I dont see it, help me understand please

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by pacmagic, May 25, 2011.

  1. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    For some time now I have been hearing about Arkadia and watching people say how they will leave calypso never to return because its going to be so awesome.

    I have been here a few hours now and I cant see it, vast areas of empty land, most mobs requiring a lot of ammo to kill and offering the usual no loot after no loot, mining being almost useless on the vast areas of empty land.

    What was it that made you come here, all I can see reading the forums is that its the dev team, well i cant see that in the game I only see that on the forums and thats not the game (although credit where its due the dev availablity here is good), it seems just like the other new places.

    Expecting to leave soon unless I have really missed a point to the place, or maybe its just not for a hunter/miner of my level.
  2. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    Wel ppl are crafting, hunting a lot (check globals), exploring a lot (tps count is quit a lot) I enter quit a few mobs in entropedia and i saw big spawns massive to say. Tried one small iron kind of mission .. Either you are really wanting to get a manual given to you wot to to or try and explore a lot
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I had 5 globals tonight on Huons. Am up about 100 ped before MU. That will keep me coming back. My soc mates spent a lot of time exploring finding the tps and checking out the various mobs. We getting a reasonable idea of what is good to hunt, what is good for teaming. Looks like mining is still bugged so avoid that for now.

    Looking pretty nice so far. A little better than I expected given my expectations for a newly opened planet arent real high. Only disappointment for me so far is that the only non generic loot I have found was 1 piece of wood. All other loot I have seen on Calypso.

  4. True Juan

    True Juan Member

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    Check out what SDS did in the last 3/4 of a year. Then check out Arkadia... maybe then, u will understand
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  5. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Im down a fortune (well a fortune for me :)) I expected a lot of different things in the loot I guess but as you say its all the same stuff. I just cant see what the catch was to make everyone come here proclaiming it the new home.

    For the record my loot win/loss rate is pretty much the same as calypso so i doubt thats a fault of Arkadia, its just me and MA obviously hate eachother loot wise :)

    Im sure im missing something but i dont see it yet.
  6. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Nope still not seeing it, ingame things look pretty much the same, are you meaning the forums? If so I can see that but that doesnt effect my game play.
  7. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    Is that you Marco ?????
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  8. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    No, it's Daisy from RT, lol :D. BTW: he was on Arcadia too to craft... ND must be pissed now, lol :D.

    I am here because I have seen a big move forward after VU10 on Calypso and then seen a lot of the old problems: no communication, broken promisses, lack of communication, no new content... and on top of that: the Shinkibas are a shame... they look shit if you compare it with the possibilities of the engine.

    Arkadia just started and already has the same quality, if not way more. But from this company I expect way more new content and way better things in the near future. That's why I am here.
  9. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Lol I doubt that they would post here and not on their own forum.

    I guess I just wanted to know why the hype was so high, im begining to think it was just to stick it to the calypso planet owners and not anything really game related, and with the way MA and since they are the same people the calypso bunch are treating people I can understand it.
  10. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Ah I was always under the impression content such as the shinkiba disaster was an MA thing not a planet partnet, in that case Im even more disillusioned with SDS/FPC and MA.
  11. malasuerte

    malasuerte Active Member

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    The amount of blueprints that are looting will make a lot of crafters come here, that means the hunters/miners will be able to sell their loot fast and maybe with better profit.

    The dev team is very proffessional and answers the questions of the community in a timely manner.

    You have a chance to win some alienware goodies.

    It is a new world to explore and it will continue to evolve and inmmerse the players into its storyline.

    Arkadia studios will soon (as in this weekend) start a heavy advertising campaing that will probably attract a lot of new players and that will be good for the economy.

    New equipment, the coolest armor I've seen (looks a lot like the nano suit :)), new weapons with great design.

    More things that I can't remember at the moment.

    Pick one and go explore
  12. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Ive got my brother to make an account that I can borrow (ok keep he will never play it) and I will start it on Arkadia, maybe my enterance experience wasnt so good for me.

    I will be honest I am very unhappy with the mining bugs still being in, my MA hate may be blinkering me slightly.

