Arkadia and the new DNA parts

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Tzepu, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Have looted a Scoria Eye. Happend never before to me. No word about DNA in description. Does someone know something about?
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Scoria eye will be an ingrediant in a new bp.
  3. rastamannen

    rastamannen Member

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    I would prefer if there where dna from non existing mobs that dropped. My oweko dna is pretty much useless, spawns are great at untaxed land. But if they remove Oweko spawns then im happy :)
  4. Fallen

    Fallen Member

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    so when the meeting was held to decide to drop all these new animal parts at the same time as DNA was released, did you guys have a good laugh about that, or did anyone take a moment to stop to think what the player would think?
    what with 10 ped globals, 50 ped hofs, useless discoveries, is there ever going to be a end to the new ways that are thought up to remove or devalue any special thrill one can get in this game? :)

    my suggestion is to hire someone whos sole job is to constantly repeat the words "what will the players think of this", it would save you guys a lot of work, and money, and us players a lot of annoying and stupid decisions :)
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    So given that the parts are used in new bps, should they
    - hold off yet another release before they drop those bps; or
    - drop the bps but have them useless because the required animal parts aren't dropping; or
    - hold off on dropping the DNA parts, reducing the usefulness of the LAs they are trying to sell?
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Just stop and think for a moment before posting... you're saying that you want to stop discoveries in the game unless they're really uber awesome ones. As you know, if you are honest with yourself, not all items in the game can be worth thousands of ped markup. Some--indeed most--must be ordinary.

    Entropia has an intelligent playerbase. Players need to exercise common sense. When a new item is discovered, it's common sense to read the item description and it's smart to not assume you have looted "The World's Most Valuable Object" before you know what it's used for.

    I read a lot of negativity toward the game and the A-team in all your posts lately; I don't recall reading any recent post from you that was not complaining or insulting in some way. I think you need to work though your issues about the game personally instead of airing them in public and trying to blame others for problems you have with the game. That's just my opinion.
  7. Triton

    Triton Member

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    found a "Blank Arkadian DNA cartridge 1"
    if any new landowner is interested in buying it please contact me :)
  8. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I don't mind to have a la with the mobs from the instance that drops dark nights armor
  9. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    hope we're not going down the NI road of far too many specialist loots. That didn't do NI any good. I actually use most of the old animal parts in tailoring, but it was always hard to keep track of which i needed for what, and annoying that there was only 1-2 things i could use that part for (I've TT'ed a mistaken purchase more than once)

    Now all these new parts are dropping, I'm like "Aaaargh" I just don't want to know what they are all for.

    Next time somebody asks me "Do you need any animal parts?" I'm just gonna say "No thanks", cos I probably DON'T need the parts they happen to have and it might take me 30 minutes to work it out for sure (after checking clothing stocks, blueprint requirements and materials in storage). Seriously. It's taking all the bleedin' fun out

    Sorry to be so negative. you guys are doing a great job, overall. Just please quit scaring me like this :D

  10. Fallen

    Fallen Member

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    maybe i should list the disasters of the last year?
    people tend to complain when there are good reasons for it neil, some complain when there are not good reasons, but most complaints have at least some reason for starting, some basis in reality, and i dont think i need to go over every last detail of the last year to explain why some of my posts have been highly critical. i also have expectations, a certain level of quality i expect from a product or service, if what i say sometimes makes someone a little uncomfortable that says as much about the subject or the feelings of the reader about the subject as it says about me.
    i also have a really really low tolerance for being told that what i see with my own two eyes is not real :)

    but im sure if you checked my posting history a little more clearly you could see that i do try to be helpful to people, i try to stay factual and on topic, i dont swear shout or abuse, as wel as being highly critical.
    and if you ask anyone that knows me in game im sure they will same the same, that i am generally helpful and friendly.

    on top of it i am not just some "forum warrior" or disgruntled looser upset at poor personal decisions, i play the game, and when i play it i tend to play it pretty hard, and i do ok for myself...
    and if i am not happy on arkadia for what ever reason, i can always leave, and if im not happy in entropia, i dont have to play, so in the end, if im not happy with something it doesnt tend to stay my problem for long. :)
  11. Gorgiasz

    Gorgiasz Member

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    Hi, Folks.
    I just looted nusul flesh ( DNA part ). how much it can be worth??
  12. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    For how long will A-team keep that dence ?? New LA owner will not like that.


    Just looted a YUKA Mandible - DNA part
  13. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hopefully it will be a LA owner with a plan then...
  14. Kerham

    Kerham Member

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    Density/maturity in non-taxed is at A-team's discretion, whereas on LA is at owners'. Is way easier to manage this setting letting the market decide than having some dude breaking his brain in an office wether players would rather like riptor young or stalkers this week.

    Also there's the problem of purity of spawns. Been away unfortunately for a good time, but I was an avid Tiarak hunter, young-provider, thank you. Then it got Dominants. Then it got Riptors. Dunno how is now.
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There is now the choice of creating mutated mob dna and Ark devs have said missions will be created for these new varieties if\when players create and use the dna. That sounds a lot more viable than the normal mobs for a land owner.
  16. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    Very true - only thing else we need to see is if the mutated drops something else than the ordinary mobs.