What you would put on a newbie buy list? :)

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Lovefall, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Hyellow! :)

    Quite a simple question...

    What do you think should be on a new(ish) player's buy/acquisition list?

    Kinda talking about items you should keep an eye on for on the market, players, AH, not the TT ones. :)

    Also, side question, what do you consider a fair price would be for those?

    - [Herb Box] - good, eco UL healing tool, better for newbies because easier to max up comparing with the heart, a fair price would be TT+10

    So... how would your list look like? :)
  2. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    UL weapon (HK110, Mann MPH, Herman ARK R, etc)
    UL fap (Herb Box, Vivo S10, etc)
    Vehicle Repair kits for MS skilling
    A good mentor to at least mention those :p
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  3. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    For the Increadibly Wealthy New Arrival ;)

    Ms Privateer or Quad Wing Equies
    Arkadia Appartment
    Lots of Clothes ;) a girl can never have too many ;)
    Land Area for Income so you no longer have to depo
    Smuggler Weapons
    Sand Storm Armour
    Skill implants

    For a Reasonable Depositer

    Viceroy Armour - Mission from Bill and so keep your loots ( yes it can be tt'd through a token now )
    5b Plates
    Beast Amp or F150 depending if your BLP or Lazer
    Quad Wing + Thruster

    Small Depositer / non depositer

    Adjusted Musca - if you cant wait until you graduate disciple
    Herb Box - as its still a reasonable fap
    z12 Barbella - new starter pack

    Herb box prices and also laby's prices will be a bit funny at the moment as Ancient Greace still allows those to be used and the tt weapons form ancient greace cant be used there so until thats changed they might increase in price ;) .
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  4. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Herb box - Check
    AUDs - Check
    UL weapons - Work in progress (use enhancers on S.I Psy-blade or find other fists - undecided)
    Viceroy - Work in progress
    Quad wing - Work in progress
    Apartment - Dream on!
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  5. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    gold card :biggrin2:
    • Agree Agree x 4
  6. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    ditto ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    An action plan.

    but item-wise, most has already been said.

    You don't need a quad, a vtol is good enough. And in all fairness, you can reach everything on Arkadia by foot.
    Unlimited weapon is nice, but limited opens up more options to skill in other things.
    Viceroy, don't worry about that before your mentorship is over, because you get a free armor from that.

    Healing tools : Herb box is nice, siheart is paramedic 15+, unl works just as well, so does regen over time.
    AUD's, might stay away from that for a while, you can earn more with trading those 50 peds than getting 1ped from 100 deeds a day.
    Amps : only needed if you want to play a bit more eco

    All in all, my advice; get one of the starter packs, the biggest one got exactly what you want/need. Hunt puny's, and learn the way to go from your mentor.
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  8. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Gold card - CHECK! ;)
  9. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    a new player buy list hmm...

    ok, i may be a bit drunk after a FUN birthday .....

    however, i would say time, and patience are the best things.... and they cannot be purchased, it takes a while to realize what they really mean. There are always new fads in game, new items, new MU, new gimiks, but their is always a set path of tried and true.

    Old skool players want to push off lvl 100 weapons on to a new player that will be 2/10 with them them....

    New players hear about some "eco" fad that is not what it seems....

    it all comes down to what works for your skill level, and your ped card.

    Players always want to sell what they can.... ex. a Cyrene fap to a brand new player, when the TT fap is only good at lvl 15+, or how the old skool weapons have a place in game....

    You have to be able to sort through the hype, and sales pitches, and find out what really works.... its a pain in the ass, since it all changes constantly. Just don't be afraid to ask questions... 1 question from 10 people will get 15 different answers, you have to find out what works for your situation and ped abilities.

    So.... first of all... find a way to have fun. Don't worry about what the other player is doing. Don't pay attention to the global spam, it is meant to distract you and guide you towards poor choices..... just take it slow, and try to make good choices for your abilities.

    Do not try to accomplish anything outside of your scope of play. It costs too damn much. Just hang out with your level's abilities, and take advantage of the niche opportunities that exist. MU is your best friend, and Decay your worst enemy.

    If someone says buy my item at TT + 10000 peds for a new player item..... something is wrong... It may BE THE MOST ECO item in game, but if it takes using it for 5 years, and then selling it to recoup the loss, it has lost its "ECO" draw. Items must make sense to use, Not in 5 years, but in YOUR timeframe.

    Goodluck, Have fun, and KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

    and... oh yeah, pass the whiskey ;)
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  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    You don't need armour to start with. Do get a mentor, the adj Musca you get as a graduating present will be a good first set of armour once armour becomes relevant.
    Suggest you stick to TT weapons until at least level 10 in your chosen profession. I am not convinced it is worth buying unl weapons until you unlock Serendipity at lvl 30 as you will skill relatively quickly and there are a lot of eco low level weapons out there.
    Amps are good. The first good blp amp is the Beast but you wont need that until you are skilled up to bigger weapons. However if you use laser then the Omegaton A10x series amps remain the best in EU and scale up from a low level. So get an A101 despite the MU and aim to move up to later amps in the series as you lvl up.
    I'm not really familiar with faps of Cyrene or Toulan but I am a fan of the Herb Box from NI. Its eco and doesn't take much skilling to max.
    Convenience of a flying vehicle or tp chip cannot be over-rated. Find one that suits your budget. Be aware that neither are useful in Underground.
    If you have limited funds I would not suggest locking them up in deeds.

    No armour but start working towards the Disciple reward.
    TT weapons
    A101 if you use laser, else L blp amps.
    Herb box
    Flying vehicle or tp chip.

    Save the rest of your peds to allow you to cycle more before you sell loot. If you can accumulate larger stacks they are easier to sell for MU.
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  11. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Might be belated now ;) Rasing Glass as we speek ;) ;)
  12. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    If u are melee u should bolo a cheap trauma amp.

    With tt sword, it's a ferocious combo and will get you through the Halix, oro, ostelok, feran, and jori iron mission
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  13. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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  14. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Portable repair and TT terminals. Not too expensive and they are a great time saver if you are, (for example) fapping someone and your fap breaks. You can repair it on the spot and carry on with minimum delay rather than going all the way back to the nearest service station.
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  15. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Well for you lovefall.. it is required you buy the dark divinity thong.. it has +3 to loots when it is the only thing on.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Bah... that one I will pass... it will never happen to be the only thing on... even if it will guarantee that every carabok would be a ATH. :p