Competition Gold Rush 2014 - Hunting Division

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    At your first point. They wouldnt for event only purpose most likely. On the other hand they get more arkoins for the au event so they benefit anyways if they are going for that.

    On the loot everywere thingie. Well that might be true but U have to consider the impact this will have on ark economy al of a sudden they create an event that will push ALOT of treasure MU. This is MU ppl have been whining bout since day 1. That also mean crafters will benefit as they will be able to sell more keys. So choosing aakas was prolly well thought trough as that will benefit al 3 profs instead of just 1.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Klod

    Klod Member

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    It all comes down to time limitations. For example:
    - You may only use the score from the best run
    - You get the average score of ten hours
    - You get the total score from...

    If no time limit or other type of limitation. Well then its crap imho and I simply wont participate.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I could really use some extra info on the rules and how this is gonna work so I can decide if it's for me and start preparing.

    As it is now I'm saving this months budget for the event but if it turns out it's not for me then I might as well just go back to my regular budget plan and forget the event.

    The longer I wait for info-the longer I'm not playing and decaying so I can save my budget just in case.
    If the event is worth it then this wont matter as I'll burn through Dec and Jan depo's anyway but if the rules mean the event isnt for me then then I'll just use the Dec depo I saved and not depo in Jan (which is a loss to MA,Ark.)

    It's not much if it's just me but how many others are thinking like this?
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  4. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I'm bordering on spamming now I know,sorry,I'm just keen to see the most from this event.

    With the lack of final rules I've been spending a little time thinking of how to make it inclusive/competitive and worthwhile for everyone so if anyone has any thoughts on what I'm about to post please feel free to add/refine/change it to make it work....

    Here goes....

    1. There are currently 20 prizes on offer so make it 1st and 2nd prizes per Vault (vault 1=aakas 1 etc...)
    2. No special category for Golden Door as the price makes them prohibitive for this event but certainly include them in the Vault/Aakas 10 group.
    3. Use the same normalised score system Caly has but instead of a minimum time frame have a minimum number Vaults/Aakas completed to qualify for that level and average across number of instances completed to 'normalise' score.
    4. You can compete in as many different levels as you want but must complete the 40hrs in each level for it to be valid (2hrs in Vault 1 will not count for Vault 2 etc).**There is no advantage for a lvl100 avatar to do lvl 1 rooms as the same is on offer to them as is the lvl1 players,Yes they can complete them faster and do more but the score is averaged per instance anyway-besides,the prizes for door 1 will not be on par with the prizes in door 10.**
    5. If the prize isn't won due to lack of people completing that instance then the prizes go to the first qualified non prize winner in the next highest instance.Or if there is a no one to give it up to then it goes down to the next lowest instance.(For example if only one person qualifies for Door 9 then the second place prize goes to the 3rd place qualifier in Door 10,or if no one has qualified in 3rd place in Door 10 then it drops down to the 3rd place of Door 8 and on until its awarded to someone.)

    I dont know if this is even possible but I'd love to hear peoples thoughts on it.

    For me theres no point just bitching about the event and not trying to offer an alternative option.

    If you dont like how it is what would you like to see?
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  5. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Just to be clear, the rules were posted in the opening post of the thread and are final.
    The only thing to be announced is the allocation of the prizes (i.e. 1st get X, 10th gets Y) which we will notify before the event begins.

    It's great to discuss various options for event ideas, however I am keen to avoid any confusion developing about the rules. It's a very simple event, take the mission, hunt inside any of the instances on Arkadia (as often as you want within the event period) and collect special Gold Rush Coins. The mission available from the IFN mission broker will tally your points for you. And that's it.

    The real challenge of this event is organising the keys and choosing which instances to run - so lots of strategy needed. People are welcome to work together if they feel it suits them.

    I hope that helps clear things up, I wish everyone the best success with the event.
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  6. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Ok thanks mate,good to know.
    • Welcome! Welcome! x 1
  7. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Will there be a different drop rate for the Coins in the insances?
  8. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    That's the 'Key' question!!!!!!
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I understand that the rules are very simple. However, what puts people off from this event is that they feel they cannot compete. Players who can for example, at the most, finish an Aakas Key #3 and are on a relative tight budget.

    Like Jod I too would like additional rules to make it more as if players compete against others on their own level, but that might be best to consider next years Gold Rush.
    *just thinking now* mayhaps a system where players compete on a 'PED-spend level'. Like 1ste: 500 PED, 2nd: 2500 PED, 3rd: 7500 PED, 4rd 10000 PED, 5th: 15000 PED. 6th: 25000 PED. Players can only accept one level and their total PEDs spend may not excite that of their level, ie. a player in the 1st level may not spend more then 500 PEDs hunting in the instances (included the TT-costs of the keys).

    I strongly doubt that this event is for me. I feel that I just don't stand a change against others who can do Keys #7+ all day long. But maybe that's intended all along, that this is an event solely for the Übers and not the lower to medium level players?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    So basically if you can do the instances for 12+ hours a day for a month, you're practically certain to win something nice?

    Now i hate my job even more ;(

    I'll just go for the mining gold rush, where i just need one lucky loot :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Who can do 12 hours a day for a month though?
  12. slither

    slither Active Member

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    A fair number of players can do 12hrs a day, there's even a few who can do 24hrs a day (husband&wife, brothers, friends etc who can play same avatar) which means 90% of player will just ignore the event as they have no hope.

    This is why tighter rules are needed in future events, so that most people feel they have a chance.

    BTW: i think the suggestion that there be groups depending on how much ped u spend is nonesense. The events are designed to get you to spend peds (and the prizes reflect this) . Restriction on skills is best, this naturaly keeps the low level groups cheaper to play anyway.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    It's not though is it, it's just going to be about who can run the most keys with their avatar, probably using multiple operators for the top winners, and about who wants to gamble the most in payments for keys which they won't get back in loot and which are therefore effectively a fee for entering the event.
  14. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    This is just wrong. The key value is not taken as a fee at all. The value of the key is added to the instances.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 3
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  15. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    So the loot in instances was finally fixed with the mobs being lootable? Could a player who runs these instances regularly please confirm this?

    (No offense, david but you guys did nothing (to the public eye) with the fixed 70% tt return in those instances for over a year).
  16. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Well it didnt turn out the way it would have in my perfect world but all is not lost....

    There is still plenty of opportunities to make a few peds off those competing.
    We are gonna need plenty of keys which means plenty of mats sold to make them.
    We still have the Arkoins which have value outside the event.

    Besides we still dont know how the prizes are allocated,theres no indication that they all to go to the top 20 finishers.

    Above all I believe it has further reaching effects and way more opportunities on the side then Merry Mayhem does so even if I dont go hard at it theres still some gravy to be had.

    I'm still hopeful......
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  17. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    The returns are what that are not much ATeam can do bout that. But its hard to plan without knowledge.
  18. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    Any response?
  19. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Here's your answer

  20. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    That answers well Nothing.