Amplifier damage bonus question

Discussion in 'Ask an Adviser' started by miteke, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. miteke

    miteke Member

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    If the damage bonus from an amplifier is 4 and the damage range for the weapon is 4-8. How does that work with only boosting 50%. Does it boost the damage to 6-12 and loose some of its potential in the lower ranges?

    If the weapon did 8-12, would it increase it to 12-16?

    So basically, I'm thinking, you want your amp to do 50% of the min damage! Is that right? So for a weapon that did 4-8, I'd really like an amp that boots by 2 to be efficient?

    If this is correct, it doesn't look like I have ANY good choices out there for the TT rifle. The best fit is the overpriced A101 (probably overpriced for that VERY reason!).

    I can't wait until I graduate to a decent weapon range :(
  2. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi miteke,

    Very good question. The A series of laser amps are highly priced for their efficiency and the fact they no longer drop (ultra rare if they do).

    Unlike your weapon, the amps will apply the full dmg amount to whatever random base dmg your weapon yields. So in essence, with your example.. your laser rifle normally yields 4-8, but with amp could be 8-12 (and yes 12-16 if weapon base was 8-12). They're well worth using if you don't mind the up front investment. The limited (L) amps available on the market are also efficent, thought not quite as much, and also have sales markup factored in.

    Best advice is be patient on the damage increases. If not, impatience will cost ya.
    I highly advise browsing Entropedia.Info for a weapon suitable to your needs (and skills).

    Also, team hunting can be efficient and can allow you to survive higher level mobs.
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This is incorrect.

    Generally (things get a little more complicated for unmaxed weapons) for a weapon that does max damage x, you will do damage in the range from x/2 to x. An amp increases your max damage from x to a new value y, and you will do damage in the range from y/2 to y. Y = x + min(ampdamage, x/2).

    So to use an example of an amp that does up to 3 damage and your TT weapon. max damage increases from 8 up to 8 + min (4,3) = 11 and you do damage in the range 5.5 t0 11.

    If you use a super large amp (20 dam) on your TT weapon then max damage = 8 + min (4,20) = 12. So you can see you are not getting full value from an oversized amp.

    The other thing to look out for is the impact of damage enhancers. They also increase max damage and they increase it by 10% of the base unamped value. so if you had your TT weapon plus an A101 amp and a tier 1 damage enhancer. Max dam would be 8 + min (4,3) + 0.1 * 8 = 11.8, with your damage range becoming 5.9 - 11.8.

  4. miteke

    miteke Member

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    Interesting, so it is based on your MAX damage. So using a +4 damage amp on a 4-8 weapon really maxes its efficiency. I like.
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well it depends on what you mean by efficiency. The optimum use of a specific amp is where it's damage rating is 50% of max damage for the weapon you are putting it on. But hunting efficiency is enhanced when the dpp of the amp is higher than that of weapon AND the amp is not too big for the weapon. This is why the A10x, A20x laser amps are popular. And in BLP weapons, people will use a Dante if they can afford to own on and it's not too big for the weapon but generally won't move up to bigger amps like the Evil as the eco drops significantly. Entropedia is really handy for working this stuff out Go to Choose ur weapon and the amps you want to check out. Be sure to include weapon and amp MU and, if you are not maxed in the weapon yet also include your relevant hit and dam profession levels.
  6. SLD

    SLD Member

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    Amps are good. :)
    By increasing your dps on a gun, it will take less shots to kill a given mob, therefore making your gun last longer. This is a very good thing, especially if you are paying 130% or more for your guns. However I'd like to point out using (L) amps doesn't make sense to me, paying MU (often very high MU) on what is essentially just ammo is a bit silly imo. I know the amp crafters will have some argument to counter that statement, but seriously... come on.. aren't returns bad enough when ammo comes from TT? Do we really need ammo that has 130% MU? The e-amp series may not be the most eco amps in EU, but they are dirt cheap compared to the Omegatons, and of course can be repaired for 0% MU. I have 4 e-amps of various sizes, and I use them on any/all guns that I shoot, except finishers. Amp up and have some fun!
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    So as a crafter I would say: 1. I generally use unl amps but I make sure they are actually eco 2. Do the math and compare dpp. Let's take an example of Cap7J with max damage of 20, using E-Amp 12 (unl) vs Hotfoot 10 (L) - both adding 10 dam. I dont have my spreadsheets with me to check current market so I will put the cap-7j at MU 120% in line with Entropedia. If I use entropedia weapon chart to work out effective dpp for Cap7-j at that MU with E-amp 12 attached I get dpp = 2.782 If I instead use Hotfoot10, I need to increase the hotfoot's MU to 141% before dpp drops that low. So if you want to hunt efficiently the choice is pretty clear between those two amps.