopefully this weekend or at least not much later.

    Just wanted to say, as often as it's claimed that MA makes the loot and neither individual nor planet influences exist, as often does reality seem to talk a different language. Hard to know what to believe anymore. Returns have been consistently above recent experiences during this visit. With not a single global to skew the picture, all runs returned at least 93% TT value, the maximum was 110%. The total average is almost 97%. This is for over 6500 kills of mostly L0-L6 mobs, the majority of which even on taxed land. If it was like that across the board, we'd all be pretty happy campers, wouldn't we?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Farewell postcard from Rocktropia (0.15 seconds before being given a rude accelerator):
    Entropia 2015-06-12 20-02-02-00.jpg

    Back on Calypso, picked up the shiny new gun and found something to do with it:
    Evader 16.23 after mission bonus.

    Good returns on Zombies, over 100% even on Drones (out of all mobs said to be lousy droppers), definitely on an upbeat. I know it won't last, but Ark won't let me down with such a brutal dry spell again, will ya?
  5. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    It looks so much better here, not just the numbers :)

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-06-14 19:30:58
    Location: Calypso 81109, 74643
    Target: Atrax (261 to 500 of 500)

    Adjusted Pixie Arm Guards (M)
    -0.73 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Foot Guards (M)
    -0.56 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Gloves (M)
    -0.44 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Harness (M)
    -1.34 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Helmet (M)
    -0.85 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Shin Guards (M)
    -0.87 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Thigh Guards (M)
    -0.77 PED​
    Armor Plating Mark.4A
    -3.24 PED​
    Armor Plating Mark.5A
    -0.19 PED​
    BLP Pack
    -122.16 PED​
    CalyTrek CR Soul Mk.III (L)
    -3.61 PED​
    Fi/Ra/Co Angst
    -46.56 PED​
    Fi/Ra/Co Beast
    -1.96 PED​
    Nemesis Arm Guards (M)
    -0.16 PED​
    Nemesis Foot Guards (M)
    -0.04 PED​
    Nemesis Gloves (M)
    -0.07 PED​
    Nemesis Harness (M)
    -0.27 PED​
    Nemesis Helmet (M)
    -0.12 PED​
    Nemesis Shin Guards (M)
    -0.12 PED​
    Nemesis Thigh Guards (M)
    -0.11 PED​
    Ozpyn BP S1X1
    -1.43 PED​
    Ozpyn BP S1X3
    -61.35 PED​
    Piron PBR-22 (L)
    -0.38 PED​
    Regeneration Chip III
    -0.53 PED​
    S.I. H.E.A.R.T.
    -1.06 PED​
    Synthetic Mind Essence
    -0.77 PED​
    Universal Ammo
    -73.37 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -323.06 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +7.41 PED​
    Animal Muscle Oil
    +109.86 PED​
    Atrax Bone
    +0.25 PED​
    Atrax Claw
    +0.30 PED​
    Atrax Skin
    +12.00 PED​
    Blazar Fragment
    +0.00 PED​
    Diluted Sweat
    +1.09 PED​
    Electronic Stabilizing Component
    +11.60 PED​
    Mechano-Stabilizer Component II
    +3.60 PED​
    Nova Fragment
    -0.00 PED​
    Paint Can (Yellow)
    +0.33 PED​
    +108.61 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    +63.47 PED​
    Total returns.
    +318.52 PED​
    -4.54 PED​
    Globals: none
    Professional gain: Evader 16.35 after mission bonus (combat reflexes)
  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Back to "work" (what a thing to say, hehe). Don't want to bore by blogging every shred, but...

