Watch This Planet Arkadia Update 2012.7 (4th December 2012)

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Cyrus, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    I got caught by this, although not as badly as some because my affected gun (LAW-303 Jungle) was only at about 35% TT when I bought it; I presume it was a mob drop, because it had a zero tier level.

    I have level 40 (soon 41) laser sniper, and the weapon was well and truly maxed. Now, I'm below SIB range and it's essentially unusable by me. I also don't know whether it will sell on auction at all and if it does I will probably lose peds on it; I assume its maxed level will be around level 50 laser sniper, and there aren't all that many people in that range on Arkadia; certainly not now with MM coming up.

    So there is a 150+ PED gun sitting in my storage waiting for me to gain 8-9 levels. Peds down the drain, and I don't have all that many in the first place.

    Arkadia devs say there will be gaps in the SIB progression. Certainly right; in this particular case the nearest fit (below) is the standard LAW-303 with a required level of 27 so maxed at around level 32 - I assume, anyway. Next up is the LAW-303 Desert with a required level of 42 - a FIFTEEN LEVEL gap.

    Personally, I think that the Arkadia devs need to make filling in the gaps in weapon progression a #1 priority, else lose most of their residents.

    I looked on Ark auction yesterday; there are literally no guns at all on auction suitable for my level. Two Calypso guns, one way below and one way above my level and both at really high MU.
  2. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    You must be a driver by far better than me ;-))
    I tried the roads leading out of the Quarry, using my trusty old Valkyrie, and damaged it seriously this way. Was like driving a bumper car ...
    Only due to my lightning fast reflexes and my Uber agility I could avoid a broken neck during the many somersaults. Well, yes ...

    Besides I'd think that about 50% less birch trees would have been sufficient. Wasn't there for too long but could imagine that bigger sweating groups in this area could easily produce a slide show to all not blessed with state-of-art gfx cards.

    This area looks nice now, congratz! Not sure if I was there before and can do a good comparison this way, but I liked the landscape. Btw, possible that the Nusul lost their cute death animation? And they feel a bit more reasonable now, even if it's still ways too much HP for the tiny damage done ...

    Have fun!
  3. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    I went twice to akkas, and sow no golden door, couldnt enter room where is supposed to be but couldnt see it from outside door seems like empty. is it usable or not?
  4. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Aahh by availability improving you meant the weapons we were using can no longer be used by us efficiently so they just sit in the au? Or did you mean that more bps will be dropping….. wait it can’t be the bps because the drop rate on them have dropped themselves? This really screwed the crafters who try to craft Arkadian weapons most of all and I know some will say what about the hunters well…….they got the EU screw too.

    So now the sales on the herman series will drop because the ones who were buying can no longer use them proficiently, thus causing the economy to drop. Did we not learn from the Arkoin issue????? Noone buying the weapons + noone buying the mats to make them + noone mining for the mats because the mu is crap = a drop in revenue. So I ask you how is the economy to increase when someone keeps screwing the pooch? Unless you offer up a solution to the problem and actually implement it the economy WILL BE AFFECTED. You can have the most beautiful planet but if you don’t have a way for players and business owners to make a living what will happen to the economy then?

    An economy is; the production and consumption of goods and services of a community regarded as a whole. Key word there was COMMUNITY without crafters to craft, hunters to hunt, miners to mine and customers to buy all you have is a pretty planet. As a shop owner I must consider the factors in the decisions I make and live with the consequences that I personally make.

    Us as crafters/shop owners are really getting the big stick here, please show me the silver lining of this cloud. Because if you screw the sib on weapons that hunters use (like you guys have) and offer no workable solution other than “We understand that this is causing some frustration in not being able to use weapons previously maxed but the alternatives to this could in the long run have been far worse then this.” How much worse Like, a semi-collapse of the economy? But I guess it is better than a complete collapse of the economy.

    Ark has never had many UL bps drop anyway it has been a problem for as long as I can remember(just a little over a year now). I know you said you guys opted to rebalance but how long will the rebalancing last before you have to nerf the herman weapons or rebalance them again? It seems a little counterproductive to screw the pooch on the weapons without opting to have a solution in place. This does not instill confidence in the players but creates uncertainty on what is MA/Arkadia going to do next?
  5. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Correct me if I am wrong, but this the way I look on it: Whole "rebalancing" is orderd by MA and a PP don't have the last word about stats of Items. The last word has MA in such things. Always. So even a PP is pissed about such "adjustment", there is no way to prevent it. I bet there is also something like a "Non Disclosure Agreement", so a PP can not say: "Blame the guys at MA, not us. We hate all this like you do".

