Arkadia items and clothes?

Discussion in 'Clothing' started by Atlan Leticron, Nov 17, 2010.

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  1. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    I am interested to know if we can expect items and clothes from Arkadia?

    I would love to be able to craft specially designed Arkadia weapons like assault rifles for example.

    And Arkadia made clothes, would be nice to see dark or black clothes or camo uniforms.

    I guess some unique materials will be found/looted/mined too?

  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks for the thoughts Atlan. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!

    Just a gentle reminder that it is Arkadia not Arcadia.

    Anyone else want to see new items on Arkadia? If so what is the most important unique stuff you want to see?
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Most Unique thing I would like to see is respectable returns for my 4 year investment into this Universe..
    From Arkadia Id be willing to accept anything that wants to jump into my loot window that would move my ava forward in some way. Tools, cloths, Unique weapons made more for midrange players and not some reject L item with 25k ped tt that needs to hold hostage 22k of it to function.

    Anything NOT over the top meant specifically to suck the life from me as is the case with all things EU currently.

    (I know most of these wants are out of your control) but something shiny once in a while would be nice to see and good for morale.
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Fixed title and OP
  5. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Thanks ans sorry.
    Had a busy day and was home late, sorry for the miss spelling.

    I was thinking along the lines of special Arkadia weapons, clothes, textures and maybe even vehicles.
    It would be nice to see some diversity in the universe.

  6. Skytle DblooD Dryke

    Skytle DblooD Dryke Member

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    Other then planet unique guns armors etc I would love to see some furniture, cloths, art work and other antiqueties that you would expect to find at an old and ancient place.
  7. Jamira

    Jamira Member

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    Looking forward along the storyline. Yes, a uniform of the Liberation fleet please! LOL!

    But serious, new clothes would be very cool. I don't want to repeat my wishes from the wishlist section.

    Dave, can you tell us what kind of new items you are able to deliver? Mobs, weapons, tools, clothes, houses, vehicles? Or is it a secret?
  8. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Yep unique to Arkadia items would be cool and not just some high end items, change the stuff from the TT as well.
  9. warpath

    warpath Member

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    I would love unique clothes and armour, something that stands out as uniquely arkadian. So if I take a holiday from Arkadia to calypso for example I have a uniquly arkadian look, build some patriotism to the planet.
  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Nope not a secret. I can't tell you exactly what will be new in terms of tools, weapons, clothes, vehicles. I can say that mobs will be unique to Arkadia, as will any estates.
    we are looking at this atm
    I totally agree, it's very important that Arkadia has it's own identity and that the identity can be expressed by those that choose to call Arkadia home.
    You can't have a treasure hunting planet without treasure hey. You can be sure there will be a range of new things to discover on the planet.

    Our aim is to develop an entirely new planet that genuinely feels like a new planet. That means lots and lots of new stuff to get excited about.
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  11. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Oh Ozi ...everything i read and hear from Arkadia is realy great and i cant await the time.......and i realy realy hope that MA and their updates not destroy your good ideas and the good way that you walk .......

    new clothes would be nice also weapons and other is boring to see everywhere the same oils in the loot window :)

    and if your Planet is only half so good as i think will be my new home :)
  12. Jamira

    Jamira Member

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    Yes! That's an important part. I think I won't give up my appartment(s) at Calypso. But I want one at Arkadia too ... with Arkadia furniture and pictures at the wall, maybe some souveniers from Calypso ;-) And I would be happy to go back to the old places at Calypso one day and meet old friends and tell them: "Look, I am an Arkadian now." And I would like to show it to them with my outfit.
  13. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Well I hope to see black and dark clothes too.

    Currently I am not happy with the idea that I have to sell a kidnee to own a black coat.

    Those colors are currently way to expencive and rare to get for fun.

    And thats just one example, I can think of more.

  14. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    While (affordable) black clothes would be nice, I'd rather see you keeping up the good communication with the user base, Ozi! It'll make all the difference IMO. :D
  15. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Understanding that you can't do anything about game mechanics or economy, whatever you can do in the content department to make Arkadia unique would be welcomed. So all of the above already mentioned please, new models, new textures, new objects with new functionality if that is possible within the platform 'dynamics'. Even reskins on basic objects would be nice and add to the unique feel of Arkadia, and it sounds like you have the team that is willing and able to do this kind of creation.

