New and Inexperienced

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by swaith, May 31, 2011.

  1. swaith

    swaith Member

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    hi gents im as green as they come and want a few pointers before i go an embarrass myself :D

    firstly all the sweat talk, im presuming its either slang for grinding or its an item you get over time from fighting dehydrated enemy's :D

    seriously though i wanted to get a quick couple of words of some experienced players, im comming strait over from games such as wow, eve online, ragnarok, terrarier and minecraft so a nice mix of RPG, Indie and fantasy and i wouldn't mind a brief rundown of how viable my chances are in your lovely little world

    to give you a quick bit of info on myself, i always play support roles in almost everything i do, i have a 7 1/2 month old baby boy (with two teeth!) and usually get on around 9:00pm GMT onwards for roughly 3-5 hours or so.

    i enjoy exploration thoroughly an hoard so much it would make your eyes hurt, i rarely play as any kind of merchant or trader prefering to stay firmly in a combat subsidiary role to a leader/commander i end up playing for (i find being under someone a lot easier to do as it helps me to manage my time better in game if im set goals)

    i LOVE voice chat so i hope their is a function for this ingame (yes im lazy occasionally too and no i havent googled, whats live without mystery :D )

    erm, i tend to wittle down hours with company, again unless i have a specific goal id rather be out helping somone then playing it myself.

    anywho if you think i can carve out a life here let me know how because i really have no idea :D
  2. Stave Petty

    Stave Petty Member

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    Hey, firstly, sweating is a resource you can extract from creatures for free, so you can then sell to other players without depositing.

    And from the rest of your post, it sounds like you will get on just fine here :)

    Many like myself spend alot of their game time helping others, it is what i built my service upon, soon to be coming to planet arkadia,

    Good luck out there, and hope to see you around :)

  3. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    At what place do you hang out?

    If we bump into each other I can give you a little tour and explain the basics.

  4. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    Offering my self as personal guide if you want.

    together with ETA (also a member of it) I can show you the planet, learn you the system with hunting sheets and loot tracking etc etc. Currently working on a mining system

    //off topic

    Fighting with Stave and Ion .. stay away he is my newbie , NO he is mIne !:tired::surrender: heheheheh . As you see enough ppl to help around
  5. swaith

    swaith Member

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    lol well essentailly i will stat off wherever is most convenient for you gents, anything i dont need and or want can go to your respective projects and hopefully our insipient teamwork will result in a collective stronger the its parts :D well at least that's the goal eh :D (some would say a true arcadia if there are any word buffs about (chortle)

    once i spawn in tonight (if i can get access that is damned portals) i will grab my cords and try and keelhole one of you gents over to me or meet in the middle for some juicy guide time so i dont have to wonder around like an arab man at a boot sale wondering where are all the wives for sale
  6. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    There is an auto function that is very handy for sweating. You can see a video at how to use it.
  7. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Just state the teleporter where you will land is enough, I have all the teleporters.

    Off topic:

    Slaps Faye and Stave with a adjusted trout Mk II , "back off, he is mine" :D

  8. kosmos

    kosmos Member

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    Welcome to entropia
  9. red

    red Member

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    hello mr. swaith,

    I would say that your chances of being viable on this world are quite good - providing you keep an open mind and don't try to draw parallels with those other games. this one is completely different.

    the first thing that's important to know is that there is no single truth. that's to say there is no absolute right way to do anything - regardless of what others will profess or lead you to believe. there are advantages and disadvantages to everything.

