Sugar coat it all you like, Oleg is correct when he calls this a fraud. If I was owner of Planet Arkadia I would be furious about an LA owner giving the planet a bad rep like this.
I have talked with few finalists, seems to change rules is half liked, half not liked... I will try to ask others finalists opinion, but the rule can change only if it is strongly asked by partecipants, not at 51% ofc. I'll keep everyone updated of final result of this poll
time used to track event scores is EL time, so MA time is useless for our event, we start at 0:00 EL time and end at 23:59 EL time.
Fluskes idea is the best....but it makes ALL the sense in the world, ONLY if the scoring is the TOP 5 globals OR Hofs UNDER 500 ped. That means only globals OR hofs of 499 or less ped are counted. That would continue the spirit of the scoring system you implemented, and make the Orotan event a non-issue. You could then keep whatever dates you choose, and everyone will be able to find time to hunt during the new 2 week period. Using just globals for the previous 50 days was fine because on any given day, players were equally governed by that days Hof threshold, but for the finals, I would definitely change it to a consistent number limiter.
As I have already explained we are open to critics and opinions, while we won't allow offensive words or scam accusations, so I suggested you to keep sharing your opinion using words that wouldn't offend event organizers... you refused and decided yourself to be removed from the event. I won't reply anymore about this argument that has been already completely discussed. So far we are considering 3 ways: Removed...
I would support the 500 ped cap (or anywhere in the 400-500 ped range). I don't agree with including HOFs under those values. The whole thing about using strategy watching the hof board and gearing my hunting time toward when HOF board was full made this event a little more interesting to me. On more important note, I understand the frustration of some people about making such a dramatic change in the event. While I am not happy about it either, I can live with it as it was a cool event and I realize the organizers screwed up in not thinking the whole thing through properly and now need to limit some of the losses they are getting. What I absolutely CAN'T support though is if now the event organizers are banning anyone from the finals based on what they say in forums. This is completely out of line!! You guys messed up when setting up the event and now change it half way through, so you should expect that some people are going to be upset. If you can't just ignore those comments and move on then you lose all respect from me from setting up a nice event. Anybody who legitimately qualified for the finals MUST be allowed to compete or you lose all respect from the community and will only set up the land owner to face consequences of people black listing the LA. Please reconsider your actions here. If you need to change rules, I won't be happy, but can understand and accept it. If you ban people from the finals for voicing their opinions and complaining, there will be consequences. -Mack EDIT: And even if someone accuses you guys of fraud or scam, it is still just opinion. Not one I agree with, but I can understand their arguement. It does not justifiy banning them from the event. Ignore the comments and move on...get the rules and date for the final settled ASAP.
(EDIT - vote changed as wording changed, see later post for vote) Still need to hear public reply about banning finalists before I decide to compete....please reconsider.
No it was my fault, I misunderstood fluske's suggestions, so these are the 3 options: 1. Rules won't change 2. Rules as planned but globals over 500 peds worth 1 point 3. Each global/hof under 500 ped count fully, globals over 500 ped still worth fully, hofs over 500 ped worth 1 point
yea,thats what i meant,ALL loots under 500 wehter its an hof or global cause thats the only way that it doesnt matter much on what day you hunt regarding high/low hoflist also,its an incentive to hunt daily to see if you can improve your score thus more tax for the la-owner which cant be bad for them
if you do option 3 and globals over 500 ped count fully thne its still best to only hunt on oratanattack days i still think the best option to negate any oratanattack effects are to count the 5 best loots(so globals or hofs) under 500
I hope to get in touch with more finalists this evening and have more opinions about rule settings. About comments and negative posts I have to admit the event cut was a bad move from our side and I have to apologize with everyone had any inconvenience as drop prize rate or lost chance to join finals. Oleg won't be removed from finalists, if he mind to run the event he's back to the finalists list now. I hope this event will be fun and prizes appreciated, it was our first event and for sure we haven't considered many variables that forced us to resize the whole event at middle way. I hope who dislikes how we managed it might at least consider we are still here to offer a good and proper final for the partecipants.
Thanks Giuly, that is good to hear. I understand people are disappointed by the change, but it seems obvious that this is not some kind of scam. Anyone who understands anything about LAs and taxes can see that you have lost thousands of peds already in maintaining the event as long as you have. But frustrations will be voiced about any event change and it is good to see that no one will be banned for doing so. The community as a whole will understand this wasn't a scam regardless of comments from a few here. It is your first event as you said, and so the learning curve has cost you quite an amount of PED. While I'm not happy about the changes, I think they are reasonable and you still offer a set of prizes that is in line with the amount of effort and PED we have all invested in it. Hopefully future events will go a little smoother as you learn from this experience. Good luck to all the finalists...(just not quite as much luck as I have ) -Mack
Ok fluske and I agree. Just count all globals OR hof's under 500. I understand that some would like the excitement of hunting when the global values are high... but ask yourself THIS LA managers...Why would they? THEY WANT TO GET THEIR GLOBALS THIS WEEKEND, AND THEN NOT HAVE TO HUNT FOR REST OF EVENT. Unless you make it so ONLY loots under 500 count, regardless of hof or global, many will only hunt for one weekend, depriving you of MUCH tax revenue. IF you make it so that ANY global or Hof under 500 counts, we will all be grinding it NON-STOP for the 2 weeks. I promise you that it is a mistake if you do it any of the ways you listed above. There will be no globals over 320 after Monday evening, all the winners will still have been decided. PLEASE, understand it is better to count ALL globals or Hofs under 500 ped. or even make it 800 ped, it really doesnt matter...but either way, this is the only way that negates the orotan effect, and insures that we will all have to grind the full 2 weeks. So the rule would be: "Top five loots under 500 (Hofs or Globals both count), and one point for all loots 500 or over (Hofs or Globals both count)"