    The injustice is, the PP has to stand our complains, even if all this was not their own idea. For me, the source of all evil is located in sweden, not in singapore.
  6. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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  7. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    by balance they mean a way to get more all your peds not just a portion of it
  8. Lucky_A

    Lucky_A Member

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    Looks to me that after the last VU an economic crysis will hit Ark ... reasons are obvious :( ... hope u guys have some plans to soften that.
  9. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    I might add that the situation with mob loot and also mining loot and also "treasure" being at least 50% TT fodder (and probably more than that) seems to be getting worse, not better.

    "Treasure" items in that category include flint axeheads, flint arrowheads, brass and bronze alloys and both types of amber.

    Is it not at least possible to stop stuff being dropped for which there is no market? One more thing: Although I don't have any figures, it's my gut feeling that TT ammo is an increasing proportion of mob loot.
  10. Lucky_A

    Lucky_A Member

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    Yup, agree to u mate :)

    Add to that :
    - No Arkoin brokers -> no motivation to run instances -> no market for keys -> no demand for many treasure parts
    - Increased weaps SIB -> less interest in Ark weaps -> less crafting weaps -> price drop of Ark ores & enmats
    - Ark clothes passed novelty status and no real interest in them anymore -> almost no crafting on them -> no demand for many treasure and mob parts
    - MA makes L vehicles decay while using -> no reason to texture those -> less demand on popular ark mob hides (like tiarak, carabok or nusul)

    Personally, cycled ~3k in hunting, ~1k in mining and roughly 2K in crafting on Ark since VU ... results ? AWFULL !!! Might be i'm passing through a dry period, but can't help feeling something changed in loot distribution ... never before in 3K cycled on hunting big mobs like scoria, huon, tella or kiana have I came empty handed in terms of items, be that L weaps or armors :(

    I do believe A-Team has the skill and capability to pull it through, but seems a hard time lies ahead for Ark till next update in 2013 :(
  11. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Absolutely. Why weren't these nerfs held back until extra guns were added to the game??? And why did we get no warning? We should have had at least a month to prepare for this. Seriously, this is the worst problem I've seen since Arkadia's opening. Who knows how long Ark hunters will be screwed now? A month? A year? Forever? We've seen how slow MA is to implement Ark stuff (long range guns, muscle oil, arkoin brokers).

    This is the first time I've really been disappointed by an action the A-team has taken.
  13. Grez

    Grez Member

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    I agree. The lack of notice is highly disappointing. Is there any chance we could get a breakdown of the mob nerfs done to the Ark mobs? Introducing new weapons that fill the gaps is a must and so is getting the arkoin brokers working. If you can get those settled quickly, the economy will continue to do well I think. Until then, it could have some problems.
  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Chilix, I don't understand the point you are making on the Vixen gear. What does that have to do with the siituation being discussed. On the instance loot, wow, is it the same loot result on each run or is the loot for a run split between the boxes?
  15. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    again kikki
    you can see by dialogues that is other run
    and the eleven globals of each box 93 again

    and happened in level 8 instance in other

    abaut the vixen, out of topic, wrong forum and so i deleted it srry
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hmm, So guranteed consstant return of 1023 ped. Whats ur approx cost to run the instance, incl Key?
  17. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    Key 10s cost around 1500 peds to do. So nice 70% tt return.
  18. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    i didnt tracked it using different guns to tier , but guess +- what svena
    there was before a serial of globasl all same amaunt but this time 0f 103 i think in aakas 10, so all not the runs the same
    4 runs = 17 MF nano chips
    in one run = 5 laceratting attack chips VIII L
    in total 10 lacerating attack chips viii
    930 peds in arcoin
    what i am going to do with the poor loot i got i wonder

    but all is good in australia :)
  19. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    EveryBruce: Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, we love you amen!
  20. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    That is interesting, Seems fixing the bug where the instance did not want to exit resulted in all the boxes splitting the loot evenly. Ill forward this on to MA.