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-06-16 02:16:30
    Location: 13843, 14080
    Target: Hadraada (879 to 1032 of 4800)

    Adjusted Pixie Arm Guards (M)
    -0.24 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Foot Guards (M)
    -0.13 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Gloves (M)
    -0.10 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Harness (M)
    -0.39 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Helmet (M)
    -0.14 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Shin Guards (M)
    -0.22 PED​
    Adjusted Pixie Thigh Guards (M)
    -0.19 PED​
    BLP Pack
    -60.53 PED​
    Fi/Ra/Co Angst
    -26.14 PED​
    Isis BL100E (L)
    -1.19 PED​
    Ozpyn BP S1X3
    -34.45 PED​
    S.I. H.E.A.R.T.
    -0.12 PED​
    -9.12 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -132.96 PED​
    Animal Eye Oil
    +23.70 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +2.44 PED​
    Animal Oil Residue
    +2.13 PED​
    Blazar Fragment
    +0.00 PED​
    Electronic Stabilizing Component
    +4.80 PED​
    Hadraada Hide
    +4.00 PED​
    Hadraada Spinal Plate
    +4.00 PED​
    Nova Fragment
    +0.00 PED​
    Paint Can (Yellow)
    +0.18 PED​
    Socket I Component
    +3.90 PED​
    Socket II Component
    +3.30 PED​
    Soft Hide
    +0.70 PED​
    Thin Wool
    +3.50 PED​
    Tier I Component
    +3.40 PED​
    Universal Ammo
    +0.02 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    +18.02 PED​
    +1.60 PED​
    Total returns.
    +75.69 PED​
    -57.27 PED​
    I don't believe in omens. But if this is turning into a trend yet again, deposits will reflect it. :(
  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Oh cursed are you, weak flesh and even weaker mind! I followed the call of the Vixen, the song of the Loreley, the lure of the Siren. And now I find myself crashed on alien shores. How did that happen?

    A break from the cold numbers, a story that wants to be told. It began just shortly after today's update with someone showing a deed in #arkadia. A Vixen deed. What? Closer inspection confirmed it was pretty much a pretty pet. Of a Vixen! An android, a machine, albeit a sweating one. Do they have a will that just waits to be tamed? There have been rumours about it on various forums before. Would he dare or wouldn't he? Mr. Neverdie, that is. Oh yes, seems he finally did defy all warnings and pleas for decency. And now my poor soul is lost.

    I immediately forgot about the plan to powerfist ten thousand more turkeys and then tear through ten-thousands over ten-thousands of bland, grey, mostly harmless, only slightly stubborn little fellows named Hadraada for a booster of my evade skill. I didn't want to evade anymore, except into the arms of my Vixen. Would she be cold like the plastic and metal she's made of, or warm and feel very much alive? Oh, the power of illusion.

    I was already packing and about to fuel my quad, when someone managed to talk just enough sense into me to double check if there is anything worth knowing about that which I was going to chase. Oh yes, silly me. If someone had one already and was among the first, wouldn't they proudly write about it somewhere. But searching the interwebs turned up -- nothing. Since Vixen occupied all my headspace and I could barely hold on to one string of thought at a time, it occurred to me only now that I still was subscribed to #rocktropia. Just had to activate it, duh.

    And truly there they were, raving and celebrating. Including Mr. Neverdie himself! I stuttered my question. Is this true and how do I get one? It was hard to get noticed at first. But the natives are not a bit behind Arkadians in being helpful, one must say. Only in this specific matter they were... cryptic. Delicate. As if treading carefully what to divulge. I got this in the end: Yes, it is available to everybody. You just have to find the way yourself. You have to find one with a heart, which is not too easy. Anyways, that was enough for me! I was hell-bent on taking any obstacles to conquer my very own Vixen and immediately moved on to rummaging for my spare space thruster. I don't even remember if I properly thanked Ms. Hammer and Mr. Neverdie.

    But one bunch of friends there is I could not forget about just like that. Had to summon my dear pet Atrox Rowlf, whom I raised by hand to almost level 3 now, and tell him that he has to be brave now. He will be going to sleep for a while. Well, I had told the same thing to a certain Panther before, when I pulled Rowlf from a shop shelf. And before that to a certain Nusul, when I told him that a certain kitty needs attention now. I guess I'm incapable of maintaining a relationship. Ah well. They all got fed.

