Asking here because the Ark team are usually pretty good at sharing this kind of info. Can you give us dates for forthcoming planned planet partner updates and/or platform releases? I know there is a platform update next week but how about after that? I realise these things are subject to change but I guess there are some dates pencilled in.
How big is big?! They've finally worked out that they can't implement a tiny update without bugs, let alone a mahoosive one .. and have pencilled time in to sort out the duck ups?
Thanks Cyrus, I was hoping for a specific date but I guess you don't have one. I suppose it will be either the 19th or 26th.
Well, I hope the Feb update would contain 1.New series of guns to fill the SIB gap caused by adjustment of skill requirement in last VU 2.New crafted limited/unlimited armors 3.New series of armors and guns in loot and old herman series and existing armors stop dropping. 4.New range of clothing and furniture. 5.New items in treasure mining and instance. 6.Arkoin broker up and running 7.Mining amp 8.3 new mobs for newbie/medium/high level players with 3 new textures. 9.A bit more missions. Am I being too greedy now?