Arkadia Land Area 3 has been claimed and now it is time for the DNA grind. We are paying 5,000 PED For the following DNA pieces Zadul Brain x1 Contact Meloveyou Longtime Fivedolla
Nice job FiveDolla on another LA! I haven't hunted Zadul in a while, now I've got some serious incentive! Thanks and good luck!
Zaduls seems brainless, but if you look at chart of globals on zaduls on entropialife, increased highly, I myself got only this week 2 globals on them. So it might come earlier than we expect.
Well when the otorugis were hunted extensively to the point of 80 globals or higher a day.. it dropped. I've always said the secret to some of this dropping is to exhaust the loot pool. Dna is intended to be rare. That's why some of us put bounties on them. Obviously the bigger dna is worth more than the smaller dnas. Hard to get back the dna investment on low ped mobs.
I'm knocking out ~180 nusul/hour with old-fashioned BLP. That is, when I'm not stuck at work Can't wait for this weekend. There will be blood.
I'm working on Zadul, but being hindered by time and a serious lack of ped. Now...if you would just give me an advance on my 10k...
actually i thought of kiwis too when i saw the nusul introduced and NO i do like em, kinda funny birds.