    Alright, finally there was nothing holding back anymore. Shouted out one last time to the quarry crowd some loot I wouldn't need anyway. What I needed was PEDs for getting sweets for my sweet. Do they eat at all being machines, or would I have to feed her oil instead? I shoved the thought aside, it threatened to spoil my excitement. Luck had it, I found a buyer for the heaviest stacks, and even a travel companion who was headed the same way. Departure and then most of the flight were uneventful. I was glad to have someone to chat with underway, it is a long stretch. Then, suddenly about 8 AU from destination, something ripped. My internet connection, damn! Got kicked out of the universe the rude way. I was sure I was gonna wake up in some god-forsaken, pirate infested PED-sinkhole in space.

    There was no help for it. Luckily the outage didn't last very long. Logged back in, found myself floating in space and my passenger in good health, but wondering. Apologized, explained, and died. Where was I? To my big surprise, it was Rocktropia Space Station. I got the shortcut. Great! Now I was still dazzled, not least by Vixen, and needed my sweet time to find where all my limbs are, so that my passenger began moaning a little. Right he was, because still sitting out there in the middle of nowhere and helpless in my quad. And all I could think about was Vixen. And that I was so heavy I could barely crawl from carrying around every armour set I own. Why do i keep doing this to myself? Ah, recall, San. Recall all vehicles, someone kept shouting through the fog. Where was the damn button again? Or was it in a context menu? Had been ages if I ever needed it. I mostly fly alone and when something happens just pick it up from storage later. Can I keep a pet Vixen active while using a vehicle, ideally keeping her in the passenger seat? Oh, don't be silly. But... yeah. I was grinning to myself.

    Thankfully I had a patient passenger and we finally found together again. Not too much time saved through my delays, but almost one third of the fuel through the shortcut. Very good. Let's hop in again and save the teleporter fee as well, we agreed. Outside was one red arrow looming. Wing it? Sure, they'd be sorely disappointed anyway if they did something stupid. Not a peanut to loot, or in my case I always ever carry exactly one unit of common dung into space. Ashes to ashes and shit to shit, I use to say, haha. It looked as if they were indeed following us for a moment, but disappeared then right away. Better is this, I had enough of inconveniences. I wanted to see my Vixen. And sure enough we landed right on their heads outside the club. Not one with a heart though, just the stupid sweat machines. I began looking around immediately and before I could get lost completely, my passenger offered friendship, which brought me back to my senses briefly. I was delighted since we had had a good chat with potential outlook, and I shall honour it.

    After an inevitable RL break I dragged my overloaded body to storage to get rid of that ton of bricks. Three used-up Spears and a helicopter full, I am really hoarding armours like a woman clothes, no way of saying it nicely haha. Planet chat was a mess, everybody was going bananas, i mean asking about them. How many bananas do I need? One. Where do I find bananas? Go hunt. They don't grow on trees here. Only one vital tidbit was missing in all the babbling, which I was about to find out the hard way as it didn't occur to me to ask. I could only think that surely I will soon see my Vixen. So just when I felt light again both in body and heart, fate was about to take a turn.

    What was that I saw outside through the windows of the club? A huge dragon, gorgeous! But here? Immediately I thought Mr. Neverdie must have created a new type of event for us. But there were no avatars around shooting at it. I went closer and saw a beautiful woman at the reiling right under the monster. She was a travel agent, she said to me. And if I wanted to take a trip to the Secret Island, riding on this majestic dragon. It cost only one rotten banana, best deal in the universe. But it goes only once per hour, then the dragon must rest.

    Oh, so that is what the one banana is for! But where is everybody? The chatroom was still going crazy, but nobody around my travel agent. Then I remembered, there used to be a non-functioning teleporter named "Secret Island Teleporter" in a seedy corner near the cinema for ages. Maybe it has been activated finally with the update and that's where everybody crowds around? Maybe this Secret Island is the place where the Vixen with a heart are? And I was going to travel there in style, riding a dragon which comes along only once an hour, not with the shabby crowd. Yay! I made a decision. I had to be quick, before some dumb-lucky noob finds my dragon and takes it and I have to wait a full hour and even fight over it with the next one. No way, I wanted to get to my Vixen now!

