Earned skill boost

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Kitten, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  2. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    How long were you shooting before it happened? PED spent at that time in the hunt?
  3. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    oh humm 1 - 2 hundered ped or so not sure
  4. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    So now we are encouraged to make longer gaming sesions ?
  5. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    100-200 peds ammo with what weapon / amp please? Trying to figure out the best way of getting that activated, so can plan hunts or other activities accordingly.

    Thank you!
  6. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    oh I was hunting kadra with my Isis LR48 tier 6 w a106 and 6 tiers of damage enhancers >^.^<
  7. Biller

    Biller New User

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    Thank you for posting. This looks very interesting!
  8. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    Thank you for the info.

    Now if we can get a few more people who got the skill bonus to reply with how it happened to them, we can get some baselines.
  9. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    500 ped blp with doa lm and ml-35 dosnt give boost. Maybe you have to stick with just one gun?
  10. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    Did you use anything during hunt wich you havent maxed jet like faps, MF chips, minig finders or other unmaxed guns?
  11. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    nope all maxed with everything and I was switching between main gun and a tagging gun

    seems random
  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I ran like 8 or 9 300 ped runs on oratan miners.. nothing popped for me. Was using my tegretov tr6 and beast amp with scope n two lasers. Did nearly a full 10000 points for the mission in that time but no bonus. I am really against all this added "Buffs" they have been considering and slowly feeding in to mid and upper level players to get public approval.

    Easy skilling like missions and "Buffs" will only hurt EU in the long run. Happened in other games I played several times. The older loyal players left en mass after all the free skilling let people hit their levels in a matter of a month or two after it took them years to skill to max. It will and is already happening here.
  13. Efim

    Efim New User

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    Got a 5 min 12% bonus in mining yesterday. My friend got a 2 min 11% bonus, also during mining. But I have to admit, that during that 5 min I only managed to get 3 skillgains... The timeframe for hunting may be not that bad, but in mining this bonus doesn't really give you any benefit at all, as skillgains are a lot more infrequent.
  14. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Sounds like it's just random... i did fast mining with level 7 amps on a SIB finder and you'd think that would initiate a skill bonus... nothing.
  15. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I think that will not happen in EU.
    Easy skilling and free skills in EU is not free like on subscription games at 15 USD month.
    Its just an incentive to deposit more and play more.

    In past EU had big shock in this matter and survived it.
    It was time when MA introduced possibility to sell or buy skills by chiping.
    Yes some ppl leaved but not many.
    Many ppl were happy to sell skills because sudenly they cud.
    And few were wery angry because some noobs with big wallet sudenly cud become ubers in single day by chiping and jumping ower years of skilling and game play.
    Almost all of those who stoped to deposit and just leaved game in protest come back after year or two of inactivity.

    AS MF user i see many things wrong like buffs on mining tools, buffs on helmets, skill bonus buffs on one side and on another side inplementation of revival terminals in beacons, instances, then forbiden transportation ( wormhole ) in space and on other side possibility to summon ppl on mothership with no skils and no any expense and many other things like magic armor plates with % chance to full protect and such.

    All "bufs" including new skill bonus buff and other nonconventional functions shud belong to MF profession.
    Seing that development is going on all another way i cud conclude that MF profession can join wih investigator profession and taming in one corner dustbin.
    But that do not mean ppl will stop playing, at contrary there are many incentives to play more.
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yesterday I spent most of the day hunting. Magurgs, big bela, mid sized Huons. Then I took a little time to craft with some of the loot. Three clicks in I activated 4 minutes of elevated skill gain in tailoring related skills. WTF? I didn't really have enough materials to click for 4 minutes and it's not skills I would have chosen to boost so I am a bit disappointed. But on the plus side I did get a little hof while clicking.

    But the point is, activity all day for no result and then activity for less than a minute for an effect makes no sense to me.
  17. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    got a mindforce heal skill boost today.
    was randomly healing while hunting. i think it appeared after 7 ped of synth mind essence healed away with a regen chip III in a period of like 2 hours. i have not maxed the chip III yet.

    during that 2 hours i died in between so i believe that you dont have to stay constantly alive to get the boost.

    dont know ofc if there are boosts around which require not to die.

  18. Pretender

    Pretender Member

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    got a 16% mining buff for 5 mins earlier today. still not sure how it's activated, i extracted a 1k zinc hof a few days ago and a bunch of larger then normal finds, but got it on like a medium or ample (extracting lvl 8 amp mined claims)

    other then that, not a single boost for prospecting/surveying yet....
  19. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    As high as your skills are Dan.. you can honestly tell me that you would not be upset if someone caught up to you next year simply by grinding missions and getting buffs?. The cost wont be near as much as I am sure you have in your avatar. The point I was getting to is that if MA keeps devaluing everything (now with buffs adding to faster skilling) including our time, it all becomes just as useless and life sucking waste as every other mmo out there. Add to that the more highly skilled players the more you old timers are gonna have to share and I'm sure that's not going to excite you neither when your stature drops back to a generic fish in the pond instead of the big fish. Im sure that's why many old timers have or are liquidating what they have acquired before its not worth squat letting the unknowing hold the bag for the big flush.

    I'm only a lowly 200k skills and I'm pissed as hell that hunters get handed more and more advantage in the skills game every friggin VU while us miners and crafters get the MA cock deeper and deeper to pay for them to have that advantage. At any rate the damage is done..Its probably for the better this all heads for the shitter now anyway before even more inexperienced players take it in the can like the rest of us long term mid levels have.
  20. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I agree and is what i wrote - i was one of those wery angry that was away from EU for almost 2 years.
    But there is not only question if someone will surpass you by paying less as we paid for playing in past.
    Real change (sellable skills and avatar value) was worse for us but may rapresent good incentive for newcomers.
    Let see how it was - before you got skills without value because there was no chip out/sell system in in game.
    Skill gain was part of gameplay and not part of economy.
    You got full loot.
    Now you get less loot and part of it you get valued in skills gains so now skill gains are part of so called RCE.
    Skills effect was lowered a lot by nerfing and ofc you will need years to monetise your gained skills by selling them.
    In that time skills will devalue/loose MU a lot.
    Skill pool dont have cap and it cost nothing to MA.
    So MA have infinite possibility to give you less loot because they give you part of loot in skills wich most of players will not sell, wich will lie as locked peds with unknown future value/MU on your avatar for years.
    Untill you one day decide to quit and then realise that selling skills is not easy and cant be done in resonable time.
    Calling EU RCE is false here if one think to withraval skills - skills dont have liquidity, you cant move them fast as a loot resources or money on your pedcard.

    For me introducing selling-skills system was and is still wery wrong and give ppl false hope and incentive to play even on bad period - like - i didnt got good loot but i got bunch of skills - lol.

    New feature - Skill gain bonus buff use same logic like - hey i got bonus - it last 4 minutes, lets hunt/mine/craft fastest as possible during those 4 minutes without thinking on loot return, loot may be bad but i get value in skills gains. (lol again ..)
    Even if player know that - he will still act as MA intended, adicted ones even more.
    For that i said is an incentive to deposid more and play more (to gain something-skills that has uncertain future value)
    Many ppl play for fun and not to gain something, they play with professions where you cant get much like scaning , paramedic, taming, mind force - ppl played MF on times when mind esence was at 400% MU with small bad chips and sitll had fun.
    For that i say ppl will continue to play and skill bonus is just an incentive to play more or to suck newcomers faster on adiction path.