I'll take your word for it. I always got arkoins months ago as well. Just one of those things... unfortunate rolls. Updated the last run (also no coins).
Updated my 2nd post + progress. Would be too cumberrsome to put up a log sheet right now. I'll put together a total +/- ped and overall TT and MU numbers tomorrow.
fyi when i done mine 01 marathon (for finishing rakta/yariaks/ubo) 20 keys daily overal average was coins in each 5 th run
Yea, seems to be about right. If you need keys, let me know. I can make you some. Gz on finishing your missions.
Weekend update: I personally am still on a coin drought. My hired hunters are doing well though... so my tin foil hat tells me that someone turned off coins for me. :shrug: Morale of the story.. buy keys from me.. get coins, sell them back to me for ped or keys.
I found I got koins more on the lower keys usualy but sometimes big hits of them on high keys. rare though
Yea. I am certainly in that funk phase. Kind of where.. is it worth it.. will I have enough to claim one or will deeper pockets beat me to it, etc. I certainly appreciate all those buying keys from me and running the instance. For those running the instances for me, I am paying 5% over market value and selling keys at 5% under market value if you are selling coins to me. Inquire in game. Thanks for the morale support.
I'll post my spreadsheet later today. Right now.. I am getting 2 coins in the last 20 to 25 runs followong putting up this thread and the oratan event. Albeit, I've gotten armor.. so not all bad.
I've done 6 with Leoi Shock for Ubo and bosses, and Bukin blade for Rakta/Yarrijak - The average cost is 26ped ammo for full clear. Plus key at 20PED+mu. Look to have enough ammo to cover 40ped out and you'll be fine. Takes around 40mins though, and one gripe I had was the first level 1 full clear involved ~75 rakta and the second run I had to leave early on to update the rakta mission and return to finish. You get a warning telling you that the instance will despawn after 10mins, then some long winded diatribe explaining that it could despawn earlier
The TT cost of the key is exactly 20ped times the level of Aakas, topping at 200ped for level 10.. then include any markup for the key. Ammo mostly to cover is twice the full cost of the key if you do the bare minimums-mid clear. Expect 75%-80% TT returned, which is all ammo/decay and a fraction of the key. MU is required to close the gap, which I help to do with the runner program. Most of the gap is paid through skills - which if you do it right, you might be able to be break even if you sold the skills from your runs. Depending on the MU of the skill.
Other way around. Key/Beacon TT is fully returned in loot, but ammo/decay seems to be capped at around 70% TT return. For example on golden keys which have 1k tt and 300 ped in ammo/decay, you get around 90-95% TT return. That is also why your TT % return improves when doing min kills.
I wonder if some of my arkoin issues is because of my stash. Can anyone confirm they've seen similar behavior?