Planet Arkadia Update 2015.2 (17th March)

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Mathias | Arkadia, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Planet Arkadia Update 2015.2 Release Notes (17 March 2015)

    The following are changes that come with Planet Arkadia Update 2014.4. This information is provided, to the extent that the IFN and ACA are at liberty to discuss at this time. Log in today and check things out for yourself, to discover how the changes affect you!


    New Content

    Breaking News
    • A Scott & Barlow cargo ship has been shot down whilst entering Arkadia's atmosphere. IFN are investigating, sources close to the IFN are suggesting this can only be the work of the Smugglers. During it's entry the ship broke up before crashing into a mountanside in the arctic region. As a result, a substantial shipment of weaponry intended for the community of Arkadia has been lost. The ships manifest shows several different weapon models on board including Laser Weapons, BLP weapons, Longblades and Shortblades. IFN officials are requesting colonists to inspect the wreckage and to salvage anything they can find before the Smugglers get their hands on them.

    • It is also believed they had a large sample of Piron attachments.

    Stables on Arkadia now have a temporary stable building, so you will clearly see where the stable is located.
    • Celeste Outpost Stable – cords 27288, 11014
    • Redoubtable Firebase Stable – cords 23159, 21662
    • Resolute Firebase Stable – cords 30121, 17284

    Pandi pet has its own model now, and to keep the Nusuls happy we decided to give them the same upgrade.
    Nusul and Pandi pet models.jpg

    • The Smugglers are attempting to seize control of the high ground in the arctic zone, colonists are requested by the IFN to engage the Smugglers and prevent them from occupying the area. A reminder - A toxic shot is required to enter the area.

    • Sounds have once again returned to Planet Arkadia. As part of a high priority project for 2015 the first major upgrade to Arkadia's soundscape has been implemented. Environmental, creature and weapons sounds have been added. Further sound upgrades will be made with each update this year.

    • Feran have started to breed faster resulting in their younger maturities appearing in increased numbers. This could be why there seem to be a smaller population of other low level creatures in certain areas as Feran are known to hunt them on occasion.

    • Event Area 2 has been relocated close to Courageous Firebase Academy.
    • At Event Area 3 ACA scientists have observed a Tiarak assault on the Riptor that used to inhabit the area. Riptor have been displaced, now only Tiarak of various maturity left.
    • IFN HQ Teleporter in Celeste Harbour is once again connected to the network so you can teleport directly to the HQ if needed.

    Land Area Name changes
    • Dark Knights Island (previously: Arkadia Land Area 2)
    • Khorum Coast (previously: Arkadia Land Area 3)
    • BIG Industries ALA#05 (previously: Arkadia Land Area 5)

    The IFN want to warn all their personal that the Oratan Prospectors have now expanded out from their previous locations so we expect that you will act accordingly.

    Prospector Spawn.jpg
    Various adjustments to the IFN mission chain have also been made.

    Five (5) shops in Celeste Harbour have had their shop fronts redone
    • Emma’s
      • Owner: Juliane Emma Morgan
      • Location: Celeste Harbour North #3
    Emmas shop.jpg
    • Enhancer Street
      • Owner: Michael geats Platzgummer
      • Location: Celeste Harbour South #5 - #8
    Enhancer Street.jpg

    • Adjustments to mob spawns and other areas to increase the stability has happened all over Arkadia and the Arkadian Underground.
    • Scoria has had a graphical upgrade and therefor the Scoria Leather Texture is upgraded as well.

    Additional Information

    Various bug fixes and improvements have been made.

    Due to the graphical upgrade of the Scoria we acknowledge that not everyone would appreciate that their customized items been changed as well, if you feel this has caused your items to have been severely affected please contact Mathias | Arkadia within two (2) weeks for a limited offer to change it to any other Arkadian texture you might want. (Before the change will be approved we will check the item so the texture were applied prior to this message)

    Known issues

    If for some reason you're trying to hurt the Pandi pup beware that it likes to hide under the ground.
    The Aakas instances remain closed until further notice.
    Scoria Leather Texture show up as White in inventory.
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    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  2. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    i just want to come home from work and explore! exciting content revamp
  3. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Does this mean the new weapons are only found in pvp? If so I'll be staying on caly, i'm sick of 99% of decent loot only being found on shared mobs, and putting a load more in pvp just doubles the BS.
  4. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Smugglers in that area are not shared loot - they are a solo mob - and levles l42 - l59 have been spotted in the area so far.
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  5. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Emma's is looking very smexy. Any more specific details on the IFN changes?
  6. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    So this ship crashed right into PvP?
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  7. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Scoria texture blocks showing as plain white - I assume this is incorrect ?