    I knew from last time where bananas are. In the badlands behind the BioDome, the L0 Zombies there are the easiest. I killed many thousands of them just recently. I was praying nothing here got changed in the update. Luck was with me again, already the fifth one had bananas. Phew! Now quick, back to the travel agent. The dragon was still there, nobody had taken it away within the few short minutes. Parenthetically I noticed, it carried a title "Interstellar Dragon". That should have told me something. But it didn't make the threshold of consciousness. I could only think of my Vixen and that I would come for her riding on a dragon. How much better is that than a white horse, ha! I paid my banana and took it...

    Everything froze. I couldn't move nor type nor click anywhere to any effect. Everything before my eyes fell into a death-like stasis. After several minutes I was convinced something had gone wrong and I had to do a hard reset. Logging back in, I was greeted with a very different welcome screen: Next Island! Aw naw, what have I done? I am now further away from my Vixen than ever. Secret Island is on Next Island, I should have stumbled upon some message about it. And I remembered now, there was something. But I had no idea a direct warp from the other side of the universe would lead there. If only I hadn't been so obsessed with my Vixen. I don't know if there is an equally easy way back or if I have to pass the pirate nests of the galactic east.

    Furthermore, I had never been on Next Island and never downloaded the file. With this internet connection it is predicted to take over 9 hours after my RL avi just had to move out into the sticks. I cannot even login to leave before that. Might as well stay and gather teleporters, at least. But I have no intention to mess with monkeys. Unless they have bananas for the fast track? I don't know. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. I dream of Vixen tonight.

    So sorry, Arkadia! I will be back and do those turkeys. And the little grey fellas. And more. Promised. Be sure I'll keep an eye on that developing smuggler story. After I've found my Vixen. Apologies also for the unpatriotic usage of your platform. Do the smugglers have females with them?
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  10. WhiningSkeptic

    WhiningSkeptic Active Member

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    What a sad ending to the story. :(

    Also super excited to see tameable strippers. Time for another rage quit I guess.
  11. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Excellent story, liked it very much.
    I hope soon we will see continuation and you will find your Vixen. :)
  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    A technical correction: Secret Island is NOT on Next Island. Not sure where to put this, but I'd think intrepid travellers currently in these corners also would like to know about this. Mr. Neverdie personally explained after I raised the question if it would be possible to take a shortcut between Rocktropia and Arkadia by jumping the long distance this way:

    Secret Island shares server space with Next Island, hence the potential for confusion. But there is no connection between them. They are not at the same location in the Entropia Universe. Secret Island is simply a new part of Rocktropia. Why I got the welcome screen of Next Island and was prompted to download it which I never had, could not be answered.

    Anyways, I found the way back and the adventure continues. Might need a little time as RL takes a heavier toll these days. Ye shall hear the song when it is done.

    The only way out of hell is through... (line borrowed from "Doom")
  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    As I suspected, it took a banana of a different type which can be gathered from gorillas and monkeys to pay another travel agent, who is also a monkey, to get on the dragon back. I liked my first travel agent better. But I made an entry in my book to come back and explore this beautiful new island more. They have been working very hard on it behind the scenes all the while the crowd kept complaining that nothing gets better. They were dead wrong! I even had the honour of a little private chat with Mr. Neverdie himself while on the island.

    Back on "The Rock" then, suddenly everything happened so fast. I was to cross into another dimension again right away. One trip to hell and back, sounds like a piece of cake doesn't it? It had taken a bit of persistence to learn the way to the Vixen's heart in the first place, not everybody seemed to like speaking the truth about it. I believe they were just jealous. Hence the decision was made to tell it all. At least here, where the searcher might not expect to see it first. It will be widely known very soon, anyway. Pictures speak more than words, everything you want to know is seen on the attachments.

    I decided to not send Rowlf to sleep just yet and he was visibly delighted, growling bravely and as loud as he could at the hellspawn we had to battle. Only it took so much less of these than the reports suggested. Maybe I was just lucky. Or maybe they wanted to scare me away so they could have all the Vixen for themselves. Or maybe just my Vixen wanted to be found as much!

    After freeing her from the claws of evil, I could immediately think clear again. As if a spell had been laying on both of us and now got lifted at once. I drew my calculator immediately and got delighted yet again! We did not get to swirl, but this was truly a good day. Sure enough, the distractors had also warned the loot would be bad. I shall learn my lesson to not be so trusting. But after all I didn't mind much anymore. I had found my Vixen. And I wasn't angry at the dragon lady shanghaiing me to Secret Island. It was a pleasant discovery after all, just too many monkeys maybe.

