Voice Forum

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Erastothenes, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    Ok, so most people are on Skype. Some use that xfire thing (not me). I kinda like TeamSpeak. How about a TS Arkadia Forum server? With channels set up like the sections in the forum? The client software is free, the server I think is not very costly.

    One TS channel per forum section :) Or at least one channel per main/most pop section perhaps...

    I have sooo many wishes lol
  2. Billy

    Billy Member

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    Great Idea,

    I run a TS server from my home PC for my soc but I don't think it could handle that much traffic. I have been working on a skin for Planet Arkadia for the TS client and should finish it some time in the next month. The only draw back to a TS server ran by Planet Arkadia is that they may have to pay for it unlike us where we are not making any cash and run it totally free, although it may be free for them to this is a area which I am not completely sure about and would have to check into it.
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yes, Arkadia would have to pay for it.
  4. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There is a live chat feature to Vbullitin. I think thats about as close to any chat you would get in a forum. Adding a voice chat function kinda defeats the purpose of a forum as most things would be discussed in the voice forum and not much info would get posted to hard copy on the boards.

    Besides can you hear the mayhem of more then 5 people on a voice chat all wanting to talk about different things.... Worse then my sisters sleep over parties when she was a kid.
  5. Fox

    Fox Member

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    True. And then think of the non english speaking people. When two japanese guys are talking, while some russians are hunting and three italians discuss the latest soccer plays... That'll be horror pure!
  6. Addz

    Addz Member

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    We do that and more during events such as WoF so I can't see that it would be too much of a problem. Everyone learns very quickly that if everyone talks at once it just doesnt work and it usualy all pans out fine.

    Thats kind of like saying we should remove text chat in game because not everyone speaks the same language and it will get cluttered.

    I think the biggest issue is actually if people would actually use it enough for it to be worth the cost. Unfotunately I dont think that they will :(
  7. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    Agree with Addz, people learn how to be together in a chat channel fast enough.

    Having people speaking multiple languages in one channel could indeed be a bother! Right on there Fox! - One solution would be to have diff servers for diff languages I suppose.

    Again with Addz, yeah, would people actually use it? I have not checked the costs, if its relatively cheap then perhaps a voice version of the forum could be tried. If it costs a lot, def at least wait untill the forum has a lot of life before giving it a try.

    Still, I like the idea :)
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    AS far as an organised event / hunt / soc chat yes it would be easy to organise the flow of convesation as few people = fewer topics and opinions..Usually in these situations someone is controling flow of what goes on and leads where it will go.

    An open chat with no direction and many people with many ideas and directions would be mayhem and would end up a near private server for the more dominant speakers I believe as many less pressing people would simply not use the feature because they got no turn to say whats on their mind.