may think it is ok to sell a used up BP on the auction to unsuspecting new comers, but let me make this clear. It isn't. If the BP needs to be TTd then TT it. Don't rip someone who doesn't know any better off, or who accidentally forgets to look ( or other noobs) and then try to walk away with a clean conscience, and don't try the "buyer beware" reasoning crap either. If you do it then you are nothing but a lousy good-for-nothing thief, and it is too bad Mind Ark doesn't have a way to punish people for that. If your BP only has a few attempts left then use 'em or TT it unless you are clear to whoever you are selling it to that that is all that is available, and clearly explain to them how it works. Contrary to what you may think the interface is not that intuitive. Much of what noobs learn is by trial and error, and mistakes are easy to make. Most people I have encountered playing on Arkadia are good and honest people. It's too bad there are a few of you out there that think this kind of thing is acceptable and are giving the game a bad rep on the basis that you figure the new comer probably doesn't know who you are. This has obviously become a pretty common thing on Arkadia because it has happened to me at least twice, once here and once on Caly. I assure you, I will look next time. It merely slipped my mind. But to the people coming in you are not giving them the right idea about the game, and chances are they will come along in their mentoring understanding that everybody in the game wants to rip them off and they should play accordingly attempting to rip everybody they can off too. I happen to know not everyone does, and as a matter of fact very few people take advantage of the noobs. It's truly a disgrace.
There's no such thing like used up BP or am I missing your point? Well posting tt stuff on auction is in most cases unethical but user can check everything before buing right? I've bought newbie cap few weeks ago for 3 ped from auction because i didn't knew that it can be acquired as reward in simple newbie calypso mission I thought i've tted it or something. Now i have 2 caps Silly me, but i don't think that i've been scammed or cheated in any way. I've just payed for my laziness
Hi starburst, I think you are probably misunderstanding some aspect of how bps work. Just as with weapons and armour there are Limited and Unlimited bps. Unlimited bps can be used forever. Using them has a chance to increase their Quality Rating (QR) which also increases chance of success. They are priced in terms of TT+MU eg 0.01 + 5 ped. Limited bps have a set number of uses when you loot them. And its entirely possible to loot an L bp with only a few clicks on it, even just the one click. L bps have maximum chance of success (as if they were QR 100). They are are priced in terms of TT * MU% eg 1000%. Some people suggest that a looted bp with just one click left is more likely to produce a global\hof, but I don't know if it is true and I certainly never plan on it. There's nothing wrong with selling an L BP with very few clicks left. Say a bp is valued at 500%, if it has one click you would pay 0.01 ped * 5 = 5 pec. If it has 10 clicks left, you would pay 0.1 ped * 5 = 50 pec (each click is worth 1 pec TT). As a seller I would expect the buyer to pay attention to whether a bp is L or UNL and also to compare the MU being asked to the auction history. Regards, KikkiJikki
You are correct about the BPs. I failed to understand a basic premise behind how they work, but I figured out where I went wrong. As to the buyer beware mentality though, I can't say that I agree with you. If you sell something based on the idea that someone who doesn't know what they are getting or what they are doing may buy it, then you are a thief hands down. I will say that I bought my first set of Musca Armor not on Arkadia, but on Calypso. A shop owner had come over here, bought it at the TT, and transported it over there and sold it for a MU. I do not feel, however, that I was cheated in that case, nor do I feel that if someone sells the same Armor for a MU on the auction that they are doing a disservice to the person who chooses to pay the MU and hasn't looked at the TT yet. I've also bought an extra Valkyrie on Calypso because the item is L, but I was unaware an RK-5 can repair structural integrity and that there is a difference between it's condition and its structural integrity. I didn't feel cheated then either. My concern was selling something completely useless or defective for real money. I mean that is what we are doing here isn't it? Playing with real money. We are not playing with something imaginary. Those were different circumstances entirely if you know what I mean.
Well even used up vehicles are sold and that's fine as they can be used as extra containers in your storage I always thought that it's MMo-ish game so we can ask other players if we don't know something. I can think of many cases where low tt items are sold for big markups and still that won't be even unethical. Think twice before buying, ask if you're not sure and you'll be fine. Or just pay for your mistakes. Above advice doesn't apply to exploits and other illegal activities that you may encounter.
I wouldn't say I am an advocating buyer beware. I am saying that I expect the buyer to check the basics of what he is buying. It's not that I am trying to slip one past the buyer but it's really not up to me to tell the buyer what a good deal is. Despite which, it is not uncommon when people approach me to buy crafted gear, I will tell them my price but mention they could possibly do better on auction or with person X (depending on the item). That's because I am intent on building a long term relationship with my customers and the last thing I want is for someone to feel ripped off when they discover the same item cheaper elsewhere. It's in my own long term best interest to act ethically. There is no doubt there are some bad eggs out there who would sell you the Brooklyn Bridge if they could get the deed for it produced within the game. There are people who buy TT bps and weapons and list them in local auction with MU. There are players who will try to fool you into handing over your gear for free (trust scams). There are players who will give you a "free ride" into lootable pvp where there will kill you and take your stuff. All we can do is warn new players to watch out for these sorts of shenanigans. BTW your wall of text is a little hard to read. If you are having problem with Enter key not doing what it is supposed to I think there are a couple of threads that talk about possible fixes. Regards, KikkiJikki
It can be tricky... for example, these two items mean very different things: 0.01 ped CAP-34 Jungle (L) Blueprint (L) 0.01 ped CAP-34 Jungle (L) Blueprint Easy for anyone... newbie or otherwise to mistake one for the other if they're not careful. I went for a couple days thinking I had looted a one-click golden key bp before I noticed there was no L after the name.... imagine my surprise! BTW, don't TT any L BPs unless you really don't plan to ever use them or know they're worthless. Some can be quite valuable even with just a few clicks left. Limited blueprints that are "broken" will automatically disappear after the last click, so a 0.01 ped limited BP actually has one click left. I do agree, purposely listing BP #1 at the price of BP #2 in an attempt to trick someone would be unethical, even if it is not against any of the game's rules.
