Entropia Universe 11.10.0 Release Notes

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, May 17, 2011.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Release Notes Sum-Up

    Since the release notes are pretty extensive, here you have them in short:

    • The Entropia Unvierse Official Game Site is Updated - check it out: www.entropiauniverse.com.
    • Voice Chat Expansion and Updates - proximity voice chat available for you all.
    • Push to Talk - actively choose when your microphone is on.
    • Markers - vehicle markers are added and there's now additional information when targeting participants and creatures.
    • Mining Update - All bombs, all detectonators, all excavators and all refiners can now be used to find, extract and refine any type of resource.
    • In-World Support Service - send support cases through Entropia Universe.
    • Improvements and Fixed Issues- for example, we have added a relation between the strength attribute and max carried weight before speed is affected.
    • Policy Updates - Voice Communication Service - Terms of Use is updated, due to the voice chat expansion and updates.
    The Entropia Universe Official Game Site

    Have you seen our complete remake of www.entropiauniverse.com? If not you should definitely check it out. There's the buzz,a blog-like function where we will post information regularly, the media section, with both concept art and screenshots from Entropia Universe, some basic beginner's guides and more.

    Especially check out the latest buzz and the addition to the beginner's guide for Voice Chat (http://www.entropiauniverse.com/entropia-universe/beginners-guide/interaction/).

    New Features

    Several new features are included in this release:

    • Voice Chat Expansion and Updates
    • Push to Talk
    • Markers
    • Mining Update
    • In-World Support Service
    Voice Chat Expansion and Updates

    In 11.3.0 we released the first part of the Voice Chat system that is developed through a collaboration between MindArk and Ericsson. Today we release the second part with the following expansions:

    • Proximity Voice Chat. This is included in the Basic Voice Package which is a voice chat based on proximity, available for all participants for free.
    • Create a voice team (Premium Voice Package).
    ...and more voice chat features are in the pipeline.

    Basic Voice Package - Proximity Voice Chat

    By using the Basic Voice Package you will be able to speak and listen to other participants in your vicinity. The participants' sound volume will differ depending on how close you are to them. Also, you can hear which direction the sound is coming from.

    This feature is disabled by default, but you can easily activate it:

    1. In the Main Chat UI, use the volume icon as a button to open the Options UI for Voice Chat settings.*
    2. Select Enable Proximity Voice.
    3. Accept the changes and close the Options UI.
    Premium Voice Package

    The Premium Voice Package includes the following features:

    • Private Voice Chat, where you call people on your Friend List when you are in-world.
      Note:*The participant you are calling must also have the Premium Voice package.
    • Create a voice team with a maximum of 6 members, including yourself.
    • Increased sound quality, compared to the Basic Voice Package. This affects the sound quality when listening to other participant's proximity speech, no matter which voice package they are using.
    Team Voice Chat

    With a voice team you can hear the whole team, as if they are within 2 meters from you, even if they are spread out over different planets in Entropia Universe.

    Note:*You can only initiate a voice team if you subscribe to Premium Voice Package or Premium Voice Team Package+.*However, the rest of the members only need the Basic Voice Package.

    If you are in a Voice Team and target one of your members, you can see if that member has their microphone and loudspeaker activated or not.

    You will still be able to hear other participants based on their distance to you and they can hear you in the same way.

    Premium Voice Team Package+

    The Premium Voice Package can be upgraded to Premium Voice Team Package+ which includes the following features:

    • Create a voice team with a maximum of 12 members, including yourself.
    • All features in the Premium Voice Package.

    The subscription is based on a fee that is paid in beforehand, allowing free usage of the system for the coming 30-day period. At any time you can choose to deactivate the fee-based services and then that subscription is put on hold. You can either downgrade a service or select the free Basic Voice Package in the Desired Service option.

    If you have a valid subscription of the current Voice Chat service, you will access the Premium Voice Package for the rest of the 30-day period. After that, if you wish to continue using the Premium Voice Package you have to activate that subscription. Otherwise you will only have access to the Basic Voice Package.

    Note! The Voice Chat does not longer have its own PED*balance. From now on, if you have accepted a fee-based voice service, your subscription fee is drawn directly from your PED Card. If you wish to pause your subscription you need to actively do so.

    Basic Voice Package

    The Basic Voice Package is available for all participants without any subscription fees.

    Premium Voice Package

    The regular subscription fee for the Premium Voice Package is 15 PED per 30 days.

