Aakas instance - Puny version

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Sub-Zero, May 9, 2013.

  1. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero Member

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    Well how about it?
    Make an instance key for a new aakas instance that only have the puny version of the mobs there. The boss can be a puny version of the boss as well.
    Let the key be bought from arkadia trade terminal total value can be something like 1 ped.

    This would be a really nice way for newcomers to get a cheap and taste of the arkadian instances. Obviously no rare items lootable from the instance. This could also provide new people an alternative to just hunting when they are beginners.
    Add new aakas instance puny mob missions as well (Iron mission if ya want).
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    well that would be key level 1.
  3. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    All mobs except bosses in Key 1 Aakas can be killed by TT-weapons (solo)
    Why we need a puny version? Level 1 is good for training. Moreover, these missions are designed for teams, therefore a team (3-5 players) with ASI-TT R or ARK-TT R can easily do Level 1 key. When players will be ready for solo runs, they can, likely to, use more powerful weapons.
  4. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero Member

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    Well my point is that the level 1 key has too high TT and not doable solo for a beginner, so they can't get a "taste" of the instances unless they go in a team, though my idea was mainly about to give a different option than just the usual carobok/gallard hunting for beginners, so they could have done the "puny instance" with puny bosses. More options is always good.
  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    IMHO, no need for puny key. There are already a few people willling to introduce new comers to Aakas Instances, there actually was an event today organized by a player.

    I believe instances are to be run as a team, most do them solo and that is fine but I do believe they should be designed and run as a team for maximum fun. And if you get a team of 8+ you are now only paying less then 2 ped for the key so you already meet your request. The mobs in a level 1 Key are mostly puny's the way it is except ubo's and the bosses and that is why you need to make friends and team. So in a way there already is a puny instance in place.