If it's 10K peds... different story. You can see she still has 5 tries left on the BP on the screenshot, so not a bad idea Snapes! Cheers -Wolf
Grats Chilix 8) great to see the Key BP becoming a viable craft, awesome victory for you and you shop
Exactly my thoughts So without further delay: View attachment 6760 I, Svena svena Faraday, would like to claim my prize of 1,000,000 Arkoins for turning over one Arkadian Golden Key to the The Archaeological Society.
nooohhh what have you done gz on your pile of arkcoins, expend them wisely sure you will have nice stuff to choose from brokers so when is update?
I'm glad to announce that we finally have our Arkoin Millionaire! Congratulations Svena svena Faraday! I thank you on behalf of the Archaeological Society and Dr. Sundari Zhen for your contribution to the cause. Your one million Arkoin reward is now sitting in my inventory waiting for your collection. I'll be guarding it with my life...
i had you in mind already , awaiting confirmation of update date so i can set a time and start contacting the team, also any idea what is the max team count ?
I don't know, but it's more than 12. Players only need to be part of the team to ENTER the instance. Once inside, they can exit team and will still stay in the instance and get loot. This also means you can't kick someone out of the instance once they're inside, so choose the team carefully. I believe the A-team said that the instances have a maximum of 500 players at any one time, but I don't know if that's Ark instances or all or some other planets.
Im also currently on Arkadia if you need more bodies to help run the instance Ill pay 500ped to join in ... and share in spoils hehe