Crafting in Arkadia

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by ruskea, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    Is it just me or is everyone else getting fkd up by those nasty craft machines.. and i mean big time.. it seems to be nearly impossible to get globals from crafting which usually would bring u somewhere near 90% return.. quantity crafting with the 32% success rate surely aint gonna bring bread to ur table.. condition crafting with pretty much always the minimum TT value successes.. im not sure if this is global epidemic or just arkadia.. but i noticed this change when i moved here permanently about year ago...

    and why i still craft? well some of the resources i get are hard to sell here and dont rly want to fly caly to sell em so just skilling up a little bit but it sure is frustrating when u aint getting anything back
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    They changed crafting loot a couple of times this past year. Overall cost to craft seems reasonable to me in its current state.
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Last few days has been terrible for me, lost around 3k peds. But have had good runs before too, and i hope i will get them again soon.
  4. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    to me this bad loot in crafting has continued a year now.. i tended to condition craft some cheaper stuff alot but moved to quantity quite fast coz it wasnt paying ever.. and kept on quantity crafting and skilling and never got back more than i put into it.. within the year ive only managed to hit ~40 globals in crafting here in arkadia and the biggest be 241ped.. and the losses be most likely in 5 digit.. as a former crafting gambler i can say that this surely aint balanced in any way.... today i tried to craft again and hit an extraordinary success rate of 40% and still managed to get 75% of the TT back.. i just dont know how u crafters survive..
  5. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    Jack Hipster Kimble's log -

    He's the only one I've seen show consistent positives, he knows something most don't whether it's clearance times, schedules, market trends, what has decayed and what hasn't...

    I don't know his skill levels but he's onto a winner.
  6. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    ye ive been checking that thread every now and then and been wondering about the great rate of globals compared to myself with much much more clicks

    but yeah im done with crafting in this planet.. better not keep on hitting the head into the wall... within 1 year u should get atleast something back..
  7. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    I found the normalisation of runs (unprovable without the screenshots) to be a waste of time too, hence my quip about preferring to use a nut and the DVD drive for the same fun as crafting.

    I'd be able to global on condition on Lesser Elysia with 25 clicks ("ah well f it runs") but 1000 condition clicks of BSM would yield one global, but I'd be able to break even / profit on 1000 condition clicks with 1 global overnight, shocking but true.
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It's best to craft on quantity and sell your product for markup. Only do condition crafting if you're TTing the product or specifically trying to get more residue or if you're only looking for globals. Crafting on condition to sell the product is expensive.
  9. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    One of the options available to MindArk during the current history would have been to measure the exchange rate of deposits and "hold" the deposits registered in the strongest currency.

    As an example they had the option to accept 1 million USD, and £100k, drain down the £100k PEDs from the users playing with those peds and pay out in $ when the currency exchange favoured profit, any surplus could be returned to the £-ped'r after the profits from the exchange were realised.

    There is no hint this has happened, but I had a bad run on 137 clicks of ziplex Z10 on quantity at level 12 and I have to say 10% success rate on quantity made me reel, which is when I considered the reasons, and found some other potential reasons.

    For me I settled on contention, other people had simply lost too much for a flutter run to be profitable for a singular entity.

    But yea, would make sense for the mythical 90% tt return to be based on the average return of all runs, meaning those low runs where it's cut in half are restored somewhere along the line with a 1k% return run.

    Just gotta make sure the "payback" run is on something with a high value, otherwise your 500% return run on Basic Filters does nothing to your overall balance sheet on 9/10ths Level 1 Light and 1/10th basic filters.

  10. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    u dont say?

    the problem here is this...
    A. its arkadia.. hard to mass sell some stuff
    B. u would need some very cheap crafting stuff that sells for 150%+ because of the freaking low success rate and no globals to pay back the part ur loosing

    and im mainly crafting to skill up.. so the stuff is cheap to make and ends up to TT.. but the skills im getting are significantly more expensive that they used to be... IMO since 2006 this last year has been the worst year for crafting from every aspect
  11. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    It's still more cost effective to chip in to craft, no matter how much that is frowned upon: walking in dead mans boots / paying people to leave etc...
  12. ElbryanWolf

    ElbryanWolf Member

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    I have to say that I mostly craft for Ark Bps and also to skill up my avatar. I almost always run on Quantity since condition on Ark (or on any planet for me at least in the last couple of months) doesn't give back what it's supposed to, even on huge runs.

    Instead of dumping everything in TT is usually take a chance to see if I can get a global out of my hunting loots ;) Since I'm mostly on Riptors right now, I've gotten a couple globies on Rip Textures, but since there is no market for the textures right now (mostly because MA keeps messing with tailoring and customizing every VU) I usually end up tting the lot. Most of the time I'd say I get about 70-80% tt value back + some skills. When I global it's like a bonus :)

    So crafting isn't dead, it's just different right now. I don't know what MA did to it, but I'd like to get more globals (and maybe a HoF once in a while) from it, but I won't stop crafting since I'm getting almost everything back anyways. It's more of a sideline thing for me anyways than an actual profession like hunting.
