I browsed through the mining map-threads etc. and no-one is reporting finding any Belkar? I know, that's one of the most common ores on Calypso/Amethera but is it a rare one on Arkadia, or completely missing? For I haven't found any, how about You, fellow Arkadian miners.. -- Hyssch --
very rare at least, found none of it yet. Same goes for some other ores/enmatters atm. But then again i haven't mined the entire map yet.
Heheh.. yeah, Lyst is all over the continent atm. Some say its like this with every new planet and I sure hope thats the case here as well. So, Nexus is rare or non-existent and we may now add Belkar too... -- Hyssch --
Of the common resources I have not found Belkar,Blaus Iron, Cumb, Lanorium, Cobalt, Duru, Lyt, Azur, Alice, Cave Sap, Magerian, Angelic, Lumis or Henren. I can't say I've been everywhere though or even found all of the new ones for sure. I actually think it would be good for the interplanetary economy to have some common resources missing.
The only one on that list that I did find is Blaus. Just one small find though, so it's certainly not common on Arkadia at the moment.
Oil, Garcen, Sweetstuff and Growth Molecules are the 4 most common enamtters in Arkadia or other planets...
did some 3000 probes or so since i came there, no belk no nexus neither :s I've tried to do the maximum regions, obviously i did'nt went everywhere, but until now they did'nt show up. I am with f105, a very nice "belk-looter" on calypso, so i thought if there was some i should find it somewhere