    New sounds while interesting have now been turned off... too much guys. The explosions at the FB were almost dangerously loud with headset on and my sound settings were already pretty low (20% or so) and the constant wind whistle in the pvp4 had me unable to think after 3 or 4 minutes. Shame because less sound would in fact be more bearable and therefore fun.
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  8. slither

    slither Active Member

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    But are they all in pvp?
  9. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks for the feedback, the Scoria Texture icon will be fixed for the patch.
    Sounds is a ongoing project, so we will add and tweak several sounds for the foreseeable future
  10. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Damn still 8 hours til I get home.

    -Really want to force us on pvp and worst of all, pay for it?
  11. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    On sounds: do you guys have recommended sound levels / settings you can share that should (in your view) give us all a good baseline to deliver our opinions against?
  12. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Known issue
    music is still missing
  13. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Scoria texture is so fucked up, why can't it be just like Kadra or any other mobs that received an Appearence upgrade but the texture remains. This is so unacceptable, I know you are offering free change to other textures, but why can't you do it in a better way?

    BTW Pandi pub still can't spawn on other planet and it doesn't have any passive buff.

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    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  14. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    No desire to do pvp. Hopefully that isn't where all the new stuff is.
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  15. Bemo

    Bemo Deactivated User

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  16. AdeW

    AdeW Active Member

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    .......The IFN want to warn all their personal that the Oratan Prospectors have now expanded out from their previous locations so we expect that you will act accordingly.

    Various adjustments to the IFN mission chain have also been made......

    ok, what adjustments and how is this going to affect all those who are part way through the Prospector grind?
  17. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    I'd like to know more about this too.

    Also... there is a (temporary?!) issue with the IFN uniform. My arms were afro-colour while the rest of me were the usual piglet pink. When I unequipped the shirt and put it back on my arms turned back to their normal colour but my hands are still afro-style. A strange case of Vitiligo?!

    Update: Equipping and unequipping gloves takes care of the hands.

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    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  18. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Ooooo So Loving Emma's shop ! and so hope something around the corner might make it in game as a RL lootable item ;D

    Wont say any more but the shop front is amazing and the side ! Well done the A-Team another really nice customisation ;) ;)
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  19. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Since no one, including the devs, care to tell us what the spawns actually are I guess I'll do the run around and edit this post as I go:

    East of Repulse Academy: Thugs and Bandits with scattered Thieves

    South of Kestrel Digsite: Thugs and Bandits with scattered Thieves, saw one Vandal

    North of Victorious Firebase: Thives and Bandits, saw one Thug and one Vandal

    East of Robot Factory: Mostly Vandals and Looters, a few Thugs Bandits and Thieves. Spawn is at [22892, 13678, 196], this one is a long run, but there is a revive (no TP) at [22447, 13521, 262]. Straight run back to the TP seams mob free.

    South of Cobra Digsite: Menaces and Looters

    NE of Indomitable Firebase East: Menace Looter and Rogue, some Vandals.

    North of Valiant Firebase: Fiend Menace and Villain

    North Of Implacable Firebase: Thugs and Bandits, some looters and menaces

    NE of Dauntless Firebase: Fiend Menace Villain, some rogue. Pain in the arse one, spawn is at [21799, 17844, 393]. TP to revive took me to Dauntless Firebase Academy.

    So far I'm not happy, where's the split spawns?
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    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  20. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    The updates sounds kinda cool. :)

    Just like the rest of people, I hope we won't be actually forced to PVP. :)

    But, TBH, I think is not the case - think at the press conference it was said that weapons were expected to be spread all over the planet.
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