    On the clothes subject, in every game I have ever played (mmos that is) black and red are THE in demand colors, along with white, which I am sure you are aware of. Items and clothing in those colors or the containers of paint to create with are always rare and costly. I don't know if it would work or if this is set in concrete by the platform economy, but if possible doing something of a reverse on that might make a lot of start up players happy for sure, making some of the other colors harder to find instead, so in the end we all look the same anyway and of course folks will then want the 'different' colors and be willing to pay more for them lol. New colors would be nice too, again depending on what you can do without having access to the code ;)

    Maybe make our start up 'ojs' be something like the old all black set we used to be able to buy from the tt in PE, with an extra touch like an emblem or something that makes it unique to Arkadia? (on that subject, again don't know if it is possible with the MA requirements, but one of the most depressing sights in Entropia now is all the newcomers wearing starter clothes that look like the cat was sick on them, if they can't be full tt can they at least be enough tt on them to make each newcomer feel they actually have been given something they aren't ashamed to be seen in?)

    Clothes are an important thing ingame, and though not in the least necessary to play they tend to help set the tone of the game from the beginning, so for that reason are important. If you managed to achieve something like what I said above, of course everyone would then want to come to Arkadia to get the clothes, even if they had no intention of staying there, but then of course they might see the place and decide to stay after all, or if they went back to another planet, they would be wearing something that effectively advertised Arkadia. All part of the healthy competition between planets that will exist (and must) :cool:

    Sorry for rambling on so long, slept in late and Cyrus's newsletter got me in here still half asleep I think :eek:
  16. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Active Member

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    I think everything has been said already. I would love to see a great difference in design of clothes, paints, weapons, vehicles, armour, and face and body tat's that when seen is always responeded to as Arkadian!! Let there be no doubt that you are from that planet and your there to kick some ass or help the noobs!! ;)

    Just a side note (and I think I will be shuned for it but) how about some anime type clothes and vehicles!!?? Futuristic of course!! :D Oh and one more addon.... Some new music... something that is sci-fi and distinctly Arkadian!! :D

    Edit: Crap im editing my post lol !! Forgot one other thing that I personaly would like to see.. Not sure this can be done but here goes.. While your out hunting treasure you find some wrecked space crafts and you have the chance to salvage some parts to then put together your own space faring crafts!! This could also be done with other things as well.. weapons, clothes, armour.... etc.. :)
  17. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    It is certainly a major focus for the team to deliver a planet that feels distinctly Arkadian. I'm sure you'll get hints through the story and via videos and screenshots that show what to expect when we launch.
  18. darkshark

    darkshark Member

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    I totally agree that we need different clothes for a new planet and anything, anything to escape the limited tired old 'sports team' look of entropia fashions, one of the two poorest elements of design in the entire game which has never gone away, and cowboy hats and lurid patterned limited scope outfits (which dont fit our equally basic old fashioned avatars) which have dominated thru 7 years of Entropia on Calypso. Let's for once have some clothes that have a real futuristic sci fi look and actually look like the stuff in movies and many other disc based games and truly belong on another exotic planet. I don't want to travel to Arkadia looking like some tasteless footballer's wife or someone who's on a running track. I heartily endorse the wish that for one we can find a planet where the colors are not limited by some magical heirachy of cost and skill for reasons unknown to any common sense.

    I only wear black or red clothes and I cannot believe the trouble and time I have had to go to let alone the horrendous expense to accumulate these in EU on Calypso where black especially has been turned into a major money sink which makes no sense. I am in EU and Second Life for 7 years now and still can't get used to the fact I can buy tens of thousands of clothing items and possessions of every type in any colour i choose (and usually change it at the click of a mouse) in SL and edit them and copy them for the same common prices as any other item, whereas on Calypso we are stuck with antiquated chain store styling, a tiny range of uneditable clothes and black items are valued at some insane level .. so can we have a place where black is just another color and coloring your items is just a simple choice please not a major investment project. (that's my black rant done then!! phew...)
  19. Kay Jones

    Kay Jones Member

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    ah, black, very important. If you cant change the availability of the color because its defined by mindark, at least make standard clothes black. and remember henry ford:
    Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.
  20. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    whilst i'd like to see the availability of black clothes increased, i doubt MA would allow something that would upset their markets "balance". That would effectively cut out the chance of black being made cheaper on Arkadia than it is on Calypso or Rocktropia etc...though i'd love to be proven wrong in this assumption
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