Riptor Rampage Robbery Rage

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Neil, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    With the extra hunters from Calypso coming to our planet and hunting riptors, I wanted to warn people that some of the less desirable hunting practices also seem to have been imported to our peaceful planet. Namely, kill stealing.

    Here's what happened to me a little while ago. There is one player who had been behaving oddly around me since the event started. He would walk up close to me and stand there for a minute, like he's trying to agro mobs onto me or something... maybe he was just impressed with my sword and my musca armor, I don't know. A little while ago he was following me about 50 m off to one side and KS'd my mob (I say "my mob" because I did the first damage with my trusty SIR-20 when we were both outside the mob's agro range, the mob agro'd onto me and continued to chew on me until it died). I go to loot it and surprise, this loot doesn't belong to me. Then I watched as the swirlies came out and the other guy got the 73 pedder, which really sucked since I actually have to work for these globals and I have limited funds, and this guy should be hunting stalkers not youngs with his ped card, equipment, and skills. GRRRR! I can't say publicly who it is because of forum rules but he's in a soc which I've always (so far at least) respected as being fair, high level players. This is not the only case of KSing I've experienced in this event so far, just the most annoying because of the global. Well, at least it wasn't my ATH. :p

    Now, the only way to "kill steal" a mob in EU is to do more than 50% of the damage, so if you're hunting eco like me, it's not hard for someone to do more than 50% of the damage even if you get the first couple shots in... especially if they're higher level than you or if they get a crit or two and you get some misses. So the best thing is to stay 150m away from other green dots and watch your mob health carefully. If you see extra shots hitting your mob and you just started shooting it, abandon the mob... it's better to lose a shot or two than half a mob. If a mob is not full health, don't shoot at it, and if it runs toward someone else, stop shooting it, it's not your mob. Mobs sometimes seem to agro the "wrong" player if there are many green dots in one area or (more likely) if the "other" player is inside the mob's agro range and the mob spontaneously agros onto them an instant before you start shooting. So don't shoot at mobs that are close to other players. If someone's following you, teleport away. In my case I didn't bother moving away because I thought he was a reputable player. I should have kept him off my radar... especially considering the previously odd behaviors I had observed. Live and learn who to trust and who not to. :/

    It's a good event, nice and balanced between "dps+peds+dedication wins" and "everyone has a chance" with random opportunities for the rest of us to win. Plus, they seem to be looting pretty well so far, probably about 90% return for me atm, so I'm staying afloat for the moment. Unfortunately the riptors aren't spread over a very big area and the hills can make it a little harder to find good hunting spots when there are other green dots around.

    Also remember that honest mistakes sometimes happen, so keep that in mind before getting consumed by Riptor Rampage Robbery Rage.
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  2. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    would like to know the name
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I encourage people to share names of such individuals with each other via PM. The more people know the less chance of these clowns ruining peoples fun. Whilst these practices need to be addressed at the same time we (the forum staff) must protect people from false accusation as well hence the forum rule regarding naming.

    I would furthermore encourage people to take screenshots and keep chat logs and send these directly to Support if you feel the actions of these people is ruining your enjoyment of EU. This is in direct violation of the EULA/ToS that everyone agrees to when they login so people who are deliberately going out to spoil the enjoyment of others need to find that such actions have consequences.

    Neil, I commend you on the general and informative way you've written this post. Take note people, this is a very good example of how to address such things at the forum level. +rep
  4. Infeliece

    Infeliece New Member

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    Heya Neil,

    Sorry to hear about this Wanker doing this to you, plz dont think all us CAly tourists are like this, I've come over to compete in the Riptor Challange since i have zero chance on MM :)

    I know ive heard of this happening on CAly when Levi hunting was a big thing, ppl PK'ing the original shooter b4 they got 50% dammage done and killstealing and other crap like this. I think its just a low act and if I see you hunting Riptors all you will have to worry about is me healing you :)


  5. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Guys,

    I'm sorry to hear that the bad practice of kill stealing has made its way into this event. I would also like to know the names of those misbehaving and kill stealing from participants, so please if you are having problems with a player repeatedly misbehaving take a video or a lot of screenshots with what is happening along with an in game time stamp and contact me via PM here on the forum.

    Merry Christmas :)

  6. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I can recommend to all ways to have a high dmg weapon on a hotkey. That's what I do and then after the loot I say thx for helping shooting my mob. Then the KS will leave the area fast after they have talked with mr XT T7.

    just remember one thing (as Chris say: repeatedly) as one KS is not a KS but an act where 2 ppl shoot at same mob at same time. Many ppl scream KS for only one mob and that is not fair.

    So remember repeatedly.

    Peace on Arkadia.
  7. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I had someone try that on me yesterday too but they could not out DPS me and left
  8. slupor

    slupor Member

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    I think the worries should be more about the totally abysmal loot from Riptor than about Kill Stealing.

    Before this event I was in the top 5 of All Time number of Globals on Riptor, and loot was fairly balanced over the runs. Now it's a total mess and unsustainable to hunt. I got my random prize entry globals for the 3 categories and won't bother about Riptors anymore. Too bad, as it's a nice formatted event.

  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Could you be more specific about the loot "mess"?
  10. slupor

    slupor Member

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    It's that slight inconvenience when you come back every time from a run with way less peds than you started with. If you haven't seen it, good for you!
  11. J.B.Cash

    J.B.Cash Member

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    In reply to the original post i would like to say that it seems it is a misunderstanding was taken out of hand now that i see this thread i will post here my version

    firstly the first time i took notice of you was when the incident ocurred i did pass by in my sleipnir as i was relocating to find an easier location to pull solos and saw your armor which seemed preety cool to me first of all cause its green and to all who knows me i wear full green armor :) and carabok outfit as green is my favorite color and also the armors and gears of arkadia are still preety new to me since i started recently hunting these riptors and being more active here than other planets.

    I saw a gd in my radar which in my opinion was at a fair distance so i kept hunting when the mobs started thining out there were not many left we tagged the same one you say you hit it first i say i hit it first to be honest as i told you its the holidays and during this times the last thing we should be doing is arguing and bringing negativity i wished you good luck and happy holidays and told you i would move outside of the radar to avoid such incidents of which you agreed and then i never saw you again. after this incident i have taken even more care of hunting outisde the radar range and away from gds as i am here to have a pleasant time compete in the competition and hunt some mobs
    Happy Holidays to All Keep it Clean and Best of Luck During the Competition

    P.S. Gz on Nice Uber Yquem and sry to all for grammer and spelling english is not my main language

    James Bling Cash
  12. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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  13. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    Indeed, that's the cure for this disease.

    Most ppl don't use their biggest gun for normal hunting, usually it's something many levels lower. The real killstealer always observes his victim first, he only attacks when he sees he can out-damage you.
    If u had only one weapon, you lost. If you have something bigger as a backup, the joke will be on the kill stealer..
    (That's about the intentional killstealers, not about those innocent accidental misunderstandings that can happen to everyone.)

    Anyway, if u take anything that happens to you as a challenge it's always fun. Most important never give up, there's always something u can do... ;)
  14. Sirhc

    Sirhc Member

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    Sorry to hear about the kill stealing :( It's an unfortunate result of these events. So far I have only ran into one other hunter at the place I hunt. Needless to say Karma will catch up to those who do it.