Ok it is my opinion, that the mob spawns on ark, cover too large a land mass. im not complaining about density. Just the actual area size. i beleive u could cut that down to like 1/4 of what it is now with out screwing over the hunters. if ur a miner has this happend to you: "oh some mobs, ok ill just fly over them... ok... keep flying... cant be much further... ahh its still going ok no problem........ ok... ............. .............. ....OMG THE FKN HELL IS THE FUCKING POINT IN A FKN 10 MILE SPAWN FFS WHEN WILL THEY END?!?!?! not trolling at all, thats exactly how i am each time lol dont get me wrong im grateful that there is so much open land but, yh.. thanks kitch
I wouldn't mind seeing more open land. I think some mob areas are bigger than necessary but I'd also like to see additional continents too.
Well, I'm not a miner and maybe they really need it, but looks like it's already possible to cross the whole continent without seeing a single mob I once switched to the forums while auto-running, and when suddenly remembered about the game like 10 minutes later, I was still running, alive and not chased.
I totally agree, this is the thing I really hate with Arkadia, to size of the spawns are much too big, they never ends . Do something about it please.
hehe GL with that.. This was all brought up when the planets started. It was brought up when the game was just Caly. The game is built to keep hunters spending money and crafters grinding.. Miners are not even in the thought process at all. The thing is I brought it up when they went to regen mobs regarding too large spawns Specially before Arkadia came and Neverdie went all crack head with the barking merp on every square meter of walking space for Rocktropia that most of the hunters will not go more then one level II tp away from any revive because it is not cost effective with the regen. The only ones that really do are the super uber hunters that can and do cycle insane amounts of ped every run. That or someone that wants to farm a specific mob for certain loots. Arkadia may be more forgiving but MA will still force feed minimum allowable changes as always as they still get their 50%.
I am not much off a miner, but i always do some long mining runs when on Arkadia. Certainly never had any issue finding large mob free areas that are good to mine. So is it more that you guys think the large spawns are a "waste of potentially mineable space" or do you guys actually have issues finding free areas? I would have an hard time to believe the second one.
If i read the OP, this experience of ENDLESS spawn is familiar. Have seen it on Ark, looks like developers had to do something with all this landmass, so that's what they did. Same thing on Rocktropia - L75 dragons, endless spawn going on for miles like desperate cry "Please, come, hunt, generate some decay, we need some income!!!" Not a single green dot. It doesn't work that way. It's dumb and useless for everyone, including hunters. At the same time it's hard to find a good spawn for several mobs/maturities. I could not finish my Riptor mission, 'cause there was 2 usable spawns and those were spoiled at some point. No usable spawn left, game over. To find a good arrangement of different spawns on your planet isn't easy. Players posts on the forum might help a little but can't rely only on that. Have to actually observe what your playerbase is doing. That's a hard work and takes lot of time.
These "Mega spawns" is mainly a Arkadia and Rocktropia problem in my experience. I have never, or very rarely, seen this kind of big spawnd on Calypso. This is something Calypso manage much better in my opinion.
Not useless for me, I hate to hunt with others close to me and in the past when you could I went as far away from any TP as possible to avoid this(not possible today for several reasons), these days I try to move to the other side of the spawn instead and I even stopped hunting at all for hours or a day waiting for others to be done. So no not useless for hunters. But yeah the balance is tricky, and I know I'm in minority as usual but I would hate the spawns to be tiny remnants of what it is today...
