Question about economy and other planets

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Jasdar, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Jasdar

    Jasdar Member

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    I have had the question come up from others but not sure of the answer. The Economy of other planets. basically everything is pretty much controlled by MA but the question keeps arising about NI, AG, Cyrene. These planets don't have nearly as many folks hunting, crafting, or mining on them as calypso and arkadia. So how does the economy still work. For instance is there still a possibility of a global or a HOF from any of the three professions, or is it a slim chance. Is the amount you get from a creature or mine effected by the fact that there is not many folks playing on the planets. Just curious. I still go to these other planets but always come back to Arkadia. Just wondering if the formula's are different for calculating etc.
  2. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    loot is based off of your cost to kill, it has nothing to do with anyone else. (simplified answer)

    I am just as likely to get a xxx ped hof from a xxxx hp mob in ancient greece as I am Next Island as I am arkadia as i am cyrene as i am rocktropia as i am hell as i am foma as i am CP as I am calypso, etc.....

    Where the economy (or lack of) comes into play is when you want to sell or buy something on a specific planet, then it matters how many people are there.
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  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree with Narfi. There might be other effects that kick in when you have a certain level of activity going on, say during an event, but the basic loot system works the same even when nobody else is around... i.e. it is a myth that each mob/mineral has a "loot pool" that needs to be filled up in order to pay out. On the contrary... in my experience, I seem to get better loot when I'm doing what nobody else is doing....
  4. Jasdar

    Jasdar Member

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    Thanks guys. I never really bought into the entire 'loot pool' idea but even though I have been playing for 6 months I still consider myself a noob at best. I don't make assumptions about the game and give out wrong info. which is why I ask ya'll. Thanks for the answers makes me feel a little better when I am in NI and AG. Not that I have ever looked for the global or HOF but it does help in the having 'extra' ped to play when as Narfi said no one is around to buy your loot