No more Codex Chambers!?

Discussion in 'Instances' started by SirCuteNShy, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. SirCuteNShy

    SirCuteNShy Member

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    Since Aakas got their chests back and golden parts are dropping regularly, we're seeing the instances becoming popular again. Kudos to the A-team for sorting it all out, and well done for now letting us have the option to go for the team or solo (no chest, but loot-as-you-shoot) version :)

    However, there is a problem (at least it will be in the long run) Afaik, no Golden key Codex Chamber has been looted in ages. Actually, according to Entropialife, the last one was looted over 17 months ago!
    Many of the players grinding the instances, myself included, do it in order to collect golden parts and be able to craft a Golden Key. Now, we'll have to sit on parts worth thousands of peds which we're unable to cycle. This is bad both for the players and the planet's economy.

    Maybe the Codex Chambers are supposed to be semi rare, but no drops in 17 months, that's beyond devastating.

    I'd really appreciate feedback from an Arkadia official about this. Please investigate the loot distribution in Aakas key 10, and let us know if it works as intended, thank you.

  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    It's all functioning as intended.

    The drops of items is managed by Mindark not the Arkadia team, the Codex are meant to be rare, that's all I can say about it.

  3. slither

    slither Active Member

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    problem is, if codex drop so rare then all the other parts are worthless and the shitty ~70% returns you're giving everyone aren't being compensated for in any way.

    There simply isn't the treasure dropping that needs to in order to justify running aakas. Golden barrels at 500-1000% may sound great but when there's 1 codex out there and 1000 barrels then those barrels are worth tt.

    The blades seem to be dropping from aakas 10 but not seen them at lower levels. And even if they are, there's so many of them about these days that they're not worth much.

    No armours seem to be dropping. You can do dozens of runs and the best thing you see is a MF chip for 110%.

    MA are throwing awesome rings at anyone who makes a depo, can't they give us something for actually playing the game?
  4. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Also do note not all the parts are considered rare. Like aakas 1 with golden key gears, you can get them, but won't get a rare item hof for it.
  5. SirCuteNShy

    SirCuteNShy Member

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    Firstly, thanks for a quick reply :smile: You guys have always been good at that.

    I know it is MA who controls the lootpool, but as a planet partner, the Arkadia team should have the power to ask MA to adjust item drops. If it's functioning as intended, then I find it strange that the intentions have changed that dramatically. I remember when the Aakas instances was brand new, looting a Codex Chamber was fairly uncommon, but the chance was reasonable.

    Like Slither points out, ALL golden key parts will be tt food if the Codexes won't start dropping anytime soon. Which will result in most players to stop doing Aakas runs alltogether. This will also have a negative effect on key crafters and the treasure hunters who provides them with materials.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    On one hand, I'm pleased to report box multipliers still happen. Had an approximately 2.4x in Aakas 01.

    On the other hand, it was the same 2.4x in all four chests (so we ended up with 36.something instead of usual 15.something in loot - and of course it was all shrap/ammo/arkoins, not even a single gear).

    I had hoped four chests instead of one would mean four times as many loot attempts, thus providing for smoother returns in the long run; but now I'm not sure anymore how it works and what is the purpose of having four chests.
  7. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    Was just talking about this on #arkadia and it occurred to me that it was ~2.4x the usual loot but about 1.7x compared to the cost. :)
  8. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    Loot in team instances is the worst it has ever been. This is due to the removal of the key tt. Key tt was always returned 100% due to the shitfit that was thrown back when beacons were re-introduced. Now without the key tt you are very very lucky to get 70% tt return, compared to the 75-85% tt return you used to be able to get.

    This just compounds with the lack of codex chambers and all the golden key flopps in a row.