    Premium Voice Team Package+

    The regular subscription fee for the Premium Voice Team Package+ is 10 PED per 30 days.

    Note: The Premium Voice Team Package+ is an add-on to the Premium Voice Package. Therefore, a subscription to the Premium Voice Team Package+ also requires a subscription to the Premium Voice Package.

    Main Chat

    Three icons are added to the Main Chat due to the addition of the Basic Voice Package:

    • Loudspeaker icon: Button to enable and disable incoming voice sound. As default, when you log in, the loudspeaker is always enabled.
    • Microphone icon: Button to enable and disable your microphone. As default, when you log in, the microphone is always enabled.
    • Volume icon: Button to open the Options UI for Voice Chat settings. This icon also indicates the outgoing voice level.

    The Communicator UI is used for selecting service type and setting up payment for selected services.

    • Current Service - Displays the highest service currently activated.
    • Time Until Renewal - Displays the number of days and hours until your subscription needs to be renewed.
    • Desired Service - Roll-down menu with available services. This is also where you can deactivate a subscription.
    • Fee - Fee, in PED, for selected service in Desired Service.
    • Package Details - Information about what is included in service selected in Desired Service

    Bandwidth Connection Settings

    If you want or need to change your bandwidth settings you will now do it through the Tools in the Client Loader.

    Note: The voice chat is affected by your bandwidth settings. For efficient use while using voice chat we recommend 256 kb/s-1Mb/s.


    Genesis, the starting area for new account holders, also has free proximity voice chat.

    Push to Talk

    You can use the feature Push to Talk to actively choose when your microphone is on. This way you won't constantly transmit your background noise.

    Enable (or disable) Push to Talk in the Options for voice chat. You find the action Push to Talk in the Action Library and then you can choose to bind it to a key on a keyboard set.


    Vehicle Markers

    Each spawned vehicle now has a marker placed above it when you have it in your field of vision. When the vehicle is located outside your field of vision the marker is placed on the border of the Desktop. The marker's size corresponds to how far away the vehicle is, the larger the marker is the closer the vehicle is to you.

    Note: You can only see vehicle markers when you are sitting in a vehicle yourself.

    By default, the whole marker is blue. The bottom part of the marker can have a different color to reflect your relation to the vehicle driver:

    • Light blue - The vehicle driver is in the same team as you are.
    • Green - The vehicle driver is your friend (on your Friend List).
    • Dark blue - The vehicle driver is in the same s ociety as you are.
    • Yellow - The vehicle driver is in the same force as you are.
    Targeting Participants and Creatures

    Additional information visible when you target other participants:

    • Effect over time. You will see if the targeted participant is affected by any MindForce effect that lasts over time.
    • Grace period. You will see "Arrival Safe" when targeting a participant during his or her grace period.
    Additional information visible when targeting creatures:

    • Effect over time. You will see if the targeted creature is affected by any MindForce effect that lasts over time.
    • Danger level. Each creature's danger level is set in relation to other creatures' levels.
    • Unreachable. Creatures will have unreachable state visible if they are unreachable.
    Mining Update

    All bombs, all mining amplifiers, all detectonators, all excavators and all refiners can now be used to find, extract and refine any type of resource.

    Note:*The new refiner tool also includes tailoring refining.

    When you search for resources it is possible to configure what kind of resource to search for. Therefore, the detectonator UI is now opened as long as you have it equipped. You can also search for more than one type of resource concurrently. This will require the amount of bombs needed for selected resources and the tool will be deteriorated accordingly.

    Any gained experience while using mentioned tools will be in the profession related to the found resource.


    Considering earlier input and future expansions on the mining system we have merged several individual tools within the same usage span into one tool instead of separate tools. The goal with doing this is to simplify the usage of them. With the merge you will have to carry less tools and you donĀ“t need to switch so often at the same time as you can search for a wider range of resources.

    Since we aim to expand the mining system with more items and categories along with our Planet Partners, the old system did not scale well and the complexity would be excessive. You can already see some new indications in-world of what is coming.

    To maintain the balance when doing this merge we have thoroughly evaluated each individual tool's characteristics, considered market value and blueprints. All in all we believe that these changes are necessary and will make the system easier and more powerful to use, providing a flexible, viable and stable part of the foundation in the Entropia Universe economy.

    Note that the tier levels on mining tools are maintained.

