My story

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by Daka, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    Top marks once again Daka, well done in finding the time to play and give us your great story.
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  2. Daka

    Daka Member

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    I noticed last few days Vixen robots i was killing have less armor parts than before. Even it means less profit for me, because i spent more ammo than I can sell robot parts I loot from them one question appears? Why would robotmakers send in battle robots with less parts? Robot design seems to be unchanged. Hmm, maybe they have some secret agenda who knows, or they just can't produce enough parts at rate we are wasting those metalic things.

    I was growing more and more homesick with each passing day so I started to thinking about going back to our beloved Arkadia. Quadwing has enough fuel for the flight, even if my plan for refilling PED card with 100-150 PED was not even close to be reached. Maybe I should give it a try with those Vixens few more days, killing of that undead monkey has resulted in loss. Twice. He keep coming back from the dead, but I will skip him for now. There is enough other people to send him back to oblivion. Fighting him was fun, indeed, him and his zombie underlings, but not profitable as robots.

    So, while planing flight back to Arkadia was occupying my mind, my Vixen headhunt (robot Vixens headhunt, not my socmate Vixen headhunt) has continue. It was so dark at that time so I couldn't see right, it was hard to see difference between Vixen types. I wanted to kill only those that have 10 HP. Much easier and still profitable. I was still thinking about home and fired 2-3 laser cells with my HK110 and robot were still attacking and even hit me few times. Pain I expirienced was enough for me to wake up from dreaming and see I shot biger robot by mistake.

    OK. Lets get serious. I removed HK110 and took Ozpyn LR S1X1 and strike down annoying can in 7-8 shots. Suddenly, some kind of swirling images started to surrounding my body. Hmm, what is that? My equipment was working properly this morning when it was regularly checked. When I checked inventory computer log, last entry had value of 52 PED. Wow. So, it seems like they put almost all stock they have in this robot. Well, whatever they were thinking to do about it, this Vixen will never be able to complete its mission and I am glad I am the one who stoped it. 52 PED will come handy with other valuable loot I have. :)

    After I sold almost everything I had in my storage, PED card is refreshed enough. I left only Nova and Blazar fragments for some other time. Time for going home.

    Approaching to Arkadia once again from space was breathtaking sight. Really beatifull planet indeed, I am proud to be not just one of its residents, but the one who's duty is to protect it. After my quad has entered atmosphere, ship computer received transmission from IFN HQ.

    ... Replaying incoming trabsmission...

    "Corporal Daka, welcome back. Our sensors had indicated your approach to Arkadia. Your late arrival is noted in arrivals logs, so your name will be removed from list potential candidates for prison. Report IMMEDIATELY to your assigned officer for briefing. Valiant out."

    ... Transmission ended...

    Prison? ... Me ... Late?

    Just great... I wonder what was that all about. Guess I am about to find out.
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    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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  4. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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  5. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    I third it. :p

    You really have great talent. :)
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  6. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    Great Daka, thanks once again.
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  7. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Thank you all for reading this.
    I will continue this story in subforum Snape has recommended.

    Have fun :happy:
  8. Daka

    Daka Member

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  9. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Following there; can't wait to read the next part! :D