Watch This Arkadia Story Line Download

Discussion in 'About Planet Arkadia' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Story Line Update
    It brings me great pleasure to announce to the whole community that our story has grown by another chapter. Since the smugglers attacked the Archaeological Society a few months back, there has been great speculation to the actions and the manager there of. Having to face off before a hearing is nerve wrecking but the outcome will be to many's surprise.

    We at Planet Arkadia will always deliver new fresh content that could change the course of the planet history and know one thing.
    You are part of it

    Download Story Line

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  2. May

    May Active Member

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    Woop, another chapter! [​IMG]
    And it's about Smugglers too. Thanks for the update.

    Great, now I've got something to read while I wait for the game to let me inside again. [​IMG]
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  3. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    Looks like we will get healed in underground events as IFN is by some "loophole" allowed to defend things there ?
    Wich side you will join?
  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Downloaded it weeks ago, just got around to reading it.. well done Arkadia !!
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  5. Lars | Arkadia

    Lars | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I suggest you download the latest one (version 5.3) since there is a new chapter added. An interesting fact is that there was players on Arkadia directly involved in the incident that is described in "The Hearing of Sundari Zhen" (page 104). We did it as a small event to involve the community in a living story.
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  6. AgileFoxen

    AgileFoxen New Member

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    Wow! This is a really captivating history! I loved every page!:cat:
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  7. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    Loved it! so glad I had it recommended to me, and I see arkadia in a whole new light... Mean it was awesome before I read it, now it's just epic.

    Love the idea, someone suggested something similar in the wishlist forums involving random story driven events incorporating multiple professions working as a team to win a bonus/loot.

    Little or big, random "storyline" events really help bring more RPG to this mmo, and incorporating them into the storyline/book for arkadia is even more awesome.

    hehe I know I've beat this one with a stick till it's died but gotta ask; When can I kill some ortan in space!
  8. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Oratan in space? If they are indeed indigenous to Arkadia then It's unlikely. So far we know the Oratan do not create vehicles as they clearly tamed Kamaldon and Teladon to ride them. I suspect that these Oratan came from a continent that has disappeared like the mythical Atlantis and not from another planet.
  9. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    Some quotes from the story that lead me to believe it, DONT READ THEM IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE STORY!

    "He’d stood in the frontlines against robot assaults and commanded fleet actions, but the sheer size of what he was looking at made him
    nervous. Had they been robot ships, he wasn’t sure the entire Navy could have stood against them."

    "The remains of asteroids and destroyed ships drift around the planet like a protective shield, a silent
    testimony to the lives lost in the battle. A sea of lost souls, destined to maintain their eternal watch over
    the planet."

    "We haven’t picked up any communications, let alone seen any space traffic. This just
    shouldn’t be possible if anyone remained, since we know that both species have achieved space travel."

    "I exist as Sal’diresh, last remaining Knight of the world Arkadia. Hopeless is our chance of survival.
    Those that remain exist here at Artalia, both final bastion for hope and final despair for the people of
    Arkadia. Any beings to hear, we ask please. Help us.
    From starting, the beings whose name they gave as Oratan, came to this world. Sought not they to
    trade or learn. They did seek only to steal and kill. We met with them above the skies. We met with
    them on the land. Unlimited numbers had they. But led by the Knights, with technology of Arkadia
    superior, the people did hope."

    Based on that I believe it's safe to say ortan originated from another planet, or maybe a nomadic space race built on pillaging and moving on.

    which I believe is a very sound theory given the species behaviors in the Chronicles when raiding firebases they looted everything that wasn't bolted down. They didn't bother knocking the walls down or ensuring the base was no longer a fortified position capable of re-supply and reenforcing once they left. Which is indicative to a plundering type of behavior rather then a military strategy.

    Unfortunately Milton Lee either never published his results on how old the arkadian ruins are, or they are on that Ptablet mentioned in the story. So there is a chance the ortan on the planet are simply the left overs that got left by the main raiding fleet of ortan... and the main ortan fleet is roaming space looking for loots and worlds to plunder!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
  10. Sniqs

    Sniqs Active Member

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    Not necessarily. This is what Sal'diresh said in The Signal:
    "From starting, the beings whose name they gave as Oratan, came to this world."

    So it seems that the Oratan are in fact aliens on Arkadia. Of course, they're not spacefaring now, but it seems that after killing the last Arkadians they somehow reverted (or maybe the Arkadians used some kind of last resort weapon on them?). Also, throughout the story there are indications that Oratans are evolving since we released them again, which is a little disturbing.

    EDIT: hehehe I could have written: what Morgoth said, though I think all the Oratans are here on Arkadia
  11. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    On the other hand I could see smugglers in space. I would not be surprised to see a space hoverpod from them lol, brilliant lil hackers.

    On the highly unlikely note it would be interesting to see the smugglers adapt tech from the robots, they have been seen on at least two other planets beyond Calypso.
  12. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    *it's been almost a year I read the story* But there was also mention of more continents that have not been 'discovered' yet, so it's gonna take us at least 5 years or so to find the first one on Arkadia ;)

    But yeah, stupid Oratan can't even build new ships, no wonder they fail every attack they make against the IFN.
  13. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Maybe there will one day be a robot planet....
  14. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    From what I remember from the story, there was a ton of debris surrounding Arkadia (destroyed ships and such). My take was that the Oratan had stolen ships from another intelligent race they had conquered and in some last ditch effort the Ancient Arkadians were able to destroy the ships but not before the Oratan infestation occured.

    Milton Lee gave his life to warn the IFN that the Oratan had figured out the transporters. So they are smart enough to use technology, but not smart enough to reverse engineer it in order to build their own.

    Give a cave man a car and he may be able to figure out how to drive it, but he could never re-create it.

    Just my 2 PEC's.
  15. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Anyone have finished reading? Does it say anything about the firstborn Arkadian pet hater?
  16. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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  17. Lilly Swing Mirtyl

    Lilly Swing Mirtyl Member

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    I love this story. Great work as well! This adds a whole dimension to the game for me. Ive been running around going to places mentioned imaging the passages in the story. Once you read this story and you explore' the more details you see everywhere! Just wished ive read it before starting the questchain. Keep up the great work!

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  18. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Yeah, I totally agree... I read the whole story more than once and, at least for me, it drastically increased immersion... while on other planets I just feel like I'm playing a game, on Arkadia I feel like I'm entering a new world... and one of the important reasons why I feel this is exactly the story... both the one in the book and the one hinted from in-game quest dialogues. :)

    But also a bit sad that nothing new wasn't added in more than a year. :(
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  19. Suza

    Suza Member

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    Great story! Just want to point out a couple of things I found with possible corrections:

    As you can see, we have some of the new Badger mining bots already running in preparation for when <WE?> open up the final areas.

    Bishop, full of anticipation, turned to ask Peng why there was no explosion, only to be stopped short be<BY?> an earth shattering roar, the delayed result of a huge explosion in the final cavern.
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  20. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    When's the movie coming out?