FYI for those taking breaks from the game because of the recent VU (and crafting) issues, the major server crashes and disconnects have been fixed. You'll still (as always) get a few disconnects here and there due to internet connectivity problems or other bugs, but the issues that made the game unplayable seem to be gone now. Chance of success in crafting has been raised to around 35-37% on maxed, SIB, QR100 BPs. Crafting on full condition may not give you as many successes as before (though presumably, TT return on very long runs should be identical regardless of the condition slider). Do some tests before risking a lot of ped on condition crafting. I recommend downloading any new patches then performing the Client Loader > Tools > Repair process before logging in. Wake up everybody! :tired: Time to restart the economy!
i cant hunt at all.. i get shitload of crashes if i do.. i might be able to kill few low hp mobs while mining but mainly crashing immediately when i start shooting.. but atleast the freezing has stopped
What kind of crashes? Crash to desktop without any error notice? Have you repaired your client? 64 bit? What system are you using?
crash on desktop and the error that entropia did not shut normally and asks me to send my system info.. if i remember correctly it wasnt the out of ram crash (i always click cancel immediately out of frustration) and i have repaired it multible times... 32bit xp