Known Forum Issues

Discussion in 'Forum Support' started by Admin, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Please post here about any forum functionality or other problems. These will be attended to as soon as possible.

    Note: Please check this list before posting as it may already be a known issue we're working on.

    Current issues

    • None!

    Resolved Issues
    • Registered users are now able to upload custom avatar
    • Skins fixed
    • Facebook integrates properly
    • Subscriptions to threads now working
    • Load times and server not responding errors seem to have been fixed.
    • The Quick Skin Selection dropdown at the bottom of each page appears to forget what skin you wanted when you log out. In these cases it will default to Arkadian Skies.
      • Try going to your User Control Panel and choosing the skin you prefer there instead.
      • Sidebar in posts to have Avatar Name listed.
    • Eratic Post Read Marking
      • This is now handled via Automatic Database Updates, not cookies. This should be more friendly. Please let me know if there are any issues with this as I have read that it can be quite intensive on the server processor.
    • User Profile now includes "Avatar Name"
    • Session Timeout setting of 30mins used instead of of 15min.

    Unresolvable Issues
    • Browsers Chrome and Safari don't support the WYSIWYG interface. If you are having problems with this please use the Standard Editor in your User Control Panel. Alternatively switch to using Firefox. Sorry folks but this is out of my control.

    BAGMAN Member

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    Hmmmm Sweet Cheeks

    Not enough love in my inbox!!!

    Bags x
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Not sure if it is just me but I have had to reload every screen after getting a message it has timed out or something even right after logging in. I also tend to have to relog after trying to post. I have gotten in the habbit of copying my replies as some tend to get long winded due to this happening ALOT. Same for PCF I have lost many a post due to timeouts.

    I shall screenie the message I get if needed to show you what happens.
  4. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    same for me as Cyborg, loading times takes forever but hope thats just a minor starting issue.

    PCF loads fast for me same as EF, but sometimes EP suffer from this problem too not as much tho but takes longer then the other two to load

    Also my subscription to threads I posted in does not work, as you see I have 4 posts so far but no threads under subscriptions on the settings page (and I tried "show all" still nothing)
  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    same thing happened to me last night...yet this morning its blindingly fast...might just be a traffic routing issue but we'll look into it.
  6. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Hmmm all of these appear to be server side issues. I'll look into it and see if some tweaks can be made.

    Also Jenny Fer, I'm not sure why subscriptions are not working. Will try fix this up for you today.
  7. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    A couple of issues discovered and solutions posted in the first post:

    • Browsers Chrome and Safari don't support the WYSIWYG interface. If you are having problems with this please use the Standard Editor in your User Control Panel. Alternatively switch to using Firefox. Sorry folks but this is out of my control.
    • The Quick Skin Selection dropdown at the bottom of each page appears to forget what skin you wanted when you log out. In these cases it will default to Arkadian Skies. Try going to your User Control Panel and choosing the skin you prefer there instead.
  8. Turek

    Turek New Member

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    i posted new thread, but just foud this one, so i repeat:

    There is no field like "Avatar name" in user profile. I found Society name, but avatar name ingame could be diffrent than forum login.

    I'm good example :)

    edit: also, that info like avatar / society should be visible on user info box
    <--- on the left i mean :)

  9. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Hi Turek - I've added the details to the user profile page. I'll work on getting this into the sidebar as well. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hey Van Im STILL gettin that message that I have to refresh the page every time I log in.. I also noticed that the pages themselves dont really up date each time either. I had rep that was given and a few pm's that I couldnt see until I refresh the page manually. Is that something on my end? or something with VBulletin as PCF is now like that as well for me.
  11. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Hi Cyborg Bill - it sounds like it's something on your end if you're experiencing the same on PCF. Perhaps try clearing all your cookies and see if that helps at all? Maybe even try a different browser.
  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I run Antivirus every time I get done surfin the net or checking forums and that is set to clear all cookies as part of its routine.

    I doubt Ill switch browsers after hearing all the night mares people have changing over and addin all the plug ins and crap to make them functional. Id rather spend more time in game or working with learning more about digital recording and now map / mission making in the sandbox 2 program for Crytek engine. I try to keep as much crap off this rig as possible and do my experiments or learning on my laptop.