Calypso has been established for 10+ years now.. Arkadia going on what 3? I am more then 100% Sure that Arkadia studios has far more planned and far more ready to go. Its MA holding them back and dictating what they can or can not do over "Population". David has stated more then once in interviews that most of what he wants to do is limited (aka stymied (my definition not Davids btw)) by MA's "Population" requirements before they will be allowed to implement anything. So since MA wants that fast money from decays and does not give two shits about anything but their bottom line up to and including planet growth and economies. These would produce far more revenue down the road yet they impose limits and dictate minimums. MA is extremely the "Live in the now" (take what we can now and find more ways to take more over time then actually grow and support the communities that feed them). I am sure ALL of Arkadia from the Devs to the player base would love to get the economy rolling better by having needed materials to do so not be manipulated by MA to the point of holding it all back at EVERY turn. Crafters are crying for useable materials that supposedly have been here for months and months but have not been or so extremely rarely found they have given up making the effort to try and produce things. I am guessing with Mindarks way of thinking all these needed materials are buried either in unwanted pvp zones or under mobs spawn that only the biggest and best hunters can even survive in. MA wants to force miners to not only be miners but hunters as well because hunting produces more loss in decays for the player which in turn makes Mindarks pockets fatter. So yes Billaireboy Mindark is responsible for the massive spawns like the kittehs up in the snow area that take up over 1/4th the entire server that only 15 or 20 people can viably hunt effectively in game. Yes Mindark is responsible for holding back Arkadia and yes btw there are mobs spawn on Calyso that hinder mining as well because they are too huge, too unnecessary. There is ZERO need for 50 spawns of the same crap mission mobs when people only actively hunt 3 or 4 to grind the missions. Caly could stand a massive shit spawn cleanup as well. That is the main reason I as a miner left Caly for Ark.
For me is not spawn size problem. Maybe maturity mix because here you dont have only joung as on Caly private LA's. Problem is that anyone who is buying skils and attributes from PP (i mean who is doing mission) have now double price to pay because mutated ones do not count.
Oh a "it's all MA fault" post again, never seen them before... The population requirement are here for a reason, to protect the value of assets and balance the economy. Would it be good if each planet partner could create how many unlimited items they wanted? To create an unlimited amount of land areas, shops, apartments and other estates? Owners of land areas would not like to have more and more of them created without an increase of the numbers of players. And that MA is the only one responsible for the massive spawns it's a bit hard to believe. At least the planet partner must have given some input of how big the spawns they wanted and where they should be. I think that it's mainly the lack of players (miners) that cause the biggest problems with lack of some of the rare resources, because the supply of a many of the resources is pretty low, even on resources that are not that uncommon to find.
Well Duh... EVERYTHING that gets done in game has to go through Mindark...so yeah.. its ALL Mindarks fault.. As far as protecting assets.. the ONLY assets that are protected in here are Mindarks. There is no such thing as balance in here what so ever. Every aspect of EU is now micro managed to the point they are shuffling assets around to balance the economy and not providing enough for it to actually grow. I love the attempt to justify your balance reasoning with apartments and shops...Just how many dormant shops and apartments are on Caly now? Still?...... As for mob spawns I do believe MA makes them so big as they make much of their money from decays be it whether the mobs are hunted or they ninja spawn outta thin air on a miner passing by. I am nearly a bajiilion percent positive that planet partners don't ask to have the important minerals buried under massive mob spawns no one goes near so they can never be found to intentionally kill their own economies. I don't subscribe to stoner logic as many mindark fans do. As for miners.. there are plenty of miners. The problem is that MA has set the system up to reward only certain play styles. The avg miner loses heart when they mine for weeks or months at a time with nothing special to show let alone a profit. I know I get pissed that after mining for near 7 years I have yet to have anything over 6.7k and only 3 claims in that entire time over 1k. I know I get pissed when certain miners get on and get 200 + globals and hof's in a few short hours and am lucky to see a 5 dollar global once a month. Luck my ass.. its a computer program doing what its told to do. If there is not enough resources being found its because the loot balancers puckerin string is so tight not even molecules fall out until there is an event on Caly then all that stored energy is released to their favorite players. So yes we are back to its ALL MA's fault. But you are from Sweden so I expect you to stand up for the home team and your sad attempts at justifying things are just as lame as other home teamers that try to make MA out as respectable businessmen.
I know resources that are common to find when mining and still the auction houses are a bit empty of the the resources when I need to buy them. So I still believe is not only a problem with "it's hard to find", but also that the player base are a bit low so the supply get also low and too irregular. And of course the problem get worse with rare resources, because you need an even larger player base to keep up a regular supply flow.
Yeah thats right it is the 1st one. Ofcourse you can easily go an mine for ages in free areas, but the large spawns seem like a waste as I am not seeing enough hunters there to justify those numbers of mobs. So maybe beeing slightly greedy but, if the huge spawns aren't needed, don't help anyone and actually hinder some.. then you would want to get rid right