    "grinding" while a common activity is other games, is an expensive proposition here. so, if you choose to train (a better word for it), you should take the time to pick the right target and know how to get the most back for your costs. it should be pointed out that no one needs to "grind" anything.

    about the sweat industry... sure you can collect sweat and sell it to other players for a pittance. it really cuts down on the fun factor, in my opinion, but some people like collecting bottles and cans for the deposit return. if you want to participate in that industry, it would be best to understand it. otherwise, you may fall victim to some smooth talker who'll exploit you for their own gain.

    oh yeah, while many people are honest and helpful, many are not. greed can bring out the worst in some people. so, always be careful.

    there are a great many resources available to help you understand what is going on within the universe and how the systems work. stick with the factual ones until you have acquired enough knowledge to be able to properly interpret opinion based sources. surprisingly, a lot of people don't know what they're talking about, but they speak it well.

    your love of whittling down hours in company will serve you well. the game has a large social element - a consideration often forgotten by the gambler, egomaniac, and moneygrubber factions.

    patience, above all, is the most valuable asset you can have here. so, today, you have no clue. however, over time, you will develop a plan, budget for it, and do the things you have decided are important. it is not a race. it's about making the most of your experience.
  10. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Oh before you get confused who to go to or something.
    Let me explain a little.

    Faye, Stave and me are all three official guides/advisors for planet Calypso, and now we all three continue our work here on Arkadia.
    We have all three several years of experience in guiding new players and on knowledge to share.

    And we are not the only ones, you will find quite a lot of the same people who have extended experience in helping others.
    Just ask a lot of questions.
    You will find yourself in a most of the time friendly and helpful community.

    And as you noticed, we also like to joke around :D

  11. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    But psst I am the oldest Guide (third program ) and I am the cutest MUWAHAHAHAHHA pick me pick me pick me pick me ..

    *feels ban hammer from David in neck*

    //on topic

    i really dont care who you pick. Me or somebody else I just want to help newbies I do this in my special way. Not everybody likes my teaching methods and others like them a lot. So if in all pick more then one mentor =) you learn from all
  12. Alice

    Alice Member

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    actually, i am oldest :p
    i was asked before Faye i think #D

    considering i am on Arkadia atm as well, i could offer my help too, although i am still mostly on gateway in my sparetime

    wanted to say, respect
    first 3 answers from advisers, not bad :)

    (I am way cuter than Faye too)
  13. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    -.- that was because I was in my non-entropia time ...besides you suck you are a melee girl and dont even know about arkadia melee

    (for the new player under us. If you see me and Alice we also bicker it seems. We also think a liek which scares the fuck out of us)
  14. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    Heheh... as You can see, there's a helpful player base to support You! :D

    No matter who You run into, ingame... don't hesitate to ask help. I'm sure everyone are more than willing to help any newcomer :)

    See You ingame...

    -- Hyssch --
  15. swaith

    swaith Member

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    awesome gents, its great to see such a cool welcome committee :D as soon as support let me come to arkadia im sure id be able to catch up with somone :D im gona cheat and throw £20 at them though for some starter credit and then leech some advice from you gents as to what to spend my lovely new credits on lol
  16. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    And to Faye and Alice, you serious want to throw it on the old thing???

    I was already guiding and helping when the both of you never heard of Entropia, heck I even remember Alice in her orange jumpsuit freshly arived.
    So I guess I am going to win this.
    And besides, people say I am cute too, well at least a few of them say that.......I think.


    Back on a serious note.

    I agree with the others, no matter who you meet as long as you don't hesitate to ask questions.
    And don't forget: there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers ;)

    I hope that you get your location problem gets solved soon and that we can welcome you on Arkadia's surface.

  17. swaith

    swaith Member

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    ty it turns out that you can just got to Calyp and portal over >< i wish id know that before im gona log in at home and do it that way
  18. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    yes you can, and that should be even possible at the teleporter at Port Atlantis where you arrive on Calypso.

    However to travel from Calypso to Arkadia costs 40 PED transport fee.
    This might be something to consider.

    And I guess your now at Calypso Genesis, so that means you go from Genesis to the newcomers area Gateway first.
    From the gateway you can tp to Calypso.
    The Gateway is the booth camp for Calypso, and traveling from genesis > Gateway > Calypso is free.

    Than from Calypso > Arkadia is 40 PED.

  19. swaith

    swaith Member

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    i think a refund once they get their act together is a fair request on the PED cost concidering its been 2 days and support hasnt bothered to reply to me ode to genesis
  20. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Don't count on it, MA wont give any refunds.

    It is very rare when that happens.