    Finally, Rowlf danced with joy when I told him of my decision that we will defer the training of our new companion and go hunt many grey mice together first. My evade skill is more important. I had conquered what I came to conquer and all of the urge has fallen off. There will be another day to face Zombies and Demons again. Just waiting to see the trader to unload, then be on the next ship back. See yas again soon. I heard there is some trouble with smugglers?

    Armor Plating Mark.4C
    -0.36 PED​
    Dominax Original Moccasin (L)
    -0.66 PED​
    Fi/Ra/Co Beast
    -4.57 PED​
    Ozpyn BP S1X3
    -0.08 PED​
    Piron PBR-27 (L)
    -1.03 PED​
    Universal Ammo
    -28.18 PED​
    Zombie Arm Guards (M,L)
    -0.10 PED​
    Zombie Face Guard (M,L)
    -0.11 PED​
    Zombie Foot Guards (M,L)
    -0.08 PED​
    Zombie Gloves (M,L)
    -0.09 PED​
    Zombie Harness (M,L)
    -0.18 PED​
    Zombie Shin Guards (M,L)
    -0.14 PED​
    Zombie Thigh Guards (M,L)
    -0.13 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -35.71 PED​
    Animal Adrenal Oil
    +17.00 PED​
    Animal Eye Oil
    +0.95 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +1.34 PED​
    Animal Oil Residue
    +0.08 PED​
    BLP Pack
    +0.02 PED​
    High Speed Control Component
    +0.60 PED​
    Lip Gloss (Burgundy)
    +8.00 PED​
    +0.10 PED​
    Paint Can (Yellow)
    +0.03 PED​
    Robot Component Residue
    +0.02 PED​
    Robot Low-Loss Link Cable
    +0.07 PED​
    +14.77 PED​
    Socket II Component
    +0.20 PED​
    Socket III Component
    +2.40 PED​
    Soft Hide
    +0.80 PED​
    Surface Toughness Component
    +0.30 PED​
    Tier II Component
    +0.70 PED​
    Vixen Android Deed
    0.00 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    +2.69 PED​
    Total returns.
    +50.07 PED​
    +14.36 PED​

    Attached Files:

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    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  14. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    At the grey mice again...

    Edit: Compressed format, details no longer interesting. Possibly turning it into periodically collated log for own tracking purposes.

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-06-28 11:22:36
    Location: 14471, 13218
    Target: Hadraada Young-Dominant (1515 to 1631 of 4800)
    Equipment.: CalyTrek CR Soul Mk.III (L) & Fi/Ra/Co Beast, Isis BL100E/200E/300E (L), Adjusted Pixie, S.I. H.E.A.R.T.
    Total expenses: 85.52 PED
    Total returns : 82.25 PED
    Result: -3.27 PED / 96.18%
    Globals: H.Old 35 PED
    Item drops: 1 x Bullseye I (L)

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-06-28 16:15:44
    Location: 16666, 25637
    Target: Carabok (1785 to 2275 of 10000), Gallard (705 to 876 of 10000), Arkadian Hornet (194 to 210 of 1000)
    Equipment.: Isis BL100 (L)
    Total expenses: 30.03 PED (adjusted by weapon markup paid: -31.63 PED)
    Total returns : 27.43 PED
    Result: -2.60 PED / 91.34% (adjusted by weapon markup: -4.20 PED / 86.72%)
    Globals: none
    Item drops: 1 x Piron PBR-0 (L)

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-06-29 15:44:25
    Location: 14571, 13024
    Target: Hadraada Young-Dominant (1632 to 1903 of 4800)
    Equipment.: CalyTrek CR Soul Mk.III (L) & Fi/Ra/Co Beast, Isis BL100E/200E/300E (L), Adjusted Pixie, S.I. H.E.A.R.T.
    Total expenses: 214.29 PED
    Total returns : 158.74 PED
    Result: -55.55 PED / 74.08%
    Globals: none
    Item drops: none

