Hyellow, At the moment the only options for global messages (in message center) are either on (which results in tons of spam) or off (which makes you totally blind to whatever happens around you). What if, instead, we would have some filters, like: - show friends/society members globals only; - show globals from our planet only; - show only globals after a certain value (like in the ticket); - ignore globals, but show hofs and aths; - ignore globals and hofs, but show aths. About realization, I'm quite sure is not such a biggie, basically just ifs. And shouldn't be any pressure on servers, since all globals are anyway broadcasted by server, so is only a server side thing to display some while hide others. So... what do you guys think?
FYI: This is already in place, you only see HoFs from other planets, not globals, but you can't see globals from other planets even if you wanted to. I like options, so I wouldn't mind if these filters were introduced, but not bothered by it.
I have them off But I would still want to see for example only HOFs or only my friends globals so I can tell them grats.
They won't do this because it takes away from the critical mass theory. if you have it filtered so that you can see pinthas spamming explosives.. you won't be enticed to do them yourself.. and they wouldn't want that. I would like globals from people on my ignore list to be filtered out though.
ATM I have it off in news ticket, off in main chat and over 2k on the ticker (because it has no off option ). So, if they would implement that, I would actually see some globals, while at the moment I see none - hahaha. And I'm quite sure I'm not the only one - probably quite a lot of people prefered to see none instead of a constant spam.
Like atomicstorm wrote — unlikely MA will do that. But I think you can do most from your wish-list using tail + almost any scripting language of your choice + something to create notifications in MS Windows (default notifications or standalone utilities or your IM). And turn on Main Chat logging, create new Tab, turn on globals there, turn off highlight on that tab, turn off globals on all other tabs. You will not see them ingame, but your script will show all you need via popups or "text to speech" or even get SMS on your your phone. P.S. That will not break EULA, since all you do — parsing chat logs (exactly what EL doing, for example).