    This problem only showed up since the change over from old EF to PCF and I believe thats a newwer version of Vbullitin then was used on old EF (maybe theat was Php and not vbullitin)
  13. Kay Jones

    Kay Jones Member

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    No offense, but after reading what you just said, what are you using, IE6? :confused:

    Whoever told scary stories about browser switching, it was either long ago or way exaggerated. Firefox tells you if a plugin is missing and also tells you where to get it, quite a simple process. opera and chrome will probably do the same. when you start firefox for the first time it asks wether you want to make it the default browser, click ok and you're done. :)

    you should upgrade IE even so, because some programs made by really bad programmers who probably use IE themselves :p will ignore your default browser settings and start internet explorer.
    the entropia launcher for example :rolleyes:
  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I use IE8... I keep all my software up to current versions after a minmal wait to see what new bugs come and if they get fixed. (Windows user rule number 1 never buy the newest version immmediately) ( thats what made me not use EU for the first few days after every VU..let others deal with the headaches first) The version of Vbullitin EF used was 3.8.5 the new ones use 4.0.6 (I guess in your mind the newer version couldnt have introduced a compatability issue with certain systems? or introduced a bug?)

    As far as addons to a browser I really shouldnt need them. The browser should handle most common internet standards. When trying to go to non IE browsers before I ended up having to not only learn the new browser but become a security, networking, and download monkey just to log into my home page. Granted this was many years ago and the newer browsers are probably better at that crap now. Browsers are simply a personal prefrence and should have no difference in how they work with the rest of the net. They never have before as they all have standards to meet and use.

    Im glad you like firefox.. I dont. I have certain things I do and never have problems with my system like many useing all this extra fancy unnecessary crap. I have not had to reformat nor relaod windows since I got into XP and I am now running windows 7 64 bit pro.. I dont screw around with the program of the day like so many of you all do. I simply learn what works for me and go with it.

    Oh add another thing that bugs me to the list as it just happened again..I type slow and many times lose a post because the browser times out and says I am not logged in...Could that window be opened up a tad for us slower typers?
  15. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Not sure i can help you with the other stuff - it is indeed peculiar... could be a compatibility issue.
    This has happened before, I think if you choose "Remember Me" when you sign in then it won't timeout. But if you're clearing cookies after every visit this isn't going to help you. I can't change the timeouts unfortunately. Perhaps type your reply and copy it all to the clipboard just in case it fails?
  16. Kay Jones

    Kay Jones Member

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    hehe, no :p
    of course it could. but if no one can reproduce the bug (correct me if I'm wrong) than I am going to assume that it's a client side problem. which then points at IE...
    hope you dont get the impression I'm lecturing you, I just have an "IE users need to be saved" mentality ;)

    The problem with plugins is that they are developed by private companies and cant be just built in. If IE hadnt been on the system from the start you'd have to add plugins in IE too, if you installed it later.

    The reason why alternative browsers got big in the first place is that the IE didnt comply with internet standards and didnt care enough for security. it has come a long way, but it still has it's issues.

    no need to :) I mentioned opera and chrome as well. didnt get into details simply because I dont use/know them. fyi, firefox is losing territory among the "try new fancy software" people >click<.
    if you dont mind chrome's calling home I think it's more user-friendly and it integrates with google services if you use those.

    oh, and extra fancy unnecessary crap is awesome ;)

    That's a an odd forum policy... I agree with bill, it's set too low.
  17. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I'm not sure its a point of policy as much as a lack of an option allowed in this version of VBulletin. I'm pretty sure that if Van could do it and make everyone's life easier, then it would have been done.
  18. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yup, but i'll investigate further. Interesting though as I've never had a problem with this sort of thing, not on this forum or any other... *shrug* will post more when I know what can be done.
  19. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Most of the issues people have stemmed from IE and hackers..Most hackers fight the system by going after Microsoft. The reasoning that everyone started using other browesers is they felt safer from these attacks. The addons I am talking about are the basic things needed to navigate the web, not the fancy download agents, not the aftermarket veiwers, just the basics that are industry standards.

    I stay with IE as I know how it works and how to keep it in check. I dont let ANY software EVER have access to go do stuff on its own. This is why I NEVER have problems in my main system. Any updating that needs to be done I check it out before getting it. and only necessity based things get added. Hell I wont even use automatic updates for windows. That has trashed my sytems in the past every time I used that. Now I just go and manually add any security stuff that is out.

    As far as doing my posts I write them up and copy them BEFORE I send it to be posted, that way if I get got with a time out I just relog and paste it back in. I find on PCF that using the preview post works well for stopping this issue but I see now way to do that here yet.
  20. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Phew, I was worried this thread might get seriously OT ;)