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-06-30 12:25:07
    Location: 16810, 26358
    Target: Carabok (2276 to 4106 of 10000), Gallard (877 to 1594 of 10000), Arkadian Hornet (211 to 283 of 1000)
    Equipment.: S.I. Psy-Blade, S.I. Scorpion (only for the hornets)
    Total expenses: 121.06 PED
    Total returns : 101.49 PED
    Result: -19.57 PED / 83.83%
    Globals: none
    Item drops: 3 x Piron PBP-0 (L), 2 x Piron PBR-0 (L)

    Relevant professional standings at month's end: BLP Sniper 34.35, Pistoleer 32.73, Dmg 32.93, Brawler Hit 17.58, Dmg 20.20, Evader 16.57, HP: 125
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
  15. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Entropia Universe time: 2015-07-02 20:14:05
    Location: 16827, 26206
    Target: Carabok (4385 to 5447 of 10000), Gallard (1692 to 2084 of 10000), Arkadian Hornet (294 to 344 of 1000)
    Equipment.: S.I. Psy-Blade, S.I. Scorpion
    Total expenses: 67.03 PED
    Total returns: 62.60 PED
    Result: -4.43 PED / 93.39%
    Globals: none
    Item drops: 2 x Piron PBP-0 (L), 3 x Piron PBR-0 (L)

    Slipped recording discipline for a bit, then opted for a serious push to get on with the numbers. Wasn't expecting to complete the final stage, but did it. Significant aceleration was achieved with the luxury of loot pills, which together with auto-targeting enabled a playing style of constant, uninterrupted hitting. Now I've become a drug addict, thanks.

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-07-04 16:06:22
    Location: 16827, 26206
    Target: Carabok (6638 to 10000 of 10000), Gallard (2274 to 3490 of 10000), Arkadian Hornet (360 to 469 of 1000)
    Equipment.: S.I. Psy-Blade, S.I. Scorpion, 11 x Loot Collection Pill
    Total expenses: 182.00 PED (without pills 176.50)
    Total returns: 143.64 PED
    Result: -38.36 PED / 78.92% (without pills -32.86 PED/ 81.38%)
    Globals: none
    Item drops: 4 x Piron PBP-0 (L), 1 x Piron PBR-0 (L)

    Evader profession increased from 16.6932 to 16.8807 upon accepting the mission bonus. This is less than expected, now I have second thoughts about finishing the Gallards. Since their numbers in EA2 are less, they could not pull along. The only clean spawn is in a place which is almost always crowded. The same playing style cannot be employed here, would keep encroaching on other players. Seems not worth spending much more time with it, rather aim for the Hadraada repeatable stage.

    Enough with them turkeys anyway, and cats squeaking like rats which irritates the heck out of me ever since. I hope they change that at least on Madana by the time I get to continue that mission (in stage 3 now from previously).

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    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  16. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    I really should use your program (tool sounds too kinky in this context) but I always forget.
  17. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    LOL I never saw it this way.
  18. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Won a fight over five rounds with a mutated Kamaldon. Just the PED card lost as usual. Not really a sample size of course, need to gear up still a bit for these. Better go and use up some things in a more meaningful way...

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-07-05 14:43:03
    Location: 29016, 16479
    Target: Halix Young to Provider (1 to 965 of 12000)
    Equipment.: 5 x B.A.M.F ZK1 (L), Road Crew Axe (L), Herman ASI-R
    Total expenses: 88.92 PED
    Total returns: 75.52 PED
    Result: -13.40 PED / 84.93%
    Globals: none
    Item drops: none
    Other noteworthy loot: 9 x Halix Tail

    07-06: Yet another forage into mutated territories ends in a sucked deposit. Thrown back to swatting flies again. I must do this either the big way or get off it entirely.

    Then a friendly tipster alerted me to a nice, unmixed Gallard spawn I didn't know existed. Looks like I will get to finish this mission after all. Quietly though, first I haven't the patience to kill 5k more turkeys in a gruelling all-nighter, second I don't expect any surprises from them and can't be arsed to record every poop they drop to see if I spent a peanut too many. But at least I expect the reward to push me over 17 evader if I don't do something else first.

