The like button for posts has now been upgraded with added functionality! Now instead of just posting Gratz and having a thread full of one word posts, you now have the ability to Gratz the post directly! If you want to cast your opinion, but can't string enough words together to form a coherent sentence, these buttons will make you life a little easier You will also notice that there are NO NEGATIVE RATING POINTS, only Positive and Neutral. I had a good think about this and knowing how some people have abused the neg rep system over the years, I decided to set the system up in such a way that some douchebag deciding to go on a neg rep rampage, doesn't bugger things up for the rest of our fine folks. Therefore the post ratings Old, Bad Spelling, Dumb, Disagree and Dislike, will not take points away, they have instead been set to neutral, neither giving or taking away points. This will not prevent people from expressing their opinion on your posts (as is their right) but it will stop dead in their tracks, the serial neg reppers that just like to neg rep for the sake of seeing red against someones name.
We can only use 1 option at a time for each post, can't put a gratz and a usefull at the same time so : i've put a "Usefull" and i would like to add a "Gratz" to you for this new rating toolbar so GRATZ oh, and i forgot -> + LIKE
Noooo, not that numbers game. The forum post where you post a picture of a number, and the next person is to post a picture of the number that comes after that.