Xlite-S Sign help

Discussion in 'Ask an Adviser' started by Smokie, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Smokie

    Smokie New User

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    I bought this sign and put it in an estate I am trying to sell. The sign states that I can run 1 ad forever at the 2.50 ped price and will run until I remove it.

    I paid 2.50 for an ad and the ad will not stay on the screen. After the duration the screen goes blank and no other ads will continue (when I added more then one ad).

    Also, I stated 300 seconds. When I look at the message stats it goes to 900 seconds!

    Also, why is there two "Background Image" inputs??? One at the top and one within the sequence options. Whats the difference in these.

    Also, when I use the top "Background Image" input/selector the preview window to the right locks up and stays black with "Loading Page..." and will never load.

    Also, when I do make the ad and I "Operate" the sign...the sign goes black screen/blank!! What does "Operate" do for this sign?

    Also, it would make a little more sense if the sign was rotated the correct way. When you place the sign with default rotation the sign is upside down!

    Is no one else experiencing these issues? Because at this state, this sign is useless and waste of PED and very bugged.
  2. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    that it turns black dont need to indicate your picture isn't on there, make the one sign you want then exit your estate and go back in to see if it's working, if not click Operate and do the same thing or have a friend come by to check it out. And one message should be displayed like a static image.

    that it's upside down I have no clue whats wrong unless you tried to rotate it, but as usual a relog usually fix most problems (same with not displaying, relog if above method don't work)
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I feel your pain Smokie. The whole Sign and Global AD system is in VERY BAD NEED of a MAJOR OVERHAUL. Most of the problem in displaying graphics is due to loading times from the MA servers, something significantly worse than normal at present.

    The Xlite-S is one of the most frustrating signs to use as it only mounts surface one way. If you are using the PC version of the sign, then depending on the orientation of the surface you place it on, you have to work out which way to turn your graphics before uploading them a very costly and frustrating experience indeed!

    The operate option turns the sign itself on and off, just like you can do with a light or lamp.

    All in all, and in my experience, you are better off using a Sign (PC)* and making your own graphics then uploading them to it. You'll get a far better result IMO.

    As such, if you decide to go down that line then checkout this tutorial

    *PC stands for Participant Content, i.e. graphics and text you have made yourself on some sort of external graphics program such as Corel or Photoshop.
  4. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    For predictable results you must have only one message, duration may be 300 or 3600, all plays cycled with no problems. Delete all other messages for cycled playing of single message.

    This function is for enable/disable ad. Great idea will be a relog after creating ad. And then you can check this button :)

    Yep, this is a bug, was in my experience too :)

    I use these signs (PC-version), with Participant Content, and very satisfied :)