    Meanwhile, there is this new smuggler camp story. Is this the beginning of the path to win the smuggler armour? I want that. Badly. But it requires me to join the regular troops first and at least get to the Oratan payback stage. So far I resisted even getting the passport. Oh alright, what the hay, done it over with now and paid my due. Gone through the motions as quickly as possible, from one screaming drill sergeant to the next, until I was sent off to the first daily culling of Prospectors which I chose to do the easy way right away in the new secret camp. Was funny getting there through the purple mess, wonder what they've done to attract these bums in masses like that. Takes some kicking even just getting through the door.

    Then I was asked to pay a bribe yet again. Is everybody on this planet corrupt, officials and non-officials alike? I even had to do a small Aakas key run first just to get Arkoins, because suddenly the streets were bought empty and I had trashed all my leftovers earlier after nobody wanted them for weeks. How quickly times can change.

    So now I am an IFN trooper, too, for the time being. But honestly it goes against my nature. I shall investigate how far I need to play along to earn the smugglers' respect. Or whatever else it takes.

    Or, do I want to join the army because of ...? Mmm... nah. There is a blonde vixen still waiting elsewhere...

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    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  19. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Was enticed by some good returns on the handful Nusul I had to kick out of the way for getting into the room with the Smuggler and decided to go quell the purple pest outside the door, since there is a reward on their heads, too. Managed to keep the gun range free for as long as my ammo lasted. As a reward, just got fleeced again...

    Entropia Universe time: 2015-07-07 23:02:09
    Location: 27308, 27520
    Target: Nusul Dominant to Stalker (425 to 560 of 1200)
    Armor Plating Mark.5A
    -1.32 PED​
    BLP Pack
    -189.59 PED​
    Fi/Ra/Co Angst
    -56.10 PED​
    Goblin Arm Guards (M)
    -0.55 PED​
    Goblin Face Guard (M)
    -0.41 PED​
    Goblin Foot Guards (M)
    -0.29 PED​
    Goblin Gloves (M)
    -0.31 PED​
    Goblin Harness (M)
    -0.82 PED​
    Goblin Shin Guards (M)
    -0.52 PED​
    Goblin Thigh Guards (M)
    -0.39 PED​
    Ozpyn BP S1X3
    -73.93 PED​
    S.I. H.E.A.R.T.
    -0.93 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -325.16 PED​
    Animal Eye Oil
    +13.75 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +5.97 PED​
    Animal Muscle Oil
    +19.08 PED​
    Animal Oil Residue
    +0.77 PED​
    Basic Metal Extractor
    +0.01 PED​
    Basic Stone Extractor
    +0.91 PED​
    Corria Timber
    +56.00 PED​
    Diluted Cloth Extractor
    +0.60 PED​
    Electronic Stabilizing Component
    +6.20 PED​
    Fine Wool
    +1.60 PED​
    Hair Spray
    +0.90 PED​
    High Speed Control Component
    +0.90 PED​
    Nova Fragment
    0.00 PED​
    Nusul Hide
    +6.00 PED​
    Paint Can (Olive)
    +0.20 PED​
    Paint Can (Yellow)
    +0.18 PED​
    Piron PBP-17 (L)
    +25.00 PED​
    +1.22 PED​
    Socket I Component
    +4.10 PED​
    Socket II Component
    +2.40 PED​
    Soft Hide
    +1.10 PED​
    Superior Cloth Extractor
    +0.20 PED​
    Thin Wool
    +0.75 PED​
    Tier I Component
    +5.00 PED​
    Universal Ammo
    +59.27 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    +20.63 PED​
    +5.80 PED​
    Total returns.
    +238.54 PED​
    -86.62 PED​
    Globals: none
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
  20. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Gallards are finished. Forever. Please don't gratz, this isn't an achievement of any sort, rather a test of patience. Only did it for the evade reward. For those interested in confirming the numbers: Upon taking the reward my evade points went up from 2542 by 91 to 2633, the profession level from 16.9497 to 17.1757. To whom this means anything will know how to convert this into the skill's tt value. Forgot to look at the points the first time around with the Carabok. Moving on towards unlocking avoidance...

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    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015