Quick workaround for prospector spawn problem

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Murkalael, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    First of all, I have to say, is really frustrating these daily missions, I'm almost giving up. As I said on other topics numerous times I don't have or can make ped to get down there and kill every single oratan prospector to acomodate a poorly planned mission. We've reached a point where a lot of people have to do 14 days of oratan prospector bandits and simply there's not enough for everyone. I wish someone could revise the mission itself with some simple solutions like:

    a)each maturity on it's firebase
    b)specify a number regardless the maturity

    Anyway, I devised a temporary solution for this, that we players can do, since the thugs are almost overwhelming the base. What you gonna need:

    -a land vehicle
    -explosive projectiles weapon and ammo
    -vehicle repair tool and some wires are desireable but not entirelly necesary

    What to do:
    -sweap the area, kill as many bandits as you can find
    -once numbers are too low, spawn your vehicle and pick your explosive ammo
    -blast 2-3 spreaded shots to attract as many as your vehicle can stand
    -hop on your vehicle and head towards the turret

    Instant new respawn. Just a warning for new players, given vehicles (hoverpod, valkyre), usually are low TT so you better not use them or they might not be able to be repaired, because they decay too fast.Also vehicles with whells work better than ones that hover, because they go slower on way up so no mob will be left behind.

    I know is not the perfect solution, but when there's no one else doing thugs was the only thing I could think of. I bet if 2 or more people do this at same time, we will have plenty badits until we get a "technical solution" for the problem.
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  2. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    That should work well...if you dont have the peds/firepower use the turrets :cowboy:
  3. Sniqs

    Sniqs Active Member

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    The missions are not poorly planned and it's evident by the spawn complaints. First it was "too few Thugs, give us Thugs" and now it's "too many Thugs, more Bandits". Cycling the spawn is one way to handle this, here's another: wait two weeks. By that time many people will be doing Thiefs or whatever and I'm pretty sure you'll have no trouble with the Bandit mission (just remember how many Bandits there were when we were doing Thugs).
    Remember people: it's not a race and most of us sooner or later will hit a level that they're not comfortable doing (even if it's kill 100 Oratan Lancer Immortals :D). Also, the missions are not mandatory. Take a step back, do them at your own pace. You don't have to kill all 100 in one go, you can do that over a few days. In my opinion, if it's getting frustrating, it's time to take a break from these.
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  4. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Well, we definetivelly are not racing, still that would be a lot of waiting if I follow your line of thinking. Also the reward itself doesn't even pay the cost of doing the missions. So we are all curious to see if in the end of the line there's something worth of the trouble. The thing is, should work like this, you kill a thug another spawn, you kill a bandit a bandit spawn, but is working otherwise, the most needed mob is the one that not spawn, that's why separate maturities or killing without restrictions mission would be more suitable to acomodate everyone. Maybe in like one or two years that won't be a problem, because most of current players might have ended this, but right now this missions need a quick fix.
  5. Sniqs

    Sniqs Active Member

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    You can also read my post here for some more info (don't want to repeat it all and also that topic is more appropriate for it): http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/ifn-needs-you.11501/page-7#post-85303

    It's supposed to take years, what's a week here or there?
    Are there any missions that pay the cost of doing them? You still get normal loot on top of the reward and that makes it usually a break even hunt even if you kill everything not just the mission maturity.

    Except that doesn't seem to be the way spawns work and I don't think Ark team can do anything about this. Have you ever seen a single maturity spawn? Even the extremities, i.e. "all" Young or "all" Stalker always have some other maturity in them, not to mention the maturities in the middle, it's always a range. Including other maturities in the mission is a better idea, perhaps turn it into killpoints... Then again, if you want it to be an achievement, you can't have it too easy now can you? ;)
  6. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I think problem is much depper.
    I understand that as a newcomer in IFN you need to go trought brain washing with lobotomy as addjustment method so in the end you will be perfect killing machine unable to think but just to execute orders.
    Thats fine but is not way to become General as i supose that generals are not complete brainwashed idiots.

    So why IFN send you kill only one type of enemy from entyre oratan army?
    And if you see higher rank oratan prospector you are suposed to let him and you dont get reward if you kill him.
    What is difference if you kill thug and not his boss, or bandit and not his boss?

    Maybe IFN generals make bussines with them like oratan sell to generals drugs, alcohol, bring them their female and male biches and what not and in turn generals give them some of our technology and tools.

    So there is - dont kill what was was not ordered, you will break good bussines of your general, kill only those who were signed as non obedient to their oratan mafia boss.

    Things must stay as they are, oratans show some firebase attack now and then depend on deal with IFN, IFN then send some privaters and corporals to kill some trivial oratans and all thing look like a war.

    For IFN and for war industry is then easy to squeeze money in form of taxes and fees from civilians.

    So dont kill anything waht was not ordered to you, if happen that you are soo unlucky and kill some their higher rank soldier or boss may happen that oratans will not want to make deals with IFN any more.
    And that may mean no war.
    No war - no money for IFN, you are fired.
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  7. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Simple solution.. make sure you have the normal IFN Oratan mission and then those not counted for your promotion will clock up on your main mission chain. So everything killed counts.
    In fact I always make sure all missions are active, then even stray mobs of other species are likely to give me a kill on a mission somewhere in the list. All adds up over time :)
  8. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    I think that oratan killpoint will not count with prospectors, it's aimed for slashers I believe.
  9. ceaseer

    ceaseer Member

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    Prospectors do not count. The lowest mob that counts are the L6 Oratan Thugs.

    If I wasn't killing 100+ of prospectors it would be 100+ of something else. Like mentioned it isn't a race. Only complaint I have is the loot is kinda crappy. I was doing better on prospector punys.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  10. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    actually the L5 slasher thugs and L7 bandits and L8 (don't recall name), in front of same firebase counts on oratan killpoint
  11. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Slashers - yes, but not Prospectors. Even Prospectors Looters not counted toward Oratan mission chain. And I don't see any reason why not (Miners count).
    If HP too low to gave one point for one - just give fraction of point, issue solved.
    Or at least do that like with mining mission, when even number I claim have some percent chances to count toward mission.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
  12. May

    May Active Member

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    Now I'm slightly confused. [​IMG]
    I thought that the Oratan kill point mission was for all the various kinds of Oratan, except all the Prospectors?
    So are there any non-Prospector Oratans that don't count towards the kill point mission, or not?
  13. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    My god man I think you've cracked the mystery!!

    I call for a coup d'etat!!
  14. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    According to my experience all Prospectors not counted toward Oratan mission chain. And I didn't meet any other Oratans yet, who didn't. :)
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  15. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm on kill bandits and it seems the slowest so far. I kill them with 2 shots but there are not many of them. And when they say 14 days if you kill 10 per day it will take 6 months to advance to the next level. May be thats the idea or I have to find spot with just/more bandits.
  16. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Another simple workaround (which wouldn't work during first day) "team up" with peoples doing different stages. More peoples with various stages — better result and faster spawn turnover.

    "Team up" — just hunt close to each other (not required to make real Team of course).

    I did that multiple times, shouting in local chat what I'm hunting and looking for peoples hunting another maturities. But it's better to arrange that via forum.
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