    In-World Support Service

    You can now open a support center UI in-world and handle your support cases through it. This functions just as the web interface for support cases, which means you can create cases, check both your active and closed ones and communicate with support through here. However, if you wish to upload files to explain your support case you have to submit your support case through the support web site.

    Improvements and Fixed Issues

    Health Points

    • When you increase or decrease your maximum health points, you will receive a notification.
    • When clicking on a Health Update Notification the Skill UI is opened with the Attribute category selected.
    Max Caried Weight

    We have changed the max carried weight before speed is affected. Additionally, strength attribute points can raise your limit for when your weight is affected by speed. When your max carried weight is updated you will receive a notification.


    • MindForce implants can be inserted again.
    • You won't be able to drop items when in a vehicle anymore.
    • The in-world account details will now show the correct gender.
    • When scanning a vehicle you can only get scanning skill when somebody is inside it.
    Policy Updates

    Updated or added the following sections in the Voice Communication Service - Terms of Use:

    • Added Rule of Conduct. In short, the addition stipulates the following rules:
      • You may not broadcast copyrighted material.
      • You may not make disturbing noises that may compromise the experience for other users in Entropia Universe.
    • Updated Termination of Subscription or Services
    • Updated or added the following sections in the Voice Communication Service - Terms of Use:
    • Services Provided by Third Party
    • Subscription Fee
    • Service Level and Support
    • Termination of Subscription or Services
    • Cooling-off Period
    • Additional Terms
    Note: The*Voice Communication Service - Terms of Use is referred to from the Entropia Universe Account Terms of Use, which you have to accept before you can log in to Entropia Universe.

    Originally posted here...
  2. lokiscamaro

    lokiscamaro Member

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    oh...........my..........god !

    im not even sure what to say........................................
  3. dude

    dude Active Member

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    I have to agree with the above statement. That's alot of stuff. The mining changes are interesting
  4. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    Yep, its almost worth staying up for to try a few things out :D
  5. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    Interesting to see how this works out for mining amps. E.g. EnMatter amp 101 has 303 uses and eff. 1.3

    ... or used to have.

    - How much the decay would be for the finder + 101amp and if You have the dual-mode on and You're concurrently looking for both, ores and enmatters at the same time?
    - What's the efficiency of the amp used, from now on?

    Entropedia mining-section got just outdated :) Interesting to log on the first time after this mining-update and see the actual results of this on mining as general, deposit sizes and decay etc.

    Oh... and being a few weeks old noob, that weight/speed/strength adjustment could mean more melee training ;)

    -- Hyssch --
  6. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Longblades FTW!!!

    Nice update, seems PP are bringing in changes.
    Is it Milton Lee's attempt on extracting some resource from Arkadian water that brought that change in mining technology?

    Linking the storyline to the EU dev.... Omg, I'm hooked, I am becoming a true Arkadian. :D

    .LeZ. :wtg: <-- see?, I miss one smiley here! ;)

    Edit: good to see ArkadiaBot is doing its job well :)
  7. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Ziplex Z1 Seeker
    Bomb cost:
    Energy mater: 10
    Mineral: 20
    Treasure: 30 :eyecrazy:

    Arkadia treasure hunting?
  8. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I'll update with more details soon. This is the first stage of adding Treasure Hunting. It won't be fully operational at launch on Arkadia though - just wanted to give a heads up. But don't worry, there will be plenty to keep you busy until it's fully implemented.
  9. Great Dane

    Great Dane Member

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    Just one week - Really happy to see Treasure Hunting on the horizon. Certainly fits well with the story line. I better get plenty of sleep in the next few days --- certainly won't have much after the launch.

    Thank you confirming that Treasure Hunting is on the way.
  10. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Woohoo uber happy!
    Something really new coming up, that is some serious stuff!
    Everybody on the same noob ground for this one :):):)
    Ty for the heads up David, much appreciated :)

    .LeZ. (I have to find a distraction until tuesday....)
  11. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    Thank you for the heads up ... it's good to know that treasure hunting is definitely on the horizon. :)

    Don't know what to say about the other stuff though, especially about the mining updates, but as soon as I understand it better I might come back with a comment or two.

    I guess I can say that I'm happy that I created my own profession a long time ago, because it doesn't cost me much to maintain it. However, I'm definitely going to try my hand at treasure hunting. Besides, Dr. Sundari Zhen and I have a date after the launch. :p