Thanks KikkiJikki and others for your responses. I had posted that I had figured out what I did just before KikkiJikki's second post. Regardless, thanks for explaining. KikkiJikki told me even more I didn't know in her second post though. It all makes sense now. Apologies if I ruffled anyone's feathers. The moral of the story is, as long as there is real world money involved, you can expect that people who can will find a way to take advantage of the system. It's been the story from the beginning of time I imagine. As with anything, people can tell you about such things all they wish, but until you actually experience them for yourself through the school of hard knocks, you won't really understand what they are talking about. It isn't, however, under normal circumstances that someone didn't try to warn you. It is probably more likely you didn't understand, don't remember when it counts, or merely took it upon yourself to take an educated guess (ie...risk it) the wrong way. Frankly, as complex as this game is, mistakes are inevitable, but if it was that easy, what reason would anyone have to play. There would be no challenge to it. The only logical thing to do is remember you are playing a game, and of course, don't risk money you can't afford to lose. That would be a true tragedy. Truthfully though, this is the only game really like it that I have found. There is a certain thrill when you find that rare BP, craft that one HoF, or hit that one global that only this game provides. Some others may have attempted to mimic it, but as far as I am aware, this is the only one that has been successful.
Yea...just a misunderstanding. If I had a nickel for every misunderstanding I had been involved in I would be a very rich man today...I'll try and be a little slower to pounce next time something appears to be off to me. If I had just asked, I'm sure my outburst could have been avoided. To tell you the truth, I am rather embarrassed by this thread and if it accidentally disappeared from the server it wouldn't bother me in the least, but I wouldn't be hinting or anything. No not me.
Don't stress mate. It's real money involved so people get a little intense sometimes. The main thing is you listened to the feedback. edit: I remember an awesome thread on PCF about someone who claimed his apartment had been stolen. Boy was he pissed off. Actually it turns out he was pissed and in the wrong building. One of the best threads I have ever read.
To make matters worse, when you play in Windowed mode as I do, sometimes you just this this... 0.01 ped CAP-34 Jungle (L) Bluep... 0.01 ped CAP-34 Jungle (L) Bluep... So that unless you actually HIGHLIGHT the item, expand the window or in another way get the entire name of the item so it appears like this... 0.01 ped CAP-34 Jungle (L) Blueprint 0.01 ped CAP-34 Jungle (L) Blueprint (L) You could very easily click #2 thinking you are clicking #1. Buyer beware and all aside, sometimes you just have to slow down, breath and focus on what you are doing or you get bit...
lol...that would be pretty embarrassing. I just bet that poor guy just wanted to crawl under the table and hide. Funny thing about the Internet though; your mistakes hang around a very long time after you make them, and we all end up making one at some point. Twitter is the perfect example. I never saw a place as accident prone as that where people can get themselves in so much trouble with the media in less than 140 characters. I mean seriously, you would think you couldn't say enough in that short space, but people do somehow, and the media pays very close attention to every single syllable just waiting to pounce. Oh well...that's life in a public forum where everybody can read it for an eternity.
I think there is a reason that ppl put extremply low TT items on auction. This cud be better observerd on Calypso auction than here. If you check periodicaly and for longer time you can find out that some group of 10 or maybe more same avatars constantly seel items with wery low TT. Puting an item under 1 ped of TT value mean you cant sell for less than 1 ped - auction limitation - no cents alowed + auction fee but is not all. That items have 10 times higher MU then same item with higher TT. Just go look skill auction. Same ppl with low items puting there in turn, sometimes entire pages of skill implants under 1 ped and sell for 4k% MU, for 9k% MU or even for 20k% MU. Selling one item with TT 0.1 for TT +9000% is still low money and they are hunting for inpatient buyers but is not all. They are manipulating market. Next seller will see by opening auction and 3 pages of that item in range of TT +9000% and will try to put similar price on his own. And in those 3 pages of crap there is always one big TT sale from same ppl for a lot less but still with unreal high price wich will look good in confront to all otrher listed. MA auctiion history do not work well and show changed - high MU regardles of small TT amount of items sold. And here is also where "certain sellers/ manipulators" hunt inpatient buyers counting on that that not many look on amount sold at that high MU. Ah they buy their items back too with bidout or by biding on "partner" items so auction MU history remain high and fluent and this is going on for years.
Thanks for warning me Dan59. I will be on the lookout for that now. It helps me when experienced players are able to make observations like that they have picked up by playing over a long period of time, as I have not been playing long enough to make them for myself.
to make it even more complicated, Rocktropian BPs are all screwy with Unlimited ones marked as L and vice versa...