RSS Feed Entropia Universe 14.9 Release Notes

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Improved client stability.

    Introducing: Creature Control System.
    It is now possible to take the role of a ferocious creature and start hunting other avatars!

    So how do you do this?

    By consuming a Creature Control Capsule you can transform into a creature and gain it’s abilities, this will lock most of your regular actions and instead open up a new Creature Control Interface.

    While in creature form you can harm other avatars even in safe zones, but they can also harm you.

    The duration of the transformation is controlled by a timer, however it is possible to extend the time using the "Add time" feature.

    Additional information:
    • Creature Controlled Capsules can be found in creature loot.
    • While in creature form you are anonymous, i.e. other avatars can not see your Avatar identity
    • Planet specific creature capsules can only be used on corresponding planets.
    • Dying in creature form will end the transformation and send you to nearest revive terminal.
    • You cannot swim and will drown while in creature form, but you are free of fall damage.
    • Creatures need clear open area to be able to spawn, bigger the creature, bigger area.
    • Defense turrets can not harm you in creature form.
    • A new Hall of Fame section has been added to cover the top Creature Control players.
    • When dying as a creature the avatar will be transported to closest revive terminal

    Beginners guide web page:


    A Private Message (PM) notification on the main chat window. Different settings for the PM notification can be set in the Options panels HUD section.


    Increased summoning mining claim to 100 meters range to make it easier for those who cannot reach their claims.

    Bug Fixes
    • Passengers should no longer be able to spawn with “Arrival Safe” protection after a Privater/Mothership has been destroyed
    • Some coloring and material customizing where they replaced model material has now been fixed
    • Fixed some issues with avatar animation transition
    • Fixed an issue where the chat still could freeze if team names had special characters
    • Effect over time should now be displayed correctly in the Auction
    • Various small bug fixes.

    MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

    Originally posted here...
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Awesome. Anonymous griefing....
  3. MXC

    MXC Member

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  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Nice update! Creature control and 100m summoning of claims. Explains the downtime... brand new system=bugs.
  5. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    fixed ???? no animations are still broken
  6. SLD

    SLD Member

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    Did anyone loot a control capsule before the server went down? Anyone test it yet?
  7. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Yes! Finally!!!
    Now you can turn into a mob and to harm any beginners or players who are busy with their chores (like mining or crafting).
    If you want someone to hurt, now it has become very easy to do!
    These idiots as pirates in Space will be quite a lot. MA will receive a lot of money (decay, lost money of players), and the players - a new headache! Killing into a safe zones - is a mistake...

    New event: 'KILL A FAT CRAFTER' is begun! Or other - 'KILL 500 sweaters'!!!
  8. SLD

    SLD Member

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    It will all depend on the drop rate/MU on the capsules I think, but I agree it seems like a bad idea to allow it in turret zones.
    *If MU is low we will soon see mobs in the Command Outpost attacking afk crafters and auction zombies, then we will have to battle just to get to the TT/storage. :D
    *If MU is high it will be a novelty, or something people save for fun or special occasion I think. Less problems.

    Either way though, I hope that the physical size of most mobs would prevent them from entering a Command Outpost at all.
  9. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Atrox Queen and Eomons in Twin was problem for traders, no physical problem for mobs. What you think about Yuka Stalker in Quarry?
    If Capsules will be not rare - it will be a permanent problem for all of us.

    Good side is there too - now you can grab the Oil rig or do a mining session in red PvP protected by Yuka (your friend)
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It will change some of the dynamics of game play... if not common enough to see user controlled mobs all the time, at least they will give us more options, make things more interesting.
  11. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    And somehow we rather rage than read the part about it needing a lot of open space. I did have a thought that this could be problematic for some if turrets can't kill the creature (which it should). You can revive terminal or teleporter terminal camp quite easily.

    I guess we will see.
  12. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Creatures need clear open area to be able to spawn. Only to spawn, like Quad-Wing. Then you can move to other place like Quarry. There might be not enough space to spawn, but enough - to kill.
  13. Feynan

    Feynan Member

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    Thihihi, This will be fun! :)
  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Absolutely opposed to making these player controlled mobs be immune to turrets. It's going to allow idiots to fuck with crafters and traders who are trying to work.
  15. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    I think when the revive camping starts we'll see some changes but only slight. With no safe haven from them even the few seconds of invulnerability we get won't be enough if it's hitting hard enough.

    We've already had people camping revive terminals accidentally placed within pvp zones.

    And I can easily imagine someone killing newbies as they arrive. Hopefully they limit the mobs and the maturities someone can control but the drop rate and cost of the pills may be the most effective control.
  16. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    I find the idea of players changing to mobs completely out of place for EU. It's something one would expect from a dime a dozen fantasy mmo. The only way I could accept, and subsequently ignore, it is if it were limited to pvp areas. Because that's what it is: player [in disguise] vs player [maybe also in disguise]. It's also making entire planets, turreted zones especially, into limited capacity unofficial pvp areas. I stay away from pvp for a reason: it's not enjoyable for me.

    I have a question I'm unable to answer myself: would allowing player controlled mobs into safe turreted areas be against ToU 8.c?

    Granted that this rule is fairly subjective and may only very loosely apply to this situation. It's just from my perspective: if I'm in an area that's supposed to be mob-free and non-pvp (ie. Quarry) and trying to trade, craft, manage inventory, chat, shop, etc and suddenly get killed by another player, that's interfering with my "ability to use and enjoy the Entropia Universe" in a place that's supposed to be safe from combat activities. By extension, I don't want some joker attacking me while I'm out on a hunt. It would be annoying at best and kill me at worst, uselessly wasting decay either way.
  17. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I agree with concerns over attacking in safe areas. That is why we go to them... to be safe. There are some people I don't like and I would kill them while they were crafting and visa versa... all the reason to allow the turrets to work on them or because that can be exploited.. just have no creature zones.