    Thanks for the answers so far, do keep em coming I am interested to know what really did bring you here.
  13. red

    red Member

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    for a long time, calypso was the only game in town (so, to speak). within any community, there is an element that desire to see change. many hoped that would have been rocktropia but it wasn't (one reason was thematic, the second I'll address later). then, it was next island, that hope was crushed as RT's design studio (NDS) built the initial implementation.

    having suffered two disappointments, these people focused on arkadia which was to be the next release. one of the big problems for many with the NDS created RT and NI was the sloppy modeling, poor texture design/application, imbalance in creature design/density/locations, lack of forethought for the creation of a planetary economy (no BPs, useless local loot items poorly balanced in terminal value, etc), and a slew of annoying bugs. as such, people want to see someone succeed - if only to wake calypso and make them competitive again to improve the universe as a whole. many want to have options on where to spend their money in a game they like.

    CKI has been working on cyrene for a long time. the expectation is that they will deliver a professional and complete product.

    next island is retooling and there is an expectation for them to deliver as well.

    so, as you wander around, look carefully at the construction of the buildings, layout of towns, the countryside, scenic points of interest, creature spawns, cross section of maturities, playability, etc. then think of how all of this compares to everywhere else you've seen.

    what level would that be? I think it's important for a planet to be able to cater to all playing levels and styles where possible. it show good design.
  14. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Thanks Red, some history like that helps, I will give it some time and see what happens I guess.

    When I speak of my level I speak more of my budget I think, I can handle up to some of the level 34 ish mobs but thats only armour/faps, gunning them down just costs too much as their regen/hp pools are huge and after 5-10 no loots in a row or a looting of blazar fragments (oh joy) nothing seems to be different. I havent up to now seen many lower (budget hunt?) mobs but have seen a couple.

    Im hopefull the starting account will point them out a little. With such a huge land mass I need that sort of pointer I guess, with so much of it empty its easy to get bored of the same trees over each hill with no red dots.
  15. Mister Goober

    Mister Goober Member

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    just north of relentless firebase is some daikibi type mobs and north of those is some argonaut type mobs, hope that helps:)
  16. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It is really simple.....
    nobody expect REALLY much more loot or daily profit (ok some goodies would be nice ;))
    but a good customer support makes happy customers, and the playerbase will grow....
    more players more loot......and here is the customer support exellent ;)
  17. red

    red Member

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    that's part of what exploring is all about. I'm not sure if I'd call lower level creatures budget targets. sometimes, lower level creatures are better to hunt because they're more consistent in their returns and you're more efficient with them.

    again, finding the right ones is part of the fun of exploration. we're only on the first day. so all is certainly not known.

    well, instead of being bored, relax and think about something else. it's important to have spaces with no red dots so you can naturally heal (saves money), scout herds for targets (more efficient hunting), drop a probe, talk to friends, have a picnic, ...

    best of luck. I'm sure you'll be fine.
  18. Dibbler

    Dibbler Member

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    Well this is partly the reason, but for me it seems that Arkadia seems to have a vision, have a marketing strategy, and so far seem profesional in the way they operate.
  19. Atraie

    Atraie New Member

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    Ditto that, id love to see arkadia succede. Love to see it draw in a lot of fresh blood.

    Rocktopia and next island were both huge disappointments. And ya i say that having never even been there. Neither place interest me. The complete lack of professionalism form their dev teams also doesn't interest me at all. If the teleport fees didn't exist i would have checked them out. But with them i have zero desire to ever go to either.

    I also haven't checked out arkadia and currently don't plan to. Again because i REFUSE to pay the teleport fees. When space comes along if its more reasonable ill definitely go check it out. But until MA rethinks the teleport fees, ill remain on calypso.

    But at least out of game the arkadias team's level of professionalism is far above all the other planets. So i really do hope they succeed.
  20. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    i do agree that there are vast areas that are not populated, i walked over 15 min without encountering anything is some areas that is surely no fun, but i would assume that these vastly empty areas will probably be LA's in the somewhat near future. I looted terribly yesterday, but thats just my bad luck, while hunting 3 different time on three different mobs another person claimed an uberloot. it happens. maybe today will be my day... after work of course :) give it a little time to see